As a rule, most cats are able to give birth without human assistance, so the owner’s role is usually to monitor the birth process and both need to know how to understand that a cat is going into labor in order to help their pet if something goes wrong So.
At what age do cats give birth?
From 7 months, the cat begins to be interested in the opposite sex and becomes sexually mature. If you want to get healthy offspring, veterinarians advise breeding the animal during its second heat.
Cats can give birth until old age, but pet owners should stop their pet’s sex life in time so that the quality of the offspring and the health of the cat are not affected. After all, when abusing a cat’s ability to give birth, people often think only about their own wallet. Thus, to avoid problems, veterinarians recommend spaying or neutering an animal at the age of 6-7 years.
How to tell if your cat is pregnant
Signs of pregnancy in a cat can be observed 3 weeks after conception. Some people who let their cats go outside can track this period on a calendar (as a rule, the cat does not spend the night at home and does not appear in front of its owners for 3-4 days). Those owners who specifically breed a cat with a cat can also calculate whether the cat is pregnant. We will tell you further how many months you will have to wait for a replenishment. The most difficult thing to predict pregnancy is for those owners whose cat walks outside on its own.
You can determine that a cat is pregnant by the following signs:
- the cat’s appetite has changed: it happens that favorite treats remain untouched, and any food consumption ends in vomiting and severe weakness;
- changes in behavior: the cat sleeps more than before and moves less (if the cat was previously wild and could bite, now it should be affectionate and calm);
- swelling of the mammary glands and redness of the nipples;
- rounding of the abdomen.
Cat pregnancy
Pregnancy in a cat lasts 65-70 days (9-10 weeks, or 2.5 months). If you are unable to independently determine whether pregnancy has occurred and how many months the cat will still bear kittens, seek advice from a specialist.
In the last week before giving birth, the cat begins to choose a place for itself and put its “stuff” there. Owners are advised to think about creating favorable conditions for the animal from the very beginning of pregnancy: choose a spacious box, put diapers or cloth rags on the bottom. The expectant mother should get used to the nest that you built for her.
The duration of pregnancy in cats may vary depending on the number of kittens, the age of the animal and the conditions in which the pet is in the last month of pregnancy. So, if the cat is stressed, then the gestation period may be delayed, and if the pregnancy is multiple, then labor may begin prematurely, in this regard, it is extremely important to know how to understand that a cat is beginning to give birth.
If the due date is postponed a week earlier or a week later, you should not panic, as this is quite natural.
Problems may arise if labor begins earlier than 60 days (the kitten will be born weak and unable to live) or later than 80 days (there is a possibility that the offspring will develop pathologies).
Signs of the beginning of labor in a cat can be determined a day before, or even 1-2 hours before the start of the process.
The cat gives birth too quickly
When kittens are born too quickly, the birth is called precipitate. Note that rapid labor is more dangerous than prolonged labor, although it passes much faster. Usually, with rapid labor, all kittens are born in less than 1 hour.
The cause of rapid labor may be stress or miscarriage. In rare cases, rapid labor is a hereditary factor. When labor progresses too quickly, the cat experiences severe pain as the intervals between contractions become shorter. Hormones are released into the animal's blood, allowing the cervix to dilate as quickly as possible and expel the litter.
Stages of pregnancy
Cat pregnancy is usually divided into several stages:
- Stage 1 – the first three weeks of pregnancy. The mammary glands and genitals become swollen, cats begin to sleep more, there is no appetite as such, and activity is zero. The animal requires attention, sleeps with the owner, clinging to him, the animal may have a gag reflex when eating, or an increase in the size of the uterus upon palpation.
- Stage 2 – from the fourth to the sixth week. The kittens begin to become active and move. The expectant mother has a good appetite and gets plenty of rest. A cat may refuse its favorite food and prefer dairy products. If your cat is vomiting, it is best to take it to the vet.
- Stage 3 – six to nine weeks. Kittens move actively, this is best noticeable when the animal is sleeping. The abdomen is large, the mammary glands are enlarged, colostrum may be released. Hair falls out on the cat's belly, internal organs are displaced due to the large size of the kittens. The cat moves carefully, tries not to jump too much, and sleeps on its side. To prevent the pet from gaining excess weight, it is transferred to fractional meals (4-5 times a day).
How does the stomach change during pregnancy?
