Strange cat behavior and other signs that “evil spirits” live in the house

Home is the place where most of our life takes place. A comfortable space where we sleep, relax, gain strength, and where we invite people we like. But sometimes it happens that guests appear in our home without an invitation. Dark representatives of the immaterial world are also looking for refuge. And if they have chosen your apartment, then some changes may occur in its energy. There are clear signs that there is a paranormal presence in the house.

Something strange happens to your mood when you're at home

At work or on walks you feel stable. But as soon as you cross the threshold of your home, your mood goes negative. Or strange emotional swings begin. Then suddenly you feel an extraordinary uplift, then you slip into depression and discover the presence of suicidal thoughts. I often feel like crying for no apparent reason. All this emotional instability may be a sign of accumulated dark energy at home.

How to recognize neurosis?

With neurosis, it becomes common for a cat to repeat certain movements or actions, which often look meaningless and, in fact, are exactly that.

The following changes in behavior should attract the owner's attention.

Moving to "nowhere".

It's normal for cats to be active and playful, and even when they "go crazy" running around the house or apartment, this is nothing more than a manifestation of playful behavior. But with neurosis, a cat can quickly walk around the room, as if not knowing what it needs and where it wants to go. At the same time, it is difficult to attract her attention or switch it to some objects or activities.

Excessive cleanliness.

This is the most common symptom of a neurotic condition in a cat, and it is quite difficult to notice, since the habit of caring for oneself is in the blood of these animals. But, unlike “healthy licking,” with neurosis, a cat is able to pay attention to the same part of the body for hours. This often leads to hair loss and inflamed skin in such areas.

Meowing for no reason.

With neurosis, a cat's sociability undergoes changes. If previously the pet meowed to attract the owner’s attention, trying to invite him to play and ask for a treat or affection, now he does this for no apparent reason. The cat's habits begin to resemble the behavior of a person experiencing stress, who, without realizing it, mutters something under his breath or talks to himself. A cat may meow for no reason and show other signs of anxiety that are not related to hunger, pain or other objective factors.

Redirected aggression.

If a cat that is always calm suddenly attacks its owner, family members, or other animals, this can also be a form of neurosis. As a rule, such conditions occur with chronic pain, prolonged and severe stress, and fear. Punishments for attacks in these cases are useless and only make the situation worse.

“Unusual” habits.

In neurotic conditions, a cat may become addicted to chasing its own tail, hunting for non-existent prey (suddenly jumps in the air and “catches” something, jumps up and chases something that the owner does not see). Also, a new acquired habit of sucking or chewing fabric, paper, etc. is often observed.

It is important to understand that all of the listed habits and actions of a cat can be symptoms of neurosis when they are of a repetitive, obsessive nature.

Bad thoughts enter your head

When you are in your home, you constantly think about something negative. You begin to look for flaws in yourself and those around you. Thoughts come to mind: “I’m always unlucky,” “my neighbor is a bitch,” etc. Over time, hostility towards people grows and you stop inviting anyone to visit you at all. It happens when bad thoughts drive people to the extreme step of taking their own life. And the negative energy at home pushes a person to such a decision.

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People sense that something is wrong with your home.

The heavy atmosphere of their home is felt not only by its owners, but also by other people. If earlier your friends loved to sit at your house over a cup of coffee, now they constantly come up with an excuse not to do this. Guests entering your home may experience a sudden deterioration in their mood or even their well-being. You and them may begin to have sudden, violent arguments and quarrels. There are cases when the evil spirits living in an apartment selectively influence people entering the house, not allowing men into it. They become very uncomfortable, and an irrational reaction of panic and a desire to leave the confines of the house as soon as possible appears. At the same time, you may have excellent relations with them in another territory. Pets sense someone's invisible presence and behave strangely. It’s as if they see someone else besides you in an empty room.

