The breed of kitten from the Whiskas advertisement. Which ones were filmed? Description +Photo and Video

The Whiskas color does not exist in nature, but it was this color that suddenly became viral and broke all records on the Internet for targeted queries about cats. There are up to fifty known and not very common breeds that claim to match the characteristics of appearance and coat. They have different histories and personalities, sizes and health, but the color of the coat and the pattern on it unite the cats into a common group worthy of a detailed description.

The cat breed from the Whiskas advert

Short-haired British cats of silver tabby color are traditionally chosen to play the role of kittens devouring Whiskas. Almost all the fluffies who have been appearing in commercials for this food since 2003 are pupils of the German nursery Silver Treasure, whose founder was the cat Simba. The acting career he started was continued by his numerous descendants. Candidates for the main role undergo a rigorous selection process. They have to:

  • have a pretty appearance and traditional colors, allowing you to find a backup if necessary;
  • be balanced and friendly;
  • perform stunts as planned by the director;
  • withstand several takes in a row;
  • be able to pose;
  • don’t be timid on the set;
  • to have a moderately well-fed appearance, healthy soft fur and a lively sparkle in the eyes - signs of good health, suggesting the usefulness of the advertised food.

However, the British kittens who starred in the commercial do not owe their irresistibility to bags of dubious Whiskas. The key to success is proper care, nutrition with holistic and super premium food, as well as regular veterinary care.

Video: a tiny dose of cuteness from the creators of Whiskas

Popular breeds with silver-black marbled coats

Whiskas has become the signature advertising color for British cats, but they are not the only ones who can boast of an ultra-fashionable color. There are also Scottish Folds and straight-eared Scottish Straight cats, in which silver whiskey is no less common than in traditional English cats. The list of breeds also includes Maine Coon.

This color is also found among representatives of the following cat groups:

  • Asian tabby;
  • American Wirehaired, Shorthaired and Polydact cats;
  • all short-tailed bobtails and Cymrics;
  • Siberian cat;
  • Norwegian Forest and up to fifty other breeds.

So not only the British and the Scottish Fold cat can be “carriers” of the Whiskas color.

As for the problems with the care and maintenance of such animals, color does not affect them in any way. For example, the owner of a Scottish Whiskey cat will have to pay most attention not to the fur coat, but to the ears, bones and ligaments.

Interestingly, with the release of food advertising and the appearance of small silver kittens in it, an increase in the number of breeders was noticed who decided to breed animals with a similar color. It is possible that there will be more such cats in the near future, but these are distant prospects. In the meantime, it’s rare to see a high-quality silver tabby at shows. Therefore, those who want to get a whiskey pet, as in an advertisement for cat food, will have to seriously search for a suitable nursery.

History of the origin of the British breed

According to one version, about 2 thousand years ago the ancestors of British cats came to Foggy Albion from Ancient Rome; according to another, in the 14th–15th centuries they served as rat catchers on board French merchant ships. In England, they continued to fulfill their direct duties - to protect crops and harvests from rodents.

Until the 19th century, the British developed without human intervention: in new climatic conditions they acquired a plush coat, became more hardy and strong. The breed was first developed by researcher and breeder Harrison Ware. At the London exhibition in 1871, he presented a 14-year-old British blue tabby named Old Lady, who became the winner. The breed created a sensation; many wanted to become owners of such purrs.

Harrison Ware portrayed his British Old Lady in the book “Our Cats and Everything About Them”

The First and Second World Wars took a serious toll on the British population. To restore the breed, they began to be crossed with Russian Blues, Persians, and Chartreuses. The breeders' efforts were crowned with success: soon the popularity of plush cats increased again, and in 1970 the first British cat club opened. Ten years later, the felinological association CFA officially recognized the breed and developed a standard, and in 2009 other organizations joined it - WCF and TICA.

Whiskas advertising “Such snowfall...”

This unusual snowy, dazzling white advertisement seems to give a New Year's mood. A cute cat walks through the snowdrifts, touches the icicles with its paws: in a word, it gets to know the world around it, with unusual snow under its delicate paws.

