Use of the drug amoxoil for the treatment of infections in cats

Pets are susceptible to viral and bacterial infections just like their owners. Their occurrence can be accompanied by complications and even lead to death. If your animal shows signs of illness, it is better to immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where they will make a diagnosis and select effective therapeutic agents. When treating respiratory and some other diseases, veterinarians may prescribe the drug amoxoil for cats.

Rules of transportation and use

Clamoxyl for cats is packaged in 100 ml glass bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers and reinforced with aluminum caps on top.

The medicine should be transported in pharmaceutical packaging. It is recommended to keep the drug separately from food. The optimal temperature for preservation is from 3 to 25 degrees.

After the initial opening of the bottle, the drug can be used for 28 days, subject to the observance of antiseptic rules.

Unused drug must be disposed of according to existing requirements.

Chemical composition of the drug "Amoxoil retard"

The product contains the active ingredient amoxicillin (trihydrate) in an amount of 150 mg. It is supplemented by excipients: aluminum monostearate in an amount of 1.5 mg and ethyl oleate - 1 ml.

Did you know? The ancestors of all breeds of domestic cats are 5 subspecies of steppe cats. The domestication of animals supposedly occurred 9.5 thousand years ago in the Middle East. Scientists believe that man's goal in taming cats was to protect leftover food from rodents.

pharmachologic effect

Amoxicillin, which is part of Clamoxil LA, is not active against microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases. The component disrupts the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, stops the production of transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase enzymes, and provokes a malfunction in the osmotic balance. The process leads to the destruction of bacteria in the development phase.

The auxiliary oily element of the medication gradually releases micronized amoxicillin into the blood circulation, thereby maintaining the long-term effect of the drug.

Main characteristics of the drug

Despite the unfortunate fact that almost every second adult has had to deal with Almagel, not everyone knows about its characteristics. Let's close this gap.

The main active ingredients are aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. Since this medicine was not originally intended for veterinary purposes, the flavorings used here are lemon flavor (or similar). It looks like a thick suspension of white or whitish-yellow color and tastes slightly sweet. The medicine is “neutral”, it does not cause any unpleasant sensations when administered, cats drink it without any problems.

The principle of operation is simple. The substances contained in the drug neutralize hydrochloric acid, the main component of gastric juice, and also to some extent adsorb other compounds present in the stomach at the time of use. Since HCl is neutralized, the performance of pepsin (that is, the main gastric enzyme) is also reduced to almost zero.

What is the result? And as a result, the stomach, exhausted by attacks of pain that appears due to gastritis, more or less returns to normal, the mucous membrane regenerates to some extent. In addition, the adsorbing ability of the medicine is good in case of poisoning, so Almagel can be given to a cat in many cases.

Instructions for using Clamoxil for cats

The highest concentration of antibiotic in the blood is recorded 2 hours after the injection. Effects at a therapeutic level are observed for 48 hours. The injection can be repeated only after 48 hours. The interval between injections must be strictly observed, since a violation can cause a decrease in effectiveness.

The medication is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously with a dosage of 1 ml per 10 kg of pet’s weight, which corresponds to 15 mg of amoxicillin per 1 kg of weight.

If an allergic reaction occurs, the administration of the drug is stopped and antihistamines and symptomatic treatment are prescribed.

The bottle should be shaken well before administration. You cannot mix Clamoxil in the same syringe with other medications.

Amoxicillin is excreted from the body in bile and urine, unchanged.

Indications for use and properties

Many veterinarians prefer to use Almagel for the reason that it does not have the slightest effect on the cat’s body. This happens due to the fact that the components of the drug are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood at all. In principle, Almagel for cats can be successfully used both to treat an old cat and to treat a relatively young animal.

Important! It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding! At this time, if the need arises, it is better to choose another medicine for your pet.

The main indications for its use are as follows:

  • Ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and small intestine.
  • Poisoning, foreign bodies.
  • Acute and chronic (in the acute stage) gastritis.
  • Foreign bodies entering the stomach.
  • Recovery of an animal after severe helminthic infestations.

Thus, this medicine is extremely useful and can be prescribed for almost all gastrointestinal pathologies. What is the dosage? A measuring spoon is included with the medicine. An adult cat is given exactly half of it three times a day (not a spoon, of course, but the medicine that goes into it). The medication should be given approximately half an hour before meals. If vomiting occurs, increase the dose.

