Use of the drug Fungin Forte for the treatment of skin diseases in cats

Instructions for use and dosage for cats

Veterinarians recommend carrying out a treatment procedure only after confirming the diagnosis in the laboratory (taking a scraping).
Before using the product, you can wash your pet and then wait for the fur to dry. Eliminating contaminants will increase the permeability of the product into its dermal tissue. Algorithm for using the spray:

  • fixing a collar (muzzle) on the animal;
  • spraying the product within a radius of 10–15 cm from the skin;
  • medication consumption in the ratio of 0.2–03 ml/1 kg of weight;
  • removing the collar 15–20 minutes after the end of the procedure.

When using the aerosol, it is also necessary to capture healthy areas at a distance of up to 1 cm from the source of the fungal infection. Alternative use is also possible, which the instructions for Fungin allow. Using cotton wool soaked in the product, the application is carried out locally: the affected areas of the animal’s body are lubricated. With this processing method, the owner must wear rubber gloves. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 15 days, the intensity of treatment is once a day.

The drug Fungin is applied directly to the skin of the animal.

Pros and cons of the drug

The advantages of Fungin for cats include the active effect of the main substances, which they have on fungal cells, productively destroying them. The undoubted advantage of the drug is the absence of side effects, as well as many contraindications.

However, the drug also has disadvantages. The list of relative disadvantages includes the duration of the course of treatment, which ranges from 10 to 15 days. It should also be taken into account that during a protracted process, the medication will be powerless without additional symptomatic therapy.

Fungin is a medicine for cats used to eliminate ringworm and other fungal diseases that damage the skin of pets. Thanks to clotrimazole and propolis, which are in its composition, the drug actively destroys pathogenic cells and relieves inflammation without causing side effects in the cat’s body. In most cases, using the solution is enough to successfully rid your furry friend of the disease; if the disease persists, the veterinarian will prescribe symptomatic therapy.

Fungin forte reviews

Natalya Nikolaeva, Syktyvkar We live in a private house. The cat brought lichen. We went to the local veterinarian for advice. He advised us to use Fungin, but insisted on using a cone to prevent the cat from licking the medicine. They applied it for 10 days, as the doctor advised. We are happy with the result, the cat is healthy. We keep the drug in the first aid kit, it may come in handy.

Egor Aksenov, Ramenskoye I got myself a puppy, after a while he was diagnosed with a fungal disease. On the advice of a friend, I bought Fungin and was pleased. He cured the dog. True, I used a muzzle while the drug was absorbed. I advise

Pharmacological properties

The main advantage of the drug is its wide spectrum of action, which is determined by the active components. It is effective in destroying fungi of various types, helps restore skin and hair, which usually falls out in places where the disease develops.

Each of the active components has its own effect:

  1. Terbinafine has antifungal properties. The principle of its action is to block the enzyme necessary for the life and development of fungi. The absence of the enzyme leads to their rapid death. The substance practically does not penetrate into the bloodstream, but can accumulate in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.
  2. Thiabendazole has pronounced fungicidal (antifungal) properties. It not only contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in fungi, which leads to death, but also destroys the reproductive ability, due to which they cannot reproduce.
  3. Metronidazole has an antibacterial effect. It is effective even against the simplest microorganisms, which can pose a serious danger to animals and people.
  4. Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid that has a broad spectrum of action. Suppresses inflammatory processes, has immunosuppressive, antiallergic and antitoxic effects.
  5. Lidocaine reduces pain by suppressing the sensitivity of nerve endings.

The medicine promotes wound healing and hair restoration, as it triggers regenerative processes.

What you need to know about fungus in animals

Most often, infection occurs through contact with an infectious individual, but even cats that have never left the house can also become ill. Fungal spores can penetrate indoors on people’s shoes and clothes. If your pet's skin has microtraumas, scratches or diaper rash, the risk of developing a fungal infection increases many times over.

The development of pathology can be provoked by the following factors:

  • young age;
  • weakening of the body of pregnant and lactating females;
  • low immunity in the presence of viral infections;
  • incorrect diet;
  • for some chronic diseases.

On a note! A fungus is a disease of the skin and internal organs that occurs as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms on the body of an animal.

As a rule, the upper layers of the skin become their habitat. The disease manifests itself as peeling of the skin, dullness and hair loss, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Without treatment, non-healing wounds occur, the animal becomes weak and loses weight. But the main danger is that fungal diseases are transmitted to humans, and children are especially susceptible to infection.

Fungal diseases can be superficial, occurring on the skin and mucous membranes, or systemic, affecting internal organs.

Composition and release form

Fungin for cats is a light brown liquid with a slight specific odor.
The composition of the drug includes the active substance clotrimazole and auxiliary components that have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects: propolis, sulfur, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin, dimethyl sulfoxide, polyethylene glycol.