20 days after conception, the nipples change color. If you have already given birth before, your nipples may change slightly. The belly grows as the kittens grow and develop. But if 1-2 kittens develop and grow in the mother’s belly, then the belly may be small until the last weeks.
Before giving birth, a cat's stomach drops. As a rule, this happens within 7 days, and the stomach takes a pear shape. This is due to the fact that the kittens are already preparing for birth, taking the necessary position for this.
It should also be noted that the expectant mother’s stomach is not soft, but hard, which means that the body is ready for labor and childbirth.
Stages and timing of normal pregnancy
Cats become ready for pregnancy after six months of age. The optimal age is 6-9 months after birth. In different breeds, the process of growing up occurs differently and depends on the weight and size of the animal, conditions of detention and development.
Pregnant cat
Reference! Veterinarians believe that the first cat pregnancy should occur before 1.5 years of age.
The optimal pregnancy period is from 63 to 72 days. True, if there are 5-8 kittens, then birth may occur at 58-62 days and this will be normal. In other words, the gestational age is 2 months or 9 weeks.
As a rule, owners of purebred animals themselves organize the mating and know when the animal could become pregnant and they themselves begin to count the approximate period. After 2.5 weeks, the cat’s nipples become coral in color, and the belly begins to grow. You can conduct an ultrasound and find out the number of kittens after 15 days of pregnancy, and the enlargement of the abdomen also occurs due to increased appetite. The most accurate information can be obtained after the 40th day of pregnancy.
The fetuses in the belly begin to take on a cat-like appearance around mid-term. Ultrasound is considered the safest method of fetal counting, since careless and frequent palpations can harm the fetuses.
The final stage begins after 7 weeks, the animal becomes almost “round”, the female begins to behave strangely, the appetite is already decreasing, the animal sleeps a lot. A few days before lambing, the female becomes as restless as possible, her temperature drops and the nesting instinct manifests itself. White discharge begins from the uterus. Giving birth to a cat is much easier than to giving birth to a human. Everything happens naturally; there is no need to contact a veterinarian.
Animal ultrasound
Note! If an ultrasound or examination revealed suspected pathologies or possible natural problems. Or, such situations have already occurred in previous births.
How many days before birth does milk appear?
Females produce milk to feed the future brood shortly before lambing. As a rule, this is 2-3 days. In some cases, this happened 8 days before the kittens were born. White discharge appears on the nipples, the nipples themselves swell and become more noticeable. Sometimes milk may appear late if the female is primiparous or very nervous. True, the first appearances can hardly be called milk; its composition and density are not the same as milk. This is called colostrum.
Reference! If a cat is nervous, you need to try to find the reason and eliminate it, so that after the birth of the babies she does not have problems with milk.
After lambing or 3-4 days after the appearance of colostrum, the cat produces normal milk, which the kittens will feed on. You need to pay attention to the behavior of kittens. If the kittens sleep well and behave calmly, there is enough milk. But if your sleep is poor and restless, most likely there is not enough milk. The reason for the lack of milk can be health problems, nerves and poor nutrition of the mother. To prevent kittens from going hungry, they can be “supplemented” with special mixtures from pet stores or warm cow’s milk using a pipette or pacifier. If childbirth has occurred, but colostrum has not appeared, you should purchase formula for the first time so that the kittens do not remain hungry. If milk does not appear over time, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.
What to prepare before giving birth to a cat
For comfortable bearing of kittens and their comfortable maintenance in the first weeks after birth, the cat should create all the conditions and prepare a cozy nest. It is best to place this place in silence, away from a noisy room and children, otherwise the cat will look for another place for itself and the kittens.
It is also necessary to organize a spacious maternity area in which the mother and kittens will stay for about two months.
What is not recommended to do before labor begins
To ensure a smooth birth, pay attention to the list of things you should not do:
- irritate the woman in labor with loud screams, numerous guests, parties;
- actively feel the stomach, as you may accidentally injure the cat or kittens;
- Give your cat medications on your own without consulting a specialist;
- ignore vomiting, discharge and changes in the behavior of the pregnant woman;
- allow your cat to come into contact with animals whose health status you do not know;
- allowing you to sleep in a dirty place, handling the animal with dirty hands, frequently changing the linen in the cat’s sleeping area;
- use chemicals to clean the house.