The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease and is determined by the veterinarian. Oh yes. You should not prescribe this drug on your own. Even though it is not absorbed into the blood, its excessive use may well lead to a deterioration in the animal’s condition. This especially applies to cases of anacid gastritis.

Remember! If, during this disease, you “stuff” a remedy into the cat that lowers the already low acidity, then your pet is almost guaranteed an ulcer.

Almagel is a fairly well-known drug. With its help you can relieve the symptoms of ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, and increased stomach acidity. It is successfully used for both people and pets.

The undeniable advantage of the product is that it is safe. Therefore, almagel for cats can be used to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug has been known since the 70s of the last century.


Clamoxil for cats is used for the following problems:

  • infectious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchopneumonia in newborn animals,
  • cystitis;
  • metritis,
  • necrobacteriosis;
  • damage;
  • abscissa;
  • joint inflammation;
  • navel infection;
  • pathological manifestations associated with the epidermis and soft tissues.

Also to prevent infectious and inflammatory phenomena after surgery.

How to give Amoxoil to a cat?

Amoxoil is an antibacterial drug. The medicine is characterized by a long-term effect and contains 150 mg of components in 1 ml. This is amoxicillin trihydrate and excipient. Instructions for use of the drug Amoxoil for cats is an opportunity to relieve the animal of unnecessary suffering and simplify the treatment process.

  • When is Amoxoil used?
  • How it works
  • General recommendations

How it works

The drug contains elements that destroy the cellular system of the microorganism. This localizes the inflammatory process and subsequently destroys pathogenic microbes, due to which the cat recovers completely. If the disease is detected in a timely manner, you can do without the use of other medications, including potent drugs.

The advantage of Amoxoil is that cats tolerate the synthetic base of the drug well. The composition instantly rolls out throughout the body and comes out after a short time. This is especially important for well-fed cats, who will need an increased dose for treatment.

At the same time, the drug does not lose its properties for a long time. The body “washes away” the chemical composition, but the substance leaves useful substances and components responsible for the active fight against microorganisms. Therefore, even within 48 hours, the minimum dosage preserves the indicated functions and promotes recovery.

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You can give the drug to a cat not only because of internal inflammation . This is a universal remedy for owners of “walking” animals. On the street, cats get soft tissue injuries, open wounds and abscesses.

You can administer Amoxoil yourself. A basic set of medical syringes is suitable for this. Timely introduction of the composition will prevent the spread of infection and help the animal quickly rehabilitate after an unsuccessful street fight.

General recommendations

It is better to discuss the use of any medications for pets with your doctor. This is also evidenced by the description on the packaging.

A consultation with a veterinarian will help collect tests and determine limitations. This is relevant for owners of cats whose age exceeds 10-12 years.

A balanced treatment program will help carry out competent prevention and therapy, overcome chronic diseases and local ailments, from which even young cats are not protected.


Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Clamoxil for cats

Positive properties of Clamoxil:

  1. It acts quite softly and directed;
  2. Treatment through injections avoids damage to the cat's stomach and liver;
  3. Has a rapid bactericidal effect;
  4. Well distributed in tissues;
  5. Non-toxic.

Treatment and dosage must be prescribed by a veterinarian, taking into account the individual characteristics of the cat, such as weight, age, general health. In order to relieve the load on the kidneys and liver, hepatoprotective agents are prescribed.

The disadvantages include certain negative manifestations in the pet after taking the drug:

  1. All biological mass after the death of bacteria is excreted from the cat’s body through the kidneys and liver, increasing the risk of chronic diseases;
  2. The drug is an antibiotic, and its use leads to the destruction of a large number of beneficial and necessary bacteria for the body;
  3. There is a factor of individual intolerance to the main component of the drug;
  4. Allergies associated with taking Clamoxil are possible.

An allergic reaction is expressed by:

  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • baldness;
  • rashes on the animal's skin;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If an allergy occurs, you should urgently stop using the medication and replace it with a more gentle medication.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is non-toxic and low-hazard, approved for dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages. As a general precaution, you should not give injections to bitches in the last weeks of pregnancy or immediately after whelping.

The photo shows the antibiotic Clamoxil in an insulin syringe.

Use with caution in puppies under 2 weeks of age and in dogs undergoing chemotherapy. Self-medication is not recommended; you should consult a veterinarian before starting injections.

Important. The drug is contraindicated in dogs with hypersensitivity to penicillin.

