12595Administration 1 Fungal infections in cats are quite common diseases. Spores of pathogenic fungi spread
Pet owners know that eye diseases in pets are not that uncommon.
False pregnancy in cats: what is it? This is what is called pathological (in the case of cats
Symptoms of illness in a cat are easy to miss, since the pet will not say in words about its suffering.
Cats with a flattened muzzle and large eyes attract attention with their unusual doll-like appearance. Special
What is joint dysplasia? Each joint is formed by the articular surface of the rounded ends of the bones, surrounded by
Polycystic kidney disease in cats is a hereditary disease in which there is a proliferation of cysts,
The ancestor of all cats in the world was a steppe species (according to another version - a forest one), which
History of origin Karelian bobtails are an indigenous breed, first discovered near Lake Ladoga. Felinologists believe
Eczema in cats is not as common as, for example, in dogs or other pets.