What to feed a pregnant cat
A cat preparing for the birth of offspring should be fed high-calorie food enriched with vitamins and minerals.
In the first two weeks of pregnancy, the cat's appetite will increase, so the amount of food should be increased by 10%. The animal must be fed 4 times a day in small portions.
From the 3rd week of pregnancy, the cat's appetite is maximum. It is necessary to increase the volume of food by 50%, but in no case should she be allowed to overeat; she should be fed 5-6 times a day in fractional portions.
A cat's diet should include:
- meat (chicken, beef, turkey);
- egg yolk;
- vegetables (carrots, cabbage);
- dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream);
- cereals and cereals (buckwheat, rice, wheat);
- a small amount of fish.
If you feed your pet dry food, then choose food for pregnant cats, and then for nursing mothers.
To increase your cat's lactation, give her fresh nettle, but first pour boiling water over the herb so as not to burn the cat's internal organs and mouth.
Characteristic signs before childbirth
It is extremely important to know what signs to look out for before your cat gives birth:
- The animal loses its appetite: the cat refuses solid food and eats small amounts of liquid foods (broth, milk, cream, etc.).
- Weakness: The cat spends almost all of her time in the place where she plans to give birth.
- Kittens in the stomach begin to become active: this happens 2 days before birth, as they try to take the correct position for birth. The more kittens there are, the larger they are, the earlier they begin to move and behave more actively.
- The cat often licks its genitals.
- The animal's body temperature decreases, which helps prevent severe bleeding during and after childbirth.
- The nipples swell and milk comes out.
- When labor begins, the cat meows and tries to hide.
- False contractions begin 4-6 hours before birth.
- The waters are receding. This is the main sign of the beginning of labor in a cat. Don't go far, your pet may need your help.
- The cat's plug came out. When will labor begin? A day before giving birth, a white plug comes out as a discharge. The cat may lick it, so watch the animal carefully so as not to miss this moment.
- The cat goes to the toilet often.
- The pet begins to walk with shortness of breath and breathes heavily in its sleep.
Possible complications
Lambing does not always go well. Possible complications during childbirth in cats can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some difficulties can be dealt with on your own, but most problems that arise require urgent intervention from a veterinarian.
You should call your doctor immediately if one of the following situations occurs:
- the duration of pushing exceeds 1 hour, and the kittens have not begun to be born;
- the animal has become weak, apathetic, lies motionless or constantly meows, experiencing severe pain;
- the number of placentas is less than the number of newborns;
- clear blood discharge appeared;
- body temperature differs significantly from normal in one direction or another;
- contractions are sluggish and rarely repeat (with an interval of 30 minutes or more);
- The amniotic sac burst and the kitten got stuck in the birth canal.
Most of these signs are symptoms of uterine dystonia or atony, which requires urgent veterinary attention, often including a cesarean section. Any delay can be fatal for the cat and cubs. But in simpler situations, you can help the woman in labor yourself.
Stuck kitten
In such cases, the clinic resorts to caesarean section. To help yourself, you should rub your stomach in time with your pushing. It is absolutely forbidden to pull a newborn by the head, otherwise you can simply break the neck. You need to pull the baby by the skin or by the body. The movement should not be directed perpendicular to the animal’s body, but from side to side.
Premature birth
To determine the lambing date, it is necessary to take into account the breed of the animal and some subjective factors. In outbred cats, premature birth usually occurs without negative consequences for the mother and newborn babies. A purebred cat can not only lose kittens, but also die itself.
In order not to miss this moment, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the pregnant pet, taking into account that there is a high probability of intensive onset of labor. You can save a cat in such a situation with the help of special medications that reduce stress, and then contact a veterinarian.
Weakness/absence of contractions
The reasons for weakness or absence of contractions are usually due to poor nutrition and a lack of certain substances in the body (calcium, oxytocin). To eliminate the problem, oxytocin preparations or the administration of a calcium borogluconate solution are used. But inducing labor this way is too risky because it can cause uterine rupture. Therefore, in most cases, a caesarean section is performed, but also solely based on the feasibility of such an operation.
In itself, a caesarean section does not pose a threat to the life of the animal; it is performed under general anesthesia and allows you to save both the woman in labor and all her offspring. Some complications are possible only in the case of serious pathologies in the development of the placenta or intrauterine decomposition of the deceased fetus. In such situations, there is a high probability of complete removal of the uterus, which will make the cat infertile, but will help save her life.