Reasons why cats leave home

Despite the many prevailing superstitions, there are always objective and explainable reasons why cats leave the house:

  • A new pet has appeared in the house - a kitten, a puppy. Or a child was born. A cat who considered himself the only and main object of his master's love may simply not cope with feelings of jealousy and resentment.
  • The animal experiences frequent stress due to an unfavorable environment in the house or the intrusiveness of children when playing. The child should be taught to treat the pet carefully and affectionately and to normalize the emotional background in the family.
  • The cat is lost. This is an active animal, at any age it can get playful, succumb to hunting instincts and, in pursuit of “prey,” simply get lost. Sometimes the pet finds its way home and returns on its own.
  • The female went after the cat or the male went after the cat during the spring rutting period. This happens especially often in March-April. Usually within a week or two the animal that has gone on a spree returns. A female - most likely with a future offspring. Also read the article about when cats start walking.
  • The cat left to die alone. Even a completely domestic pet, feeling its death approaching, often leaves its owner. People find several explanations for this - the animal wants to hide in a secluded place from pain, and does not want to cause worries in loved ones.

But, most likely, it’s about the same ancient instincts. In any wild pack, a terminally ill individual seeks solitude so as not to attract danger to its relatives, since it can no longer be a strong member of the pack. The behavior of an old or sick pet in this case is similar.

Sleep brings no rest

At night, you may often have nightmares, strange creatures, other worlds. Sleep does not bring restoration of strength, but on the contrary, you feel as if instead of it you were unloading cars all night. Sometimes so-called sleep paralysis may occur. A state when you are no longer sleeping, but cannot control your body. Terrible fatigue prevents me from even moving a finger.

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Eyes are the window to the soul

Your cat's eyes help tell the story of her internal state:

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  • Slow Blinkers: Slow blinkers are the air kisses of the cat world! If you notice your cat blinking slowly while looking at you, you don't need to be surprised by this strange behavior. This means that she adores you.
  • Dilated pupils: the cat is definitely excited! Whether he's playing or getting ready to brutally attack a toy, dilated pupils are a sure sign of cat excitement. However, when combined with aggressive sounds, wide pupils can mean your cat is scared.
  • If your cat is staring at something with a fixed gaze, such as a squirrel or another cat, this is a sign that she is preparing to attack. On the other hand, if she is afraid, she will avoid eye contact and look for a way to escape.

Are you scared to be alone in your house?

You feel afraid when you are alone in the house. You may hear strange sounds - whispering, someone calling your name, various creaks and rustles, footsteps. Evil spirits love to knock over various objects and slam cabinet doors.

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Possible reasons

Each cat has individual character traits and methods of communicating with humans, but there are many common traits that can help you find out what exactly the animal needs. Strange behavior is always appropriate to the pet’s condition, despite the owners’ expectations. As a rule, strange behavior of a cat can be expressed in the following


  1. complete apathy or excessive activity, depending on the animal’s temperament;
  2. the cat constantly follows the owner, caresses him, or shows aggression if the pet was previously calm;
  3. active damage to furniture, wallpaper and other property;
  4. refusal to eat;
  5. a usually quiet cat suddenly begins to scream when trying to relieve itself, or for no reason at all.

Behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the general emotional mood in the home.

Health problems

If your cat has recently started behaving strangely, it could be an illness. One of the most common examples is that an animal has stopped going to the litter box. The final cause may be pain when urinating. As a result, the cat begins to associate the tray with the sensations experienced and begins to look for another secluded place to relieve itself. Sometimes this may be inflammation of the intestines, hyperthyroidism, liver or kidney disease. A visit to the veterinarian is necessary in any case to avoid worsening the situation.

A cat's health can be weakened by stress, especially after various moves or changes. Most pets react to this in their own way, they behave strangely, and their reaction is seriously different from humans.

Hormonal imbalance

Domestic cats go into heat several times a year. Cats suffer from this no less, since throughout the entire period hormones are constantly raging in the animals’ bodies, which can cause the cat’s unusual behavior, since their wild relatives reproduce only at a certain time, usually in the spring. Pets' biological rhythms have been disrupted, resulting in animals experiencing problems with hormones.

The problem is solved by castration or sterilization. The most optimal age is 7-8 months, for cats preferably before the first lambing. This normalizes hormonal balance, making pets much calmer.

