How to feed a newborn kitten without a cat at home?



Unfortunately, there are situations when newly born kittens are left without maternal warmth and, accordingly, milk. There are many reasons for this - the cat could die during childbirth or simply refuse to feed the kittens. In order for the babies not to die, you need to know how to feed a kitten without a cat. Of course, the best option would be to find a wet nurse for the newborn - a cat. This is not often possible. However, you shouldn’t be upset, there is a series of recommendations that you can follow to raise a healthy animal yourself.

In addition to proper nutrition, small kittens need to be provided with comfortable conditions. We are talking about :

  • "Nest" with heating
  • Controlling bowel movements
  • Nutrition equivalent to cat milk

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First of all, kittens need a cozy nest in order not to suffer from hypothermia. Being near the cat - mother, they warm themselves from her - her temperature is about 38C. Therefore, motherless babies need to be provided with a similar nest temperature, this is especially important in the first weeks of their life.

The “house” is made from natural fabric or from special diapers for infants. Soiled fabric is easily washed, and soiled diapers are simply thrown away. A heating pad is placed in the house. If it is not there, you cannot refuse heating; you can use a simple heating pad or a simple plastic bottle with warm water. The main condition is to constantly monitor that the water does not cool down and that the optimal temperature for the kittens is maintained in the nest.

It is difficult to forget about changing the water. Since babies ask to eat very often at first, their squeaks will immediately remind you of feeding and heating the house. Do not forget that the heating pad or bottle must be wrapped in terry cloth or a towel. This will protect the kittens from getting burns. After everything is in order in the nest, the kittens are placed there and the house is covered from above with a woolen scarf, shawl or sweater. This is necessary to ensure that the heat does not escape outside and is retained inside the house.

When choosing a base for a nest, it is better to give preference to a basin. Unlike a cardboard box, it is more hygienic and does not absorb unpleasant odors . It can be easily washed and disinfected. Having arranged a place for the children to live, we move on to the immediate question of how to feed a kitten at home.

How often to feed a newborn kitten

The frequency of feeding kittens abandoned by a cat has long been determined by experts.

Until the fourth day of life, babies are fed every 2 hours around the clock. On the fifth day, the frequency changes: the baby can tolerate it for 3 hours. From the 14th day, only one night feeding is left, daytime feedings are left at the same interval. After 25 days of life, you need to feed 1 time at night; during the day, the interval between meals is 3-4 hours. From the 35th day, a gap of 4 hours is left during the day, and night feeding is removed.

If you have the fate of feeding a newborn kitten in the first days, then do not overfeed the cub: he is given 3-4 ml per feeding. With growth, the interval between meals and the single dose increase.

Education methods

It’s better not to delay education. A mature animal will listen to you with much less enthusiasm than a foolish baby.

Tray training

On average, litter box training takes about 2-4 weeks. In addition to your persistence, you should pay attention to the accessibility of the tray and the privacy of the space allocated for it. A constantly open toilet door can negate all your efforts, since cats do not tolerate violations of their personal space during such intimate moments.

Training to a scratching post

Use liquid catnip and other products that attract cats' attention with their scent. Prevent damage to foreign objects so that the pet understands that everything except the scratching post is prohibited.

How can you punish a guilty animal?

As a punishment, use prohibition commands, pronounced in a strict and accusing intonation. Accompany them with a spray from a spray bottle or a newspaper clap on the floor near the offender.

Remember that assault and loud shouting are prohibited. Such parenting methods can lead to serious mental problems.

Is it possible to train a cat?

It all depends on the specific animal. Most cats can be taught the fetch command. They love to hunt and often bring balls and mice to their owner, getting involved in joint play.

Feeding Basics for Newborn Kittens

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> If a cat does not feed newborn kittens , then the owner will have to become the mother.

To prevent the process from causing inconvenience, sit down comfortably and place a diaper on your knees. The cub is placed on the prepared bedding - it should lie as if it were being fed by a mother cat. If it is a newborn, then he is placed lying down and his head is raised slightly. It is important to ensure that your head is not thrown back excessively!

After placing the baby, they begin the feeding process itself.

Feeding methods

If you had to replace the furry mother, you need to know how to feed newborn kittens without a cat. First use a pipette or syringe. Although you can find specialized nipples and bottles in pet stores.