Appearance of British cats

The “correct” British cat has:

  • stocky and proportional body;
  • rounded shapes;
  • strong paws;
  • short and thick tail;
  • round head on a powerful neck;
  • massive muzzle with pronounced cheeks;
  • wide-set saucer eyes (most often amber or copper in color);
  • small rounded ears;
  • short thick coat with dense undercoat.

From any angle, the face of a British cat looks well-fed

The British are famous for their incredible variety of colors. The most popular colors are:

  • plain (blue, chocolate, lilac, etc.);
  • color point - the mask, ears, paws and tail have a more saturated shade;
  • tortoiseshell - two colors are evenly distributed on the fur coat (for example, the main one and cream or red);
  • bicolor - combinations of the main tone with white;
  • tipped - with a white undercoat and tips painted in the main color;
  • tabby is a patterned color found in wild cats. The Whiskas advertisement featured cats of all types of tabby: mackerel (tiger) - with black thin stripes on the main background;
  • spotted (leopard) - with dark spots randomly scattered throughout the coat;
  • marble - with black wide stripes forming a complex pattern.

Photo gallery: main colors of the British

The most common color of the British is considered classic blue.

Color-pointed British cats have blue eyes

Tortoiseshell coloring is found only in female cats or infertile male cats.

Bicolor color involves a combination of two colors - any primary and white

All the beauty of the typed color appears when the animal moves - the fur seems to shimmer

In brindle seals, you can distinguish a scarab mark on the forehead in the form of the letter “M”

Some British brindles turn into leopard prints by the age of one year - the stripes break off, turning into spots

The pattern on the shoulder blades of the marble cat resembles the wings of a butterfly

On what basis are kittens and cats selected for advertising?

It was this property that became fundamental when choosing what breed of cat would appear in advertising:

  1. The cat must have ordinary colors so as not to pretend to be an elitist food, and at the same time have a harmonious appearance.
  2. Cats must have a stable psyche: television filming is a burden that requires endurance and calm.

Attractive appearance

Indeed, the British tabby color is a guarantee that even if one “star” temporarily leaves the set, you can easily find another one of the same type. The cats raised in the nursery by professional breeders had all the necessary qualities:

  1. Ideally adjusted body proportions.
  2. Gorgeous wool.
  3. A recognizable face with an equally touching expression in adult cats and very small kittens.

In addition, color allows you to strengthen the association with a potential buyer. After all, tabby is the wildest, and therefore the most common among ordinary cats. If the fluffy purr from the advertisement is so similar to the pet Musya or the yard Vasya, then you need to buy Whiskas. Then your own pet will have all the signs of a “star” appearance.

The average buyer will not wonder what the cats in the Whiskas advertisements are actually fed to ensure they have ideal health and conformation. This is the genius of marketing.

British character

If British kittens, like all children, are playful, restless and curious, then adult cats are respectable, intelligent, phlegmatic and leisurely. They will not allow themselves to spoil property, walk past the tray, impose themselves on others, or “chat” in vain. British women will not tolerate familiarity towards themselves and annoying caresses, but they will not take revenge or show aggression either - they will simply move away, maintaining their sense of self-esteem. This quality helps them coexist peacefully with all family members, including small children and other pets.

The British are couch potatoes who prefer to approach life philosophically

An independent animal will calmly endure forced loneliness, but then can joyfully greet the owner at the door, keep him company in front of the TV, and even rub against his legs, showing special affection. It is impossible to force a Briton to do something against his will. A smart “bun” will easily remember his name, adapt to the rules adopted in the house, feel the mood of the owner, but will never play the role of a clown and amuse people with funny tricks. She will even hide from strangers in a secluded place, where she will begin hygiene procedures or indulge in sleep.

Breed Features

Distinctive features of British Shorthair cats:

  • Large size (adult cats reach a weight of 10 kg);
  • Long, graceful body;
  • The head is large, massive;
  • The ears are round;
  • Huge round eyes of bright amber, orange color;
  • Short hair with a very dense undercoat, thanks to which these animals look like a plush toy.

At a young age, the British are active, inquisitive, and playful. They do not like to be held, they wriggle out, but do not scratch or bite.

Adult cats are aristocratic, reserved, they will no longer run around like kittens, knocking down obstacles. With age they become more careful in their games. Rarely raises his voice and does not become annoying with his presence. He will not beg for food because he is proud and will quietly wait for the treat.

