There are a lot of people in the world who feel sorry for and warm animals with their warmth, including
3702Pavel Vitamin complexes can be purchased in veterinary clinics, pharmacies, pet stores, and on the Internet
Attentive pet owners do not lose sight of even the slightest behavioral features of their charges.
Suprastin for dogs in a daily dose of 2 mg/kg is prescribed for allergies with skin symptoms
Ticks pose a danger not only to humans, but also to our pets. Spring-summer
5028Administration Cats are very active, move a lot and are constantly near people, vigilantly watching
The Maine Coon breed was formed in natural conditions, and breeders did not introduce any serious
A cat constantly licks under its tail. If a cat often licks under its tail, this
For owners of purebred Scots, spaying or neutering their animals is always a difficult choice. From the humane
And although there are many beautiful nicknames for cats and kittens in the native language, Japanese names