A drop of milk is squeezed out of the pipette and the crumbs are brought to the spout. As soon as the baby smells the milky aroma, he begins to look for the nipple. It is at this time that the new “mother” puts a syringe or pipette with milk mixture into his mouth. The main thing is not to swallow a lot of air, which can lead to abdominal pain.

Feeding diet for a newborn kitten

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> If feeding the kitten falls entirely on the shoulders of a person, then you need to take into account the laboriousness of the process and regularly allocate time for this. If there is no nurse cat nearby who would agree to take other people’s babies under her wing, then you need to think about the most suitable replacement for cat’s mother’s milk.

Together with mother's milk, kittens receive immunity, minerals and vitamins. A suitable mixture can be a replacement. You can buy it at a pet store or prepare it yourself. It is not advisable to heat the mixture in the microwave; it is better to heat it in a water bath until warm. Before giving the cat something to eat, they try to leave a drop of milk on their wrist so that the cub doesn’t get burned. In the first two weeks, the food temperature should correspond to the baby’s body temperature.

At the end of the newborn period, complementary foods consisting of formula and milk porridge begin to be introduced. Starting from day 21, it is useful to diversify the menu with low-fat cottage cheese, baby meat food, egg yolk, fish and lean beef. Starting from day 35, kittens are quite capable of eating from a bowl.

Mr. Cat recommends: adaptation of a new tenant

Little kittens adapt to a new environment quite quickly, but your pet needs to make this period as easy as possible. At first he will miss his mother and look for her, but after a few days he will start exploring the expanses of the apartment.

If you do not plan to let your tailed pet into your bed, then it is necessary to accustom him to a house or bedding from the first days.

The animal will choose a place to sleep itself, and a house should be placed there or a special bedding should be laid.

Moving and being separated from mom is stressful for a small animal. At first, he may refuse to eat and drink. You need to accustom him gradually, over time he will begin to eat normally.

The pet will also choose its own place to go to the toilet. He may start meowing loudly while circling in one place. This happens if the nursery or breeder has already trained him to use a tray. Where he has designated a place for himself, the pot is placed. Sometimes a kitten can quietly pee in some corner, and the owner simply will not notice it.

In any case, it is almost useless to accustom a kitten to a tray placed in a place chosen by the owner: he will go to the place where he did it for the first time.

In this matter, a person will have to adapt to a small pet. If the cat is not accustomed to the tray, then he needs to be shown several times what this item is intended for: as soon as the animal begins to “dig” a hole for its business, you need to place it in the tray.

Preparing a kitten feeding kit

To feed a kitten without a cat, you need to prepare everything you need, so that later it doesn’t turn out that something necessary is missing at that very moment.

First of all, you need to purchase auxiliary devices. You will need:

  • plastic pipette;
  • disposable syringe with a volume of 20 ml;
  • catheter;
  • pacifier;
  • a small bottle with a narrowed spout (for children or intended for drinking kittens);
  • measuring spoon;
  • convenient bowl.

It is better to take several different pipettes and nipples at once, as some may not be suitable due to poor quality or may not withstand frequent washing. Syringes should also always be in stock.

If financial resources allow, you can simply purchase a ready-made kit for feeding animals: it includes a plastic bottle with a volume of 35 or 55 ml and a silicone nipple of a suitable size for one-week and two-week-old kittens.

What else will a tailed newcomer need?

The remaining items are considered additional, as they can be purchased a little later. They include tools and care products, as well as a variety of toys. There is no point in delaying their purchase, since hygiene procedures should be taught from childhood.

Claw cutter

To shorten claws that are too long, you will need a nail clipper. It differs from nail scissors in having a special recess for the claw. With this tool you don’t have to worry about peeling the nail plate or accidentally getting injured.

Accessories for combing

Without proper care, long-haired breeds quickly turn into a giant ball of tangles. Due to matting, hairs become thinner, break and fall out.

Combs with natural bristles and wide teeth, made of metal, as well as a special mitten brush will help preserve the beauty of your fur coat. During the molting period, a furminator can be used to remove fallen hairs.

There is no need to skimp on combing accessories. Ordinary plastic strongly electrifies wool, worsening its appearance.

Oral hygiene products

You need to brush your teeth not only for yourself, but also for your pets. Cats, like us, are not immune to caries and other oral diseases.

To care for your teeth, you will need to purchase veterinary toothpaste and a brush. A very comfortable model that fits directly on your finger.


Games are loved not only by ordinary children, but also by little cats. With their help, they learn the basics of hunting and throw out the energy accumulated during the day. Such activity has a positive effect on health, so the furry couch potato should be involved in joint games even as an adult.