There are also no problems with the toilet; once you have shown its location, you will no longer have to return to this issue. It’s the same with a scratching post - we highly recommend purchasing it, then show it to the cat, and he will only sharpen his claws there.

The British like to watch what is happening around them; they climb onto shelves and cabinets and watch those around them for a long time.

The British are not afraid of loneliness; they can remain alone for a long time. But they feel the arrival of the owner, meeting him at the threshold. They accept affection and attention to themselves, but only if they are in the mood, otherwise they will simply run away from you. They will prefer to respond only to their first names; the generally accepted “kiss-kiss” does not suit them.

Advertising Whiskas "cat and tap"

In the video, the cat mentally talks to a drop that flows from the tap. He tracks her down, the only one, so incomprehensible and long-awaited.

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Our cat, of course, is not the same breed as in the advertisement, but as soon as he hears this advertisement on TV, he immediately runs and sits down and watches it. I don’t know what he likes there, but he always watches it with pleasure and so wonderfully shakes his head from side to side when watching it. Although we also often pamper him with Whiskas treats, but if he could speak, he knows advertisements of this nature better than I do.

I love Whiskas advertising. These were truly talented people who created! It’s pleasant to watch, not annoying, and the plot and music are well remembered. And pussies are just a miracle! I wonder where they get these four-legged actors and actresses?

Emotional advertising is one of the most effective tools for promoting a product. This is well known to the creators of the Whiskas economy class food. Watching the adventures of a wonderful tabby kitten, we experience the most tender feelings for him and involuntarily gain confidence in the manufacturer, without even thinking about the quality of the food itself. Let's reveal the secret of who this favorite of directors and the idol of the audience is.

Which actors starred in Sheba commercials?

It was no coincidence that the choice fell on the actress in the advertisement – ​​Eva Longoria. In her grace, elegance and aristocracy, she is very similar to the Russian blue cat. Eva is a very famous model and businesswoman, despite the fact that television viewers remember her more as the heroine of the popular television series Desperate Housewives. However, few people know the fact that Lognoria takes an active part in the political life of the United States. Thanks to their sophistication, beauty, intelligence and strength, Eva Lognoria and the Russian Blue cat breed became a wonderful harmonious duet in an advertisement for Sheba cat food.

The updated version of the ad featured the (yet) little-known actor Brian Morabito. To date, his entire filmography fits into one short film released in 2020 called Sorry for Your Loss. Unlike the previous version with the beautiful Eva Lognoria, the new version received a mixed reaction on the Internet and gave rise to a lot of controversy. Viewers were divided into two camps: the first considered the commercial to be unusual and funny, and the second began to accuse the main character of almost bestiality. Well, here, as they say, you can’t please everyone. The hero, apparently, is indeed a big fan of cats. However, both warring camps are united by the opinion that the actor, of course, is very similar to his advertising partner - the Russian blue cat.


The British Shorthair cat needs to be brushed regularly, without using a comb brush.
Grooming is more difficult. The plush fur of the Briton needs to be combed two to three times a week (and during periods of intense shedding every day) with a medium-frequency metal comb with rounded teeth, first in the direction of hair growth, and then against it.

After this, dead guard hairs are removed using a natural bristle brush or a mitten with a pimply rubber coating, massaging the cat against the grain.

Puffers are not used to groom British cats, since they remove the undercoat and make the coat less voluminous, depriving cats of their main decoration.

But even if you brush your cat regularly, when licking it, it will still swallow hair. Inside the stomach, the hairs roll into dense lumps, which at best come out with vomit, and at worst cause intestinal blockage. For other cats, eating fresh grass is usually enough to remove these lumps (bezoars), but the British cats have denser lumps due to the thickness of their undercoat.

Therefore, once every two months (and even more often during molting), cats need to be given a special paste to dissolve ingested hair.

But there are no particular difficulties in feeding British cats. Just like any other cat, they are recommended to be given high-quality dry or canned food (for example, Royal Canin, Hills, Jams, Acana, but not Whiskas and similar economy-class food!) or balanced natural food, including meat, offal, cereals, vegetables, dairy products.