How to tell if your cat is going into labor
Throughout pregnancy, the cat behaves in the same way as all animals of its species: it eats excellently and sleeps a lot.
Usually, the question “how to understand that a cat is going into labor” does not arise for owners, since everything becomes obvious from the changing behavior of the animal. When the day of birth arrives, the cat shows the first signs that signal the animal’s readiness to give birth - a symptom of the first contractions: the cat screams unnaturally, refuses to eat, walks from corner to corner, looks into the owner’s eyes. The cat looks tired, constantly licks its genitals, and “points” to its stomach, as if it wants to say that it needs help.
Mucus plug and its meaning
You need to know that normally the uterine cavity should be absolutely sterile. The entry of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora into it almost always leads to serious consequences, including intrauterine death of the entire offspring and further (if veterinary care was not provided) death of the mother from septic phenomena. How is sterility ensured? Due to contraction of the muscle fibers of the cervix. But this does not apply to the pregnancy period. At this time, the organ is slightly open, which, in theory, should facilitate the penetration of microorganisms into the uterine cavity. But that doesn't happen.
The body can achieve absolute tightness due to the mucus plug , which is a clot that completely blocks the lumen of the cervix. Its “material” is impenetrable to air and its constituent gases, as well as to dust and microorganisms. The formation of a plug begins almost immediately after conception, being stimulated by the production of appropriate hormones.
It comes out about three or five days before giving birth (maximum). If signs of early removal of the plug appear, the cat must be urgently taken to the veterinarian, since the uterus, left without its natural “plug,” becomes vulnerable to penetration by microscopic “saboteurs.” How can you understand that before the birth of kittens, your pet is secreting a plug and not something else?
How does labor begin in a cat?
- The cat lies on its side.
- Begins to arch his back.
- Push (strain your stomach). If you put your palm on your stomach, you can feel it.
- Meows loudly as the strength of the contractions increases.
- Passage through the genital tract: the cat strains, the muscles of the abdomen and thighs contract. After 4-5 attempts, the kitten appears.
- The kitten comes out in the amniotic sac or without a sac.
- Stimulation of breathing: the cat bursts the bladder, licks the kitten, and clears the airways of fluid.
- Rupture of the umbilical cord. The cat chews the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. Be sure to check that there are as many afterbirths as there are kittens.
- Lactation: Immediately after birth, the kitten attaches itself to the mother's nipple.
The birth process and its signs
Childbirth in a cat takes place in 3 stages. This process is complex and quite lengthy, which is why the owner should not plan any additional activities on the day of lambing. Also, the owner must know all the stages of childbirth and imagine how they proceed. The lambing process is divided into the following periods :
- breaking of water;
- release of kittens;
- separation of membranes.
Within 1-2 days after the birth of the offspring, the pet will shed suckers, which is the norm. During this period, you should not let the cat go for a walk. You cannot try to remove suckers from an animal by force, since the entire process must necessarily take place naturally, unless there are complications requiring medical intervention.
The first kitten is born much longer than the others, since it is he who must fully open the cat’s birth canal and prepare it for the passage of the rest of the offspring. Signs of labor in a pregnant cat may subside slightly after the birth of the first child.
Determining that a cat is giving birth is not difficult. The appearance of the first real contractions, not training ones, leads to the fact that the cat lies on its side and begins to gradually arch its back, at the same time straining its stomach, which can be felt well if you place your palm on it. As the contractions intensify, the cat will begin to arch more and cry out frequently. Contractions begin to be visible by eye, without placing a hand on the stomach. After visible contractions have begun, the first kitten is born within a period of 5 to 60 minutes, depending on how quickly the uterus opens.
© shutterstock
The kitten comes out quickly, pushing. After this, the mother should immediately lick it . If the cat refuses to do this, the owner will need to intervene, as the baby urgently needs to clear the mucus from the mouth and nose.
The remaining kittens appear either immediately one after another, or after a break of up to 2 hours. Between the birth of offspring, the cat may get up to drink, but despite this, the owner must continue to closely monitor the pet. A cat should not go outside between births.