Clotrimazole has an active effect on pathogenic fungal microorganisms on the skin of cats. Currently, manufacturers of veterinary drugs offer several convenient forms of the drug. The drug is presented in the form of a solution, ointment and spray. Cat owners give the greatest preference to Fungin spray.

How does Fungin work and in what cases is it prescribed?

Clotrimazole has a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms, destroys them and completely inhibits their growth and reproduction.
The substance promotes tissue restoration, disinfects and heals the surface of wounds on the skin of an animal. Propolis enhances the antifungal activity of clotrimazole, relieves inflammation, disinfects and heals the skin. Fungin is a low-toxic veterinary drug. If the instructions are followed, it does not have an irritating effect.

Indications for use: Fungin is used to treat lichen or trichophytosis and microsporia in cats and dogs.


Before using the drug, you should carefully read the instructions or consult a veterinarian, since the drug has a number of restrictions on use.
The use of the drug is not recommended if animals have individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as in the following cases:

  • the age of the animal is less than one month;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • animals after infectious diseases.

If the instructions are strictly followed, no complications are observed. The individual reaction of the body can manifest itself in the form of increased salivation and abnormal bowel movements.

Description of the drug

The dermatological product is available in the form of a solution, has a yellowish-brown color with a specific, mild odor. Designed directly for external use on domestic and farm animals.

The drug is quite common in use and is sold in veterinary pharmacies. It is not recommended to buy medicine by hand, without an annotation, without first studying what Fungin looks like.

>Fungin is not produced in the form of ointment, balm, gel, dragee, or concentrate cream.

The following descriptions may appear:

  • fungin forte for dogs. Also called Terbinafine, Metronidazole, Dexamethasone, Thiabendazole, Lidocaine - international, non-proprietary names. For external use only, available in 10, 12 and 15 ml bottles, sterilely packaged.
  • polymer bottles (20, 30, 40, 50 ml) in the form of Fungin spray with a special sprayer.
  • bottles (10, 12, 15 ml) with dropper caps.

The composition is identical, 1 ml of the drug contains terbinafine in the form of hydrochloride, thiabendazole, metronidazole, lidocaine in the form of hydrochloride, dexamethasone Na3PO and excipients. Each type has instructions in Russian.

There is no substitute for this drug. If the drug is intolerant, only a veterinarian can select adequate local treatment. Reviews about the drug are positive; both doctors and animal owners appreciated its effectiveness.

The cost of the solution is from 150 rubles, the spray – from 300 rubles.

Side effects of the medicine

When using the drug in prescribed doses, they are not observed. However, some signs may occur due to individual intolerance to the components of the medicine by the pet. In this case, there is a possibility of skin irritation. If such a phenomenon is detected, the intake is stopped, and the applied solution is removed with a swab, then washed off with water from the skin of the animal.

Side effects occur due to an overdose of the active substance; in these cases, cats experience:

  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • depressed state;
  • increased salivation;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

If such symptoms cannot be eliminated by refusing to take or remove the solution from the cat’s skin, the veterinarian will prescribe symptomatic and desensitizing medications.

Note! Increased salivation (hypersalivation) is possible when using the solution for the first time. However, it passes quickly and is not a negative effect of the medicine on the body of a domestic cat.

Contraindications and side effects

There are practically no side effects when using Fungin. In exceptional cases, an allergic reaction is possible if the dog is highly sensitive to the components of the drug. But this is observed extremely rarely, 4, the lowest hazard class. It allows you to prescribe the drug freely.

Fungin should not be used by bitches during the period of bearing puppies and breastfeeding. If there is an urgent need, the risks for future puppies are assessed or the already born offspring are transferred to artificial feeding.

Fungin is contraindicated in puppies under 4 weeks of age who are sensitive to Fungin and are not prescribed the drug. The drug is prescribed with caution for oncology.

Instructions for use

The use of Fungin for cats is possible only externally; the drug should not be allowed to come into contact with the surface of the mucous membranes, as this leads to very severe irritation.
If cats show signs of lichen or other skin disease, doctors recommend using Fungin. Timely use of the drug will significantly speed up the animal’s recovery and improve the condition of its skin.

The use of Fungin in the form of a solution is allowed in case of fungal infections on the face and back of the body. In this case, the effect on the mucous surfaces and eyes of the animal will be minimal.

The use of the drug is unacceptable without consultation with a specialist. The veterinarian must do tests, make an accurate diagnosis and only then prescribe proper treatment.

If an animal has been diagnosed with microsporia or trichophytosis, the drug can be used in the dosage specified in the instructions. If lichen is detected, treatment should be prescribed individually. This is due to the fact that different forms of the disease may require the prescription of a specialized drug, and Fungin will be useless in this situation. The doctor must also determine the severity of the disease.