To the question: “which is better?” difficult to answer; Breeders and veterinarians have been arguing about this for years. In my opinion, a complete natural diet is healthier than dry food, but not every cat can be forced to eat cereals and vegetables, and not every owner has the time and desire to prepare “first, second and compote” for their pet.

This is how they are, Whiskas cats - beautiful, smart and full of character. And thanks to the successes of Russian breeders, now in almost every large (and not so large) city you can buy kittens of this breed of different colors for a very reasonable amount, and the “whiskey” one is one of the most favorite among them. But still, before you buy a baby, weigh all the pros and cons and get serious. Fashion will pass, but a living creature should live happily next to you throughout its long life.


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Everyone knows how much images from film and television screens influence the viewer. A beautiful picture makes everything more attractive, from clothes and jewelry on the slender silhouettes of actors, to the most basic household items for everyday use.

Even pets become fashionable when, by the will of man, they turn into stars. Charming Dalmatian puppies from the film of the same name, St. Bernard Beethoven and many others, at one time, bore the title of the most desirable pets. Not long ago, this baton was taken up by wonderful plush kittens from an advertisement for Whiskas food, leaving many to puzzle over what kind of miracle this is and what it is called.

Quiz about cats

With these colors, Russian felinologists have achieved such a quality of wool that it is simply impossible to pass by such plush without plunging your hands into it.

The chocolate and black color of the British cats calms any nervous system just by looking into the depths of their fur. And silver patterned British cats are unusually affectionate (yes, yes, this is about completely independent cats!) and are often talkative in response to affection.

And what an aesthetic pleasure the British Golden Courage delivers with its chocolate specks on its golden skin (photo on the left).

His equally “chocolatey” son (photo on the right), mischievous and purring, is always ready to lie on his lap. Well, maybe just occasionally run off to play pranks and chase a ball.

Probably, the powerful body and royally unapproachable facial expression of the British create a completely wrong impression of their aggressiveness. No no and one more time no!

My 11-kilogram blue “son” (at home – just Ben), a “foreigner” for a long time, a resident of Riga, who has traveled half of Europe, easily jumps up to the 3rd floor of his “climb” and protects “Mom Tanya” from the evil camera. He doesn’t like to sit in your arms, but he follows “mom” with his “tail” and protects her.

British kittens, with a bright whiskey coloring, look tenderly into my eyes and ask to be held in my arms, just like little children.

The one-and-a-half-year-old silver-spotted Briton Silver is already my grandson. His new "parents" say Silver is treating them.

In a word, any Briton will provide you with comfort, warmth and almost dog-like devotion. More simple-minded “whiskeys” will lie on your knees. The first places at the exhibitions will be taken by British dogs of classic colors, full of royal dignity. The most fashionable in Europe are the British - bi- and tri-colors. British chinchillas probably look the most richly dressed...

So don’t think about who is better – blondes or brunettes. Come and choose: whoever is closest to your soul is yours. And to produce a worthy pedigree kitten is our task.

© Sofia Krasnoselskaya


Sheba is a popular manufacturer of cat food, accessories and care products. And the more popular a manufacturer becomes, the larger markets for its products are required. It is advertising that becomes the starting point that allows you to popularize food among an audience that is not very versed in the key features of the nutrition of their own pets. Please note that the Sheba brand has released at least 3 commercials in Russian, in which cats of various breeds took part, for example, British Shorthair and Scottish Fold. However, the hearts of television viewers were won by one single video that appeared on Russian television screens relatively recently.

About the Kitekat brand

Cat food under the Kitekat brand is produced by the American company Mars Inc. and is advertised as food for energetic cats.

Kitekat, the manufacturer claims, is an ideal source of vitality for the animal, as it contains all the necessary additional nutritional supplements and vitamins. In particular, Kitekat contains not only proteins, but also minerals and trace elements to strengthen teeth and claws. It also contains Omega 6 complex for healthy skin and coat and Taurine, which stimulates the heart and maintains visual acuity.

Kitekat food is made from beef, rabbit, fish, chicken and fish. The consumer can choose dry or wet food.

Kitekat is produced at the Mars factory in Stupino. In the advertising video, Boris the cat became the “face” of Kitekat.