Balls, mice and interactive toys are suitable for independent games, and teaser fishing rods for joint games. But you can also save money by making your own toy from thread and candy wrapper.

Other skin care products

To prevent ear pathologies, you need to keep your ears clean. Cleansing lotions that are instilled directly into the ear canal and regular cotton pads soaked in water will help with this.

If your pet gets dirty during dusty renovations or crazy runs through the garden beds, then you will need cat shampoo to save it. An ordinary human one will not work - it can provoke an allergic reaction.

Another important tool is a special spray used for toilet training. Depending on the components, it can attract the animal to the tray or scare it away from relieving itself in the wrong place.

Feeding with ready-made formulas

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> If you need to feed a kitten from its very birth, then you need to know what such babies are fed. Many people wonder whether it is possible to feed newborn kittens with infant formula or whether they will have to buy only specialized ready-made formulas.

If the situation is extreme, and there is baby formula in the house, then it can be diluted in a 1:2 ratio with water. Baby food formulas for the digestive system of kittens are too fatty and rich in micro- and macroelements. Diluted with water in the right proportion, they become less concentrated and heavy for the kitten’s stomach.

Cat milk substitutes have long been developed and sold in veterinary pharmacies. The milk of other animals is less suitable and can easily upset the animal's stomach.

Feeding formulas can be purchased in both liquid and powder form. The digestion of cat babies functions normally, the intestinal microflora is in perfect order.

Taking care of your health

A homebody cat is not immune from infection by parasites and viruses. For this reason, it must be regularly treated against various pests and vaccinated.

Treatment for ectoparasites

Preparations for fleas, ticks and other ectoparasites are used during periods of increased activity, before mating and vaccination. The method and frequency of use depend on the type of product chosen.


Treatment for worms is carried out every quarter or every six months. Deviation from the schedule is possible only with direct infection or vaccination, participation in exhibitions, travel abroad, as well as with surgical intervention.

When do you get vaccinated and get a veterinary passport?

The first vaccination is given at 2-2.5 months, that is, after separation from the mother. All data on the administered drug is included in the veterinary passport, so this document is created after the first application.

The decision on castration, sterilization and their timing

The ideal age for surgery is 7-8 months. It is recommended to sterilize the cat before the onset of her first heat, as this reduces the likelihood of developing cancer in the future to 0.5%.

What natural foods can you feed kittens?

But there are situations in which you have to take care of a newborn kitten yourself. And this is not an easy task. The most difficult thing is to properly feed a kitten . The slightest inattention to the quality of food and the feeding process can lead to poor health, the development of serious diseases and even the death of the pet.

If we are talking about a kitten up to two weeks old, then from natural products rice water, goat milk and condensed milk without sugar are suitable. The first portion should be very small in order to monitor the body's reaction to the new product.

You can also add corn oil, raw egg, and bone meal to the mixture.

If the baby has grown up and the question arises of how to feed a month-old kitten, then the situation here is simpler: cottage cheese, boiled chicken yolk, porridge with meat or milk broth and boiled vegetables are happily kneaded.

Cooking Recipes

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> Several proven recipes for kittens during the newborn period:

Recipe No. 1

For 5 parts of 20% condensed milk take 1 part water, 1 tsp. bone meal and 1 liter of milk. All ingredients are mixed until smooth, the liquid is filtered and cooled to 36-38°C.

Recipe No. 2

For a glass of milk take 2 yolks, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, optionally a drop of vitamins.

Recipe No. 3

Food for weakly healthy kittens.

Half a glass of full-fat milk, yolk, 20 ml of glucose 5%, a drop of vitamins.

Strain the mixture and sell within 24 hours. Store the composition in the refrigerator and warm up to 37 °C before use.

Recipe No. 4

All components are taken per 1 kg of kitten weight, you will have to calculate everything correctly.

You need to take 50 g of full-fat milk, 15 g of whole milk powder, 3 g of dry yeast, 1 egg, 50 g of whipped protein, 1 g of vegetable oil, 4 g of glucose. The composition is mixed and heated to 37-38°C

Recipe No. 5

You will need 25 g of cow's milk, 5 g of whole milk powder, 2 g of glucose, 1 g of vitamin supplements.

Recipe No. 6

You need to take a teaspoon each of bone meal and milk, 5 tsp. 20% condensed milk and mix everything.