Discomfort due to furnishings

Often the reason for a cat’s unusual behavior may be the inconvenience of using household items. The problem may be due to one of the following reasons:


  • There is not enough free space around the tray.
  • Noise from surrounding objects, such as a washing machine or toilet tank while water is filling.
  • Water is dripping from the tap.

Similar problems can arise with other items, for example, a scratching post. If the cat is uncomfortable using something, its strange behavior will let you know about it.


Having reached old age, many cats change their behavior and some habits; this is associated with cognitive functions - memory, coordination of movements, orientation in space. If any of the above has worsened, then this behavior is normal for a cat, especially an older one.

Elderly animals need constant help in adaptation and regular medical examinations (about once every six months).

Negative experiences with previous owners

Any insults inflicted at a young age have a serious impact on the future life of any cat. Subsequent attention and care only in huge quantities can weaken the effect of the experience.

Trauma from violence, severe fear, and punishment can trigger uncontrollable aggression, panic attacks, and many other problems. It will take quite some time to socialize the animal again.

How to bring positivity and well-being back into your home?

You can try to cleanse the energy at home with holy water, prayer and church candles. Starting at the front door and moving clockwise, walk around your home, reading the Lord's Prayer aloud. Run your hand with a burning candle over each corner. Pay special attention to your sleeping area. He should be crossed three times and sprinkled with holy water. Wait until the candle burns out and take the stub out of the house along with the trash as quickly as possible. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and salt after performing the ritual of energy cleansing of space. It helps to periodically fumigate your home with herbs such as immortelle and thistle to combat evil spirits. Add salt to the water when cleaning floors. This mineral is a good conductor; it is able to absorb and take away bad energy. Try to sort out and throw away all the trash stored in the house. What is broken, give it to be repaired. Throw away items that cannot be repaired without regret. It is better to give away what you have never needed during the last year to friends or those in need. If your efforts do not bring results, and the heavy energy of the home continues to depress you, you can turn to the help of specialists. Ask the priest to bless the house.

And the most extreme case, when nothing helps, is moving to another house. Don't be afraid of change. They are usually the very challenge that gives us new opportunities for growth. Most importantly, remember, positive energy always defeats negativity. Fill your life with good thoughts and good deeds, laugh more often and watch pleasant films.

Let your home be full of love and light!

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Seven popular cat "oddities" from a scientific point of view

Why does a cat “bury” its food bowl?

Sometimes cats begin to walk around the food bowl in circles and scratch the floor with their paws, as if trying to bury it. Most often this happens when switching to a new food. Most experts agree that such movements are an attempt to bury food. But they differ on why cats do it.

One theory has to do with instincts. Modern domestic cats, although not similar to lions and tigers, share the instinctive behavior of their larger cousins. In the wild, felines sometimes behave similarly. Despite the fact that predators hunt and eat in packs, after the “feast” there are always “crumbs” left. Leftover food is buried to cover their tracks and confuse other, larger predators.

Another theory that explains cat behavior is that animals bury leftover food “for later.” Most experts consider it to be fundamentally incorrect, since felines are not scavengers and do not eat stale food. But in the wild there are examples of the opposite. The leopard (Panthera pardus) often makes “hides” in trees to hide its prey from a potential thief. The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) throws away excess food with soil and debris to return to later.

Another theory is based on the stereotype of cats being picky. Perhaps by this behavior the pet wants to say that the food in the bowl stinks just like the contents of its tray.

The science

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Why does a cat open its mouth after smelling something?

After sniffing something, a cat may wrinkle its nose, open its mouth and freeze with this expression for a few seconds. The distorted muzzle with an open mouth even has a scientific name - the flehmen reaction.

When a cat analyzes a smell, it inhales air and transfers it to the Jacobson's organ, or vomeronasal organ. Its area is behind the teeth at the top of the mouth. This is why cats “suck” air with their open mouths rather than their noses. Researchers believe that the information passing through the Jacobson's organ is a cross between the senses of smell and taste.