Evgeniya (August 9, 2016)


I thought kitekat food was normal and healthy! but in fact this food kills! I don’t recommend it.

Olya (June 21, 2016)

Kitekat.(Why so)

I made friends with 4 cats. And they fascinated me that even I sometimes began to buy Kitekat for them. Total: I really liked the food (liquid) in the packages ~20 rubles. food (dried) 60 rubles (not at all: we barely ate). Even with a pile of kitekata poured in: three cats did not react at all.

feed (dried) in

Sergey (October 14, 2015)


Kitekat-Economy class. It will not do much harm to an animal with good immunity. Anyone who says good is crap!!! Engaged people. Look for adequate stores and adequate sellers

max (June 11, 2015)


this is not food, but a drug that slowly kills the animal... today I euthanized the cat in the veterinary hospital... the doctors said that it was because of kitticket, but that was understandable... heater urine... I will never feed animals with this substance again in my life...

Gennady Ivanov (February 9, 2015)

Excellent food……………..

My cat is 23 years old. 6 years ago I had a stroke and went blind in one eye. Clinics refused to treat him, they said that his spirit was leaving him. By chance I met a veterinarian, she immediately made a diagnosis and immediately gave an injection, the remaining 20 injections were given by me myself. He eats only KITEKAT and +meat and fish when I cut it up. I think that the food and company…………are very reliable and the food is good. My tel. 8(905)5098812. The best food is in cans or bags. Dry can cause urolithiasis. Many people come to see SIMKA, they do not believe that costra can live for so many years. Love and tenderness + KITEKAT......especially loves liver and fish once a week. THANKS TO THE COMPANY, MY FRIEND IS ALIVE AND ALWAYS READY TO EAT

Kaitlyn_Fan. (August 16, 2014)

Everything's fine for now.

Cats have been eating kitikat for about 5 years now and are still alive. Nothing happened to them.

Georgy (May 3, 2014)

what are you talking about?

normal food! everything is good in moderation! read the instructions, or do you consider yourself the smartest? or do you think that what is written is food, that’s how it should be, and nothing more? cats lived for a long time. food was given in moderation. my friend’s didn’t last long, the kidneys weren’t that good... but the cat sat for more than a year on dry food and water, sometimes milk and that’s it... and so my brother and I had a beer a couple of times... it goes well) it takes the same amount of time) )

Nastya (April 21, 2014)

Money down the drain

The cat turns up its nose at Stupinsky’s food. Money down the drain.

Sveta (October 24, 2013)

This is an inexpensive, very healthy food. I'm delighted, the cat is energetic. When I come home, the cat immediately takes me to the kitchen and opens the cabinet where this food is with her paw, and immediately eats everything with admiration. I also give her milk and she drinks it with it. I recommend everyone to buy this food, it is very profitable and lasts for a long time.



There are no advantages, the cat is shit, the cat is losing hair, diarrhea. Kitiket is food for flayers, on a 100-point scale kitiket is 1 point, whiskey is also crap in another bag, but 2 points better (whiskas is 3 points), the best producer today is hills - 100 points, but it’s expensive , if your financial situation does not allow it, it is better to buy freeskis - 43 points.


they are also alive...

Why does everyone think that dry food and canned food is all your pet needs?! They are also alive, better buy offal for them and cook them. But don't give them Kitekat, as there are plenty of examples of poisoning.



but whiskey didn’t make our cat vomit



And our cat died from urolithiasis, she ate only kiteket, I wonder if the producers feed their animals this?


need to know who sells their product

Kitekat. Wonderful food for animals. But manufacturing companies must know who sells their goods / For example, Kaliningrad company Alexander Kan Kaliningrad company, warehouse of finished products!!! One of the largest food distribution companies in the Kaliningrad region: on the market since 1992, 1,700 product ranges, 3,500 clients, 300 employees, 5,700 m2 own warehouse. It sounds so beautiful doesn't it? It’s a pity, but it sounds nice, probably Alexander Nikolaevich doesn’t know what his subordinates, such as Head of the Security Service Proskuryakov, are doing. We can say this is quite inadequate and mediocre behavior of a person. Who thinks that I want it, then I turn it over!!! Violating the laws of the Russian Federation in all respects, considering that there is no justice for him!!!

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