What does it mean if a cat lies on a pregnant woman's stomach?

» Signs » True signs with cats for pregnant women



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In ancient times, everything that could not be explained was considered mysterious and gave rise to many different speculations. One such process in people’s lives is pregnancy. And even today there are mothers who do not want to cut their hair, do not buy things for their children in advance, do not knit or touch cats during pregnancy. What is so terrible that a sign with cats for pregnant women can tell?

Signs for pregnant women with cats

Interpretation of superstitions

Almost any sign that concerns pregnancy and childbirth is based on two main facts: fear and curiosity. As for signs with cats, most of them can be substantiated from a scientific point of view. There are four signs associated with cats and pregnant women:

  • during pregnancy, it is necessary to reduce close contact with animals to a minimum;
  • You can’t pet cats;
  • you can’t go near the cat’s litter box;
  • when you feel the urge to play with a cat during pregnancy, it means that the future baby will have a difficult life ahead of him and will be surrounded by many enemies.

During pregnancy, the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis increases. Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by parasites. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women and unborn babies. It is the cat that is often the carrier of this parasite, which multiplies in the animal’s intestines and enters the external environment along with feces.

As you can see, these signs can be substantiated scientifically. However, if a woman had a cat at home for many years before pregnancy, this does not mean that she should be thrown away immediately. It is better to consult a doctor and undergo all relevant laboratory tests.