The main task of the vomeronasal organ is to process information contained in the pheromones of relatives of the opposite sex. This is how animals receive information about the gender of the pheromone distributor, their compatibility and the correct time for mating. But the strange organ has receptors that perceive ordinary odors.

The flehmen reaction does not only occur in domestic cats. Tigers and lions sometimes wrinkle their faces and open their mouths - they also have Jacobson's organ.

Why does a cat interfere with talking on the phone?

If your cat constantly interferes with talking on the phone or typing on the keyboard, then this means that she is jealous. Sometimes cats can hiss at an object that occupies the owner's attention, and even hit it with their paw. Cats are jealous not only of smartphones and keyboards, but also of game controllers, books and even newborn babies.

There is little research on the presence of jealousy in pets. One of the most controversial is based on a survey of owners. Of these, 81% of “dog people” and 66% of “cat people” reported jealousy in their pets. The unreliability of the results lies in the fact that owners “humanize” their pets too much.

In 2020, American researchers scanned the brain of a dog watching its owner feed and pet a toy. During this process, the amygdala, which is responsible for aggression, showed strong activity. We have not found similar experiments involving cats, but this experiment may also involve them. A dog's body is typically larger than a cat's, so a dog's brain has twice as many neurons. But the structures of cat and dog brains are similar, which means that the differences in the emotions experienced (but not in their manifestation) between animals are small.

Why does a cat put its butt in its owner's face?

Cat owners want their pet to curl up in a ball and fall asleep on their chest, but instead the animal “rubs” its butt into a human face. No, in this way cats do not want to humiliate their owner.

University of California School of Veterinary Medicine doctoral student Mikel Delgado told Inverse that this behavior is not aggressive or domineering. Perhaps it's just a cat's way of greeting.

Cats sniff each other's butts to say hello and confirm the identity of the "interlocutor". The smell of the buttocks is for a cat what a fingerprint is for a person - a biological security measure.

Other scientists agree with Delgado's opinion and argue that cats show their butts to express friendship and affection. If your pet turns his back to you and raises his tail, this indicates his trust.

Why does a cat sleep so much?

On average, cats spend 15 hours a day sleeping, and some can sleep through all 20. But it’s not a matter of laziness and boredom - a constant desire to sleep is inherent in the genes of the animal.

The domestic cat doesn't look like a killer, but it does have predatory instincts. According to PetMD, pets have a physiology similar to that of big cats, so they spend most of their time conserving energy for tedious chases and hunts. At home, predatory instincts manifest themselves in unexpected lunges at human legs, fighting with toys and jumping on the table.

Pet mode can also be confusing. Cats are crepuscular animals and are most active at dawn and before sunset. In the wild, this behavior allows them to avoid encountering larger predators.

Why does a cat sleep in the sink?

Scientists do not yet know the exact answer to this question, but there are theories. One of them was voiced by veterinary expert of The Dog People portal Rebecca Greenstein. In her opinion, cats are attracted to the comfortable curves of the shell, which allow the animal to feel cozy and safe.

Another theory is that the cat "cools off" with the help of a cool surface. Also, sinks are located in the quietest place in the house, and pets may simply relax in them from annoying people and stress.

The sinks are located above floor level - this arrangement helps the cat feel secure and dominant.

Why does a cat look contemptuously at its owner and blink slowly?

If you often observe a domestic cat, you will notice how it “lazyly” blinks slowly while looking at a person. It is not clear whether the cat’s gaze conveys respect or disdain. Luckily, scientists have the answer.

Cat researcher Mikel Delgado says furry pets express negative emotions by avoiding eye contact. If cats are scared or uncomfortable, they will not make eye contact with a person. If they look at an object without blinking, it means they are focused and aggressive. Therefore, one way a cat can maintain eye contact with a person without signaling an impending attack is by blinking slowly.

A cat's blinking, according to Delgado, is not based on reflexes. Cats themselves control the rhythm and tempo of their movements. If an animal feels comfortable around its owner, blinking is a clear sign that it does not need to watch the person as a potential threat.

The owner's reaction is also important to cats. If a person looks into her eyes for a long time, the animal will perceive him as a threat.

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