In order to understand whether labor has ended or not, you need to carefully feel the cat’s belly. Childbirth with multiple births can take several hours. If there are still kittens left in the uterus, they can be easily felt. Also, such an examination can help speed up the birth of babies, as it activates the process of contractions and pushing. You cannot make sudden movements.
Helping a cat give birth
The animal needs care and support at the time of birth. Therefore, the owner is required to:
- calm your pet throughout the entire process;
- sit near the place where the cat will give birth;
- bring a supply of water so that the cat does not walk around the room again, because she will want to drink in any case (it is necessary to regularly offer the animal to drink warm milk or water at room temperature to avoid dehydration);
- isolating the room where the lambing takes place from other pets and children; it is best to remain alone with the woman in labor - this will make both her and you feel calmer;
- do not forget to ventilate the premises, but without creating a draft;
- Call the veterinarian if complications arise or there are fears that something will go wrong, or if you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid that you will not be able to help your pet
It is impossible to ignore the first signs of labor in a cat, despite the strong opinion that a cat can give birth without any problems without human help.
First stage of labor
When the cat’s stomach drops and the kittens inside are shaking, there is very little time left before giving birth. A cat's labor can be divided into three main stages.
This stage can last up to 24 hours. It all starts with a decrease in the cat’s body temperature by about two degrees. The animal begins to behave restlessly and often licks under its tail. Some individuals vomit.
It is necessary to move your pet to a “nest” specially prepared for childbirth and continue to be close to her. It is advisable for any cat to give birth at home, because a familiar environment is calming and helps to reduce anxiety at this most important moment.
During the first stage of labor, your cat's water breaks, then her breathing quickens, her heart rate increases, and contractions begin. The animal begins to purr loudly and even scream. At this moment, the owner’s support in the form of soft stroking on the tummy and a calm conversation will not hurt.
How to deliver a cat?
Childbirth in cats can be of three levels of complexity:
- Lungs: the cat does not require much human attention and care; it mostly copes on its own. But the owner must observe and control the process so that the cat does not crush her kitten so that the afterbirth comes out. It takes her less than one hour to give birth to a kitten. The cat's discharge the day after birth should not contain mucus, pus, or blood.
- Moderate: at the birth of kittens, the cat has complications that the owner can help cope with, without the help of veterinarians. Lightly stroking the abdomen from the sides to the uterus may help. If the mother does not want to gnaw the umbilical cord, then it is necessary to cut it using disinfected scissors (a few centimeters should remain to the navel), and then treat the incision site with iodine. If the kitten was born in the amniotic sac and the mother is in no hurry to tear it apart, you need to do this yourself so that the baby does not suffocate. To do this, use clean, disinfected hands to tear the film and wipe the baby dry. If the kitten is not breathing, you need to turn it head down and, holding it with both hands, shake it to remove water from the respiratory tract.
- Severe: in this case, you must call a qualified specialist for help. If the cat cannot lamb for more than 5 hours, you can give a Gamavit injection (0.5 cc), which will intensify contractions. If after an hour the medicine does not work, then an injection of Oxytocin (0.5 cc) should be administered. When doing this, you need to massage the belly towards the uterus. To make sure that your cat can be given this medicine, you should consult your veterinarian. The health of your pet depends on you. If the woman in labor can barely move, then sodium gluconate should be administered. The volume of the drug administered depends on the weight of the cat.
Estimated due date, how to determine?
The gestation period for kittens in domestic cats is 61-67 days; normally, pregnancy lasts 63 days. To fully monitor the course of pregnancy and establish the exact date of birth, the owner must know the date of conception.
Note! It is believed that slight post-term birth in cats is safer than premature birth.
For planned matings, future parents must be registered with the breed club. After assessing the breed value, the animals receive permission to participate in breeding work. Before a cat goes into heat, both animals must undergo medical examinations, complete a revaccination course and receive parasite prevention. Matings are registered with the club and pregnancies are usually monitored by an authorized veterinarian.
Note! Some cat breeds are allowed for breeding only after specific DNA tests have been carried out.
To be on the safe side, immediately after determining the pregnancy and its duration, the cat is registered for a planned cesarean section with a gestation period of 63 days. Naturally, if a caesarean section is not needed, it is not performed deliberately. A pregnant cat should be examined by a veterinarian at least four times.