An individual allergic reaction is possible. In this case, side effects are observed in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, refusal to eat, general depression, skin itching and irritation. After the end of treatment, the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

In some cases, prophylactic use of immunomodulators (Ribotan, Gamavit, Fosprenil, etc.) and drugs that restore the activity of the stomach and intestines is required.


If necessary, use Amoxicillin in tablet form - weighing 0.25 and 0.5 g, produced in contour plates or glass containers. There is also a powder. It is recommended to take the tablets for 5 – 7 days, with the calculation of 1 kg of the pet’s weight per 12 mg of the drug. The effect of the tablets occurs within a few hours.

You can also replace Clamoxil for cats with other antibiotic drugs, the active substance of which is amoxicillin trihydrate, a semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic.

Such means include:

  • Sinulox (tablets and injections);
  • Amoxicillin 15%;
  • Amoxoyl retard;
  • Sulf 120 and 480;
  • Stomorgil;
  • Baytril 2.5 and 5%;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Cobactan;
  • Dorin 300 mg;
  • Lincomycin 10%.

Composition, release form and storage conditions of Clamoxil

The drug Clamoxil is an antibacterial medicine. The active component of the drug is amoxicillin. Additionally, the composition includes aluminum stearate and coconut oil, which gives the medication the necessary consistency. This product is available in the form of a suspension, which is used for injection.

The drug Klamoksil is an antibacterial agent from the penicillin group

The medicine must be stored at a temperature that does not exceed 25 degrees. The period during which the suspension can be used for treatment is 3 years. After opening the package, the drug is only good for a month.

Interesting fact: penicillin antibiotics, such as Clamoxil, are obtained from various types of mold. This was first done by the scientist A. Fleming in 1928. He conducted experiments during which he discovered that a green variety of mold can destroy the membranes of bacteria, causing their death.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by cats, but sometimes the following may occur:

  • allergic manifestations (fever, rhinitis, hyperemia of visible mucous membranes, itching of the skin);
  • mild agitation or depression;
  • convulsive reactions;
  • vomiting and retching, excessive salivation;
  • diarrhea;
  • distortion of taste and refusal of usual food.

The most common of these are allergic reactions. Since the drug is administered once, special attention is not paid to allergies when prescribing.

The place where the injection was given may react with swelling, which resolves within 1-2 days after injection.

What does amoxicillin help for cats?

This antibiotic does a lot; it actively fights the following parasites:

  • coli;
  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • and other bacteria.

Veterinarians prescribe it for infectious diseases and inflammations, as well as in cases of complications of these ailments.

It plays an important role in treatment so that the pathogen is as sensitive as possible to this medicine. Therefore, it is very important to visit a veterinarian before your appointment.

If he prescribes this drug, he must decide on the dosage. And then tell the owner what it should be like.

The instructions for use contain all the important points that the owner must familiarize himself with, especially if he forgets what the veterinarian said.

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Description of the drug Amoxicillin

Amoxoil Retard is an effective complex pharmacological drug with a complex, wide spectrum of action.
Has a prolonged effect. In traditional veterinary medicine, it is used in the treatment of bacterial and viral diseases in cats. Amoxoil is available in the form of a sterile injection solution. Packaged in glass or plastic bottles of 50, 100, 250 ml, which are placed in cardboard boxes. The solution has a rich dark yellow color. The international nonproprietary name of the drug is amoxicillin.

The main active ingredient is amoxicillin trihydrate, which belongs to the group of semisynthetic penicillin antibiotics. Used for intramuscular, subcutaneous administration. The maximum concentration of the antibacterial drug in the blood and tissues of animals is observed two hours after injection. The therapeutic effect lasts for two to three days. High level of antibiotic, which persists for 2-3 days. The drug has no irritant effect and is well tolerated by animals. Belongs to the group of moderately toxic medications.

Amoxoil Retard – sterile solution for injection

Store Amoxoil retard in a cool, dry, dark place in closed cardboard boxes at a temperature of 0-22 degrees Celsius. The shelf life from the date of release is two years, but only if the storage conditions specified on the packaging are observed. After opening the bottle, use the solution within two days.

The universal veterinary antibiotic Amoxicillin, part of the penicillin group, is used to treat a wide range of infections in farm animals and pets, except rodents. It was developed by Spanish pharmacologists from the company Invesa, but has recently been produced in Russia. The drug gives good results in the complex treatment of cat diseases.

Amoxicillin is a proven drug for treating infections in cats.

The active ingredient of the drug is amoxicillin trihydrate - this compound is presented in different forms of the drug of the same name with different concentrations.