Before using the drug, you should first prepare the skin. To do this, the hair around the affected area is carefully trimmed, capturing one centimeter around it. There is no need to shave the fur, as this can lead to injury to the damaged area and infection of the wound.

To treat the affected area, if it is small in size, use a cotton pad or gauze swab. To treat large areas of the skin, it is recommended to use a spray that is sprayed over the surface of the cat's skin. When using the medicine, you need to hold the cat tightly, it should not escape and carefully ensure that the animal does not lick the medicine. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a special collar.

The solution and Fungin spray are used at the rate of 0.2 ml per kilogram of animal body weight. The drug is applied in the direction from the edges of the damaged surface to the center, covering about 1 centimeter of the healthy surface. After using Fungin, your pet should not be bathed for 24 hours.

The drug is used once a day until complete recovery. Usually the course of treatment is 10–15 days. The veterinarian should then take a control scraping. If a fungus is detected, treatment may be extended.

Positive and negative sides

The main advantage of fungin, based on most reviews about it, is its wide spectrum of action and effectiveness in the treatment of fungal skin lesions. The drug has an affordable price. Thanks to different release forms, Fungin can be used in the most convenient way.

The main disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to restrain the animal without allowing it to lick the medicine for half an hour. In addition, many consider the negative side of the drug to be the need for long-term use and strict adherence to personal precautions.


Fungin Forte spray can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. The cost of the drug varies from 250 to 350 rubles and depends on the place of purchase.

Frequent walks in outdoor conditions and the presence of an impressive coat of fur increase the risk of development in your pet. To eliminate pathogenic microflora, antifungal agents are used, which include fungin for the treatment of cats. Pronounced restorative properties help your pet recover faster and prevent the appearance of bald areas, which often occur with this pathological condition.

Spray Fungin instructions for use

When using a veterinary product, you must strictly follow the instructions. It shows the procedure:

  1. The first thing to do is to ensure maximum access to the affected area. If necessary, cut off interfering hair.
  2. Then you need to spray the spray over the area where the fungus is located.
  3. When applying the drug, you should also include healthy skin around the infected area (about one centimeter from the edge). This will prevent the fungi from spreading further.
  4. Rub the medication into the skin with light movements.
  5. Treatment is carried out twice a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. You should know that the course should not exceed 15 days.

After completing therapy, you must contact your veterinarian and take repeated tests to confirm the absence of fungi. In severe cases of the disease, Fungin Forte spray is used in combination with other medications that can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Fungivet spray reviews

Inna Makarova. Astrakhan. I used Fungin spray to treat five cats. The veterinarian found a fungus in one of them. But we had to treat everyone, because it’s easy to get infected from each other. The drug is inexpensive, so I bought two bottles so that there would be enough for five. One cat scared me with severe drooling. It lasted two hours. The cats are healthy. I recommend.

Elena Izmailova. Kazan. I bought Fungin spray to treat lichen in a dog in the yard. The result was satisfactory, the price was reasonable, and I did not observe any side effects. I sprayed my hind legs and the outbreak disappeared within a week. I continued to treat for another 3 days after the spot completely disappeared for prevention.

How to cure a cat from fungus

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Can I use

The medicine has a fungicidal effect and is effective against microsporia and trichophytosis. Fungin Forte helps to destroy fungal infections in pets, including dogs. Indications for use:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis, caused by a fungus. The medicine relieves the negative manifestations of the disease - itching and oily skin, unpleasant odor in areas affected by the fungus.
  2. Microsporia, trichophytosis (scab, ringworm). The disease is manifested by itching, inflammation of the dermis, and hair loss.
  3. Eczema caused by a fungal infection. Symptoms of the disease are redness of the skin at the site of the lesion, itching, and the appearance of purulent blisters. The cause of the pathology can be various factors - an allergy to the material from which the collar or bedding is made, parasites, stress, etc.

Fungin Forte is available in the form of a spray and drops intended for external use.

Reviews from owners and veterinarian

Faina, 49 years old, Kazan : “The dog caught a fungus while walking. I had to go to the veterinarian, who diagnosed the disease and prescribed Fungin Forte. We bought a spray. Easy to use - I sprayed it on the sore spot in the morning.

They treated for half a month. Additionally, vitamins were given. Everything is over. There were no side effects. The only inconvenience was that the dog didn’t like wearing a collar.”

Liliya, 27 years old, Saratov : “Our dog at the dacha went for a walk with street dogs and became infected with lichen. The veterinarian told me about Fungin Forte. The medicine was applied for 2 weeks. After about 5 days, improvements were visible. And by the end of the treatment, new fur began to appear. The drug is good, easy to use, and has no side effects.”

Sergey, 37 years old, Yaroslavl : “We don’t know where our shepherd dog became infected with the fungus. We started treating him with Fungin on the advice of a neighbor, because there was no veterinarian in the village at that time. The drug in the form of a spray is easy to use - applied to the skin and coat in the morning.

After a week, the symptoms subsided, but treatment was continued for another week. The dog tolerated the therapy well, there were no side effects.”

Pavel, 29 years old, Kaluga : “Fungin Forte is an effective antifungal agent. I often recommend it to pets, including dogs. I haven't heard any negative reviews from the owners. The drug is inexpensive and is available in many veterinary pharmacies.”

special instructions

When using the medication, it is important to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Do not allow animals to lick the drug. A cervical collar is well suited for these purposes. The protection should be removed only after the liquid has completely dried.
  2. If the solution does get into your pet's stomach, give activated charcoal and drink water, and then contact your veterinarian.
  3. If there are several pets living in a house, a sick cat should be isolated.
  4. The medicine can be used to treat fungus on the face. Be careful not to get the liquid into your eyes, as it will irritate your mucous membranes.
  5. Carry out the processing procedure only with rubber or latex gloves. When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  6. During the period of using the medicine, bathing should be avoided, as water procedures can reduce the effectiveness of the product.
  7. Follow the treatment regimen recommended by your doctor and do not skip procedures. If it was not possible to carry out the processing on time, correct the situation as soon as possible, and then return to the applied scheme.

Remember that ringworm is transmitted to humans, so limit the animal’s contact with children during the treatment period.

Animal care

Do not allow a treated cat or dog to lick the medication from its fur! For these purposes, you can use a collar, which can be removed half an hour after treatment. If the animal is actively trying to get rid of the protective device, you can inject it with a mild sedative after consulting a doctor. If you have several animals, the sick cat should be isolated.

After treatment with Fungin it is necessary:

  1. Monitor your pet for several days.
  2. If you feel weak and refuse to eat, inform your veterinarian - drug poisoning may have occurred.
  3. In case of indigestion and lethargy, remove the product from the skin and stop using it.
  4. You should not bathe your cat to maintain the therapeutic effect of the drug.

If the cat does swallow any amount of the medicine, you need to give it plenty of water with activated charcoal and limit its diet in the coming days.


The medicine was developed by the Moscow company Api-San in 2020. It is considered effective for treating skin pathologies in pets. Spray "Fungin Forte" has a more advanced formula than just "Fungin", made by the same company before.

One milliliter of the drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • 10 mg terbinafine hydrochloride;
  • 10 mg thiabendazole;
  • 10 mg metronidazole;
  • 50 mg lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • 1 mg dexamethasone sodium phosphate.

In addition, the medicine contains the following auxiliary components:

  • 10% propolis tincture - 50 mg;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide - 100 mg;
  • orange terpene - 5 mg;
  • benzyl alcohol - 300 mg;
  • polyethylene glycol-400 - up to 1 milliliter.

Instructions for use

A solution of fungin forte is applied to the affected area using a pre-moistened cotton swab at the rate of 0.2-0.3 ml of liquid per 1 kg of live weight of the pet.

Regardless of whether it is a cat or a dog. Rub the medicine in a circular motion.

To prevent the cat from licking the medicine, it is recommended that she wear a special muzzle. After half an hour it can be removed. The course of treatment is one procedure per day for 10-15 days.

The drug is applied to the skin with a moistened cotton-gauze swab at the rate of 0.2-0.3 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, lightly rubbing into the affected areas

If the disease progresses at a particularly severe stage, other medications can be additionally used. But their appointment should be done exclusively by a veterinarian after examining the animal and making the correct diagnosis.

During treatment, you need to grab 1 cm more space around the lesion, while spreading the hair well.

When using the product, you must also observe the rules of personal hygiene. While working, you must not smoke, drink alcohol or eat food. If the solution gets on the affected area of ​​the human body, it is recommended to wash it off with plenty of water. If an allergic reaction occurs and does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor. It is better to have instructions for using the medicine fungin or its label with you.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating dogs and puppies. But the veterinarian can prescribe this medicine to such patients if he considers that the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible harm. You cannot use drops or spray on your own.

There are no restrictions on the use of the medicine in dogs of a particular breed.

Instructions for use

Fungin should be used exclusively externally. The solution is used to treat fungal-affected areas on the pet’s body using a cotton pad. The duration of treatment and dosage is determined by the veterinarian individually for each cat, depending on the diagnosis and the weight of the cat. Typically, for every kg of cat weight there is 0.2-0.3 ml of medication.

Tablet preparations can be an addition to treating the animal with a spray.

If you use a spray, it should be sprayed directly into the area where the fungus has settled, and then gently rubbed into the dermis using a piece of gauze. The procedure is repeated once a day for 15 days. At the discretion of the veterinarian, treatment may be extended until the cat's condition is completely normalized. When treating with Fungin, you need to simultaneously use drops, tablets and other medications for specific therapy. If the use of an antifungal drug is ineffective, it is replaced with an analogue drug.

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