Recipe No. 7

To 50 g of whole milk powder add the same amount of boiled milk, half a raw yolk and 1 tsp. corn oil.

Recipe No. 8

Take 100 g of milk, yolk, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil, 20 ml of 5% glucose, a drop of vitamins.


Having prepared the mixture, do not forget that the feeding procedure itself must be properly prepared. When feeding a newly born kitten, it is carefully picked up. Lightly placing a purchased or home-made pacifier into the baby's mouth, support it at an incline of 45. If the baby suddenly coughs, you should turn him head down so that he does not choke.

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Experienced cat owners advise that while feeding, gently and lightly stroke the kitten on the head and, if possible, imitate the calm purr of a nursing cat. According to many breeders, such actions have a very beneficial effect on babies. When a kitten is left without its mother, a cat, it is more sensitive to affection and living warmth.

A well-fed kitten can be identified by the milk remaining on its face and round tummy. Milk “gurgles” coming from the baby’s mouth also indicate saturation. In addition, a well-fed kitten stops sucking the formula and falls asleep.

After the feeding procedure is completed, wipe the kitten’s face and any soiled parts of the baby’s body with a cloth soaked in warm water, preventing the mixture from drying on the fur. Such care is mandatory for hygiene.

What should you not feed newborn kittens?

If you listen to the advice of experts, ignoring common sense, then it won’t take long for things to get into trouble. There are several “don’ts” in feeding newborn kittens, in addition to a strict feeding schedule, dosage and food intake rules.

  1. Cow's milk is not used in its pure form, as this can lead to severe indigestion and possible death.
  2. No cream, even diluted with water.
  3. Don’t rush and shove sausage or minced meat into your baby’s mouth.
  4. When the baby gets a little older, you also shouldn’t rush to feed him raw freshwater fish, otherwise he may be attacked by helminths.

Natural nutrition

Natural feeding implies a diet consisting of natural products. Contrary to popular belief, pets should not be fed from the owner's table; such feeding can lead to the development of diseases.

When choosing a natural diet, veterinarians advise consulting with them in order to correctly calculate the menu for your pet. Excess or deficiency of substances can lead to disruption of growth and development processes, and junk food provokes the formation of diseases.

Features of the natural diet of kittens

For a carnivorous predator, sufficient protein intake is important, so the basis of the diet is meat. Veterinarians recommend feeding chicken, turkey or beef, as these varieties contain the least amount of fat.

Weak meat broths are given to babies from the second week. Soft minced meat is gradually introduced, and from a month on you can feed your pet finely chopped fillet.

For proper osteosynthesis, that is, the development of the bone apparatus, as well as the formation of teeth, a sufficient amount of calcium, magnesium and other elements that are contained in dairy products is necessary. The kitten's diet includes fermented baked milk, cow's milk, and cottage cheese.

Vitamins are found in fresh vegetables and fruits. At an early age they are served as a puree. By one month, the kitten can eat finely chopped ingredients.

The source of phosphorus is fish. Preference is given to marine species. In this case, the product is boiled and cleaned of bones. It is more advisable to use fillet.


Supporters of natural nutrition explain their choice by the fact that natural nutrition does not contain harmful compounds - preservatives, additives, dyes, flavor enhancers. In addition, a wide variety of foods has a beneficial effect on your pet's health. With a properly designed menu, natural feeding ensures a complete supply of all necessary nutrients.


Feeding your pet natural food can lead to poisoning if a prohibited product gets into the diet. In addition, independently compiling a menu may not take into account the individual needs of the baby and lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals or, conversely, their excess.

Toys and other things for development and communication with a kitten

All children love to play, and felines are no exception. Having settled in a new place, the baby begins to enjoy running after a piece of paper on a string or chasing various objects across the floor.

It is better to make sure that the kitten has its own things:

  • Movable toys. Fur balls, rubber mice and other similar things. It is important that toys do not have small parts: kittens are teething, the baby can bite off a small part and choke.
  • Hanging objects. A ball hanging on a thread on the door handle will occupy the attention of a cat child for a long time.
  • Scratching post. Sharpening claws is a natural need of the cat tribe. If you do not acquire this useful item, the furniture or carpet will suffer. In the first days, you need to show your pet a place where it is allowed to sharpen its claws.

A good option would be to purchase a special complex where your pet can climb and jump.

In addition to the fact that the device develops the cat's dexterity and flexibility, purchasing a device will reduce the likelihood that a playful baby will throw flowers from the windowsill or objects from the table.

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