Amoxicillin is offered by its manufacturers in three forms:

  • tablets - in blisters of 10 pieces or glass jars of 24 pieces;
  • suspension - in glass bottles of various volumes;
  • powder - in packages from 50 grams to 25 kilograms.

The tablets are taken orally, and the oily, light yellow suspension is injected; the powder is added to food or drink. Only tablets or suspension are suitable for treating cats.

Excipients of the suspension are:

  • butylated hydroxytoluene,
  • benzyl alcohol,
  • aluminum monostearate,
  • fractionated coconut oil.

The composition of Amoxicillin tablets is slightly different from the suspension - they additionally contain clavulanic acid. This substance enhances the effectiveness of the drug when taken orally.

Amoxicillin tablets contain an excipient - clavulanic acid.

The mechanism of action of amoxicillin trihydrate is simple and effective. This substance, entering an organism infected with pathogenic microflora, immediately begins to act: it destroys the cell membranes of bacteria and blocks the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the replication of their DNA.

Amoxicillin has a destructive effect on the following types of pathogens:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • enterococci;
  • Leptospira;
  • salmonella;
  • coli;
  • listeria;
  • proteas;
  • clostridia.

The injection method of treatment gives better and faster results than pill therapy. With intramuscular or subcutaneous infusion of the suspension, Amoxicillin is immediately absorbed directly into the blood, which delivers the medicine to all organs and tissues. The required concentration of the active substance is achieved one or two hours after the injection.

Reviews of the drug from cat owners and veterinarians

This again depends on what form the medicine is taken in.

If the injections are for intramuscular administration, then the likelihood that the cat will receive an “overdose” of the medicine is extremely small.

By the way, after administering the injection, you need to lightly massage the injection site. That is, both before and after administration. If in powder, then, in principle, too. The dose is easy to calculate.

But if you use it in tablets, an overdose is very likely. Because it is extremely difficult to calculate the weight of the tablet and correlate it with the weight of the animal.

It should be recalled that the proportion of antibiotic in tablet form is 12.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of kitty weight. And if the weight of the animal is small, for example, we are talking about a kitten, choosing the correct dosage of the medicine is very difficult, so it is better for the owner to use solutions or injections.

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There is no need to self-medicate your cat; it is even strictly prohibited, since any antibiotic, including the one in question, has its own side effects. The most common manifestation is allergies. The place where the injection was administered may well become swollen, red, and conjunctivitis may begin to develop.

If the situation is more severe, allergies may develop. If there is a hint of these reactions, the drug should be discontinued without delay.

Side effects include vomiting (possible), very severe diarrhea, and the cat’s taste preferences may change dramatically.

Rarely, but still there have been cases of even ulcerative stomatitis due to the fact that the cat took this medicine. The animal's behavior may also change. He may have a slow reaction or overly excited behavior.

Taking the drug in form can lead to sensations of pain at the site of drug administration, and the cat begins to walk with a limp. Difficulty breathing and hoarseness can be observed in a number of animals. Long-term and unnecessary use (i.e., without the knowledge of the veterinarian) of an antibiotic can give rise to the development of fungi in the mouth and even diseases of the genital organs.

Do not prescribe treatment with Amoxicillin yourself; be sure to show the sick animal to a doctor. Amoxicillin is a strong antibiotic and should be used in such a way that the treatment brings maximum benefit and minimum harm to your cat.

Main pros and cons

The advantages of this antibiotic include:

  1. Fast and precise impact.
  2. Long period of time between injections.
  3. Wide range of diseases.
  4. Non-toxic.
  5. Gradual and soft distribution in tissues.

However, like every medicine, Clamoxil has a number of disadvantages. The first dose of the drug is associated with a certain risk, since it is unknown how the animal tolerates amoxicillin. In addition, antibiotics do not divide bacteria into good and bad, which means that after administration, the body will have to independently restore the necessary and beneficial bacteria. With some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, complications are possible, because the drug is excreted through these organs.

Allergy to Clamoxil: what to do

Allergies can be expressed by itching, skin rashes, baldness at the injection site, and swelling. Difficulty breathing and anaphylactic shock were observed. For allergies, a complex of antiallergic therapy (antihistamines) is prescribed and the main treatment is replaced with other medications.

If your dog is sick, do not try to treat your dog yourself. Antibiotics, as well as other medications, must be prescribed by a doctor, and he must also observe the sick animal. Don't take the vets' jobs!

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