About a week before the expected date of birth, the cat undergoes an ultrasound examination or x-ray. After the examination, the veterinarian determines the exact number of kittens in the litter. This procedure is necessary; by determining the size of the litter, the owner and veterinarian can be sure that the birth is over after the complete expulsion of the kittens and placenta.
Advice: during childbirth, record on paper the order of birth of the kittens, their gender, weight and placenta release.
If the date of conception is unknown, to establish the gestational age and expected date of birth, the owner and veterinarian must rely on data on fetal formation, behavioral and physiological changes in the cat.
Unpleasant consequences after childbirth
Unfortunately, childbirth does not always go smoothly; various unpleasant consequences can occur. So, the first thing you need to pay attention to after childbirth is discharge. Any colored, unpleasant-smelling discharge is a deviation from the norm. If a cat has intense pink discharge, this is a sign of a fungal disease of the genital organs. If they are green, there is a bacterial infection. If the discharge is black-green with a strong unpleasant odor, it means rotting. If they are cloudy yellow or yellow-green, there is purulent inflammation in the womb.
Watery discharge is possible, which may be caused by blood accumulation in the uterus, uterine rupture, or rupture of sutures (during caesarean section).
If after birth the bleeding does not stop for 15 minutes, you should urgently take your pet to the veterinarian and provide qualified assistance.
Another problem after childbirth may be the lack of milk. The reason may be the stress of the mother in labor, so you should create comfort and ensure peace of mind for the mother, feed her well and let her drink milk.
It often happens that after giving birth a cat is left with a hanging belly. The reason may be that there is a dead kitten in the stomach. You need to carefully feel the cat's belly and take the animal to the veterinarian.
After giving birth, it is best to feed a cat with easily digestible food, milk with the addition of fish oil and calcium. Water supplies must be constantly replenished.
British cat giving birth
British cats cannot cope with childbirth on their own, so all responsibility lies on your shoulders. Therefore, it is so important to thoroughly understand the question of how labor begins in a British cat.
If the due date is approaching, you need to carefully monitor when the plug (a white-pink clot) comes out.
During pregnancy, it is better to exclude seafood from your pet’s diet, because they destroy vitamin B, which is necessary for kittens.
As a rule, cats who give birth for the first time may experience complications, so you need to prepare in advance:
- diapers that will need to be changed when dirty;
- antiseptic;
- sterilized scissors;
- sterile disposable gloves;
- cotton pads;
- Vaseline oil;
- syringes for 2 and 5 ml;
- calcium gluconate (to stimulate labor).
How to prepare for the arrival of kittens?
The cat will definitely let you know that labor is approaching . She will hide, avoid noisy places - living room, kitchen. May hide in a closet or chest of drawers .
Thus, she is looking for a place to give birth to offspring. To avoid unforeseen situations, it is better to determine what is needed for childbirth in advance.
Usually cats, being in a position, themselves “ask” the owners to find them a comfortable place . They hide on shelves with things, climb into closets, looking for a quiet, calm place. You can buy a special house for giving birth to a cat. But homemade ones will also work. The simplest and almost free option is a cardboard box.
Basic parameters of a house for a future cat mother:
- opening lid on top. This is necessary for the owner to control the situation. Looking from above, you can easily assess the situation, whether help is needed, how many kittens have appeared;
- soft bedding made of natural fabric. Slippery synthetics will not work - babies will cling with their claws, it does not absorb moisture well, it folds easily - an insurmountable obstacle for small cats;
IMPORTANT! It will not be possible to wash the litter from discharge during childbirth; there is no need to use expensive fabrics or things. The best option is an old cotton sheet.
- cat entrance. Provides the pet with free access to the babies. If the mother jumps over the top of the box, the kitten may be injured. The main entry parameter is a high threshold. It will not allow grown-up fluffies to leave the house uncontrollably.
To feel calm when giving birth to a cat at home, you need to prepare the necessary things in advance . Required:
- paper or cloth napkins;
- fabric for changing bedding;
- sterile gloves;
- oxytocin in ampoules, syringes;
- dry formula, in case there is no milk.
Determining the approximate date is simple - 60 days from conception . The error will be 2-3 days. If the onset of pregnancy is unknown, you need to carefully monitor your pet. After all, sometimes a cat goes through pregnancy, which negatively affects the offspring. Signs will be a large belly and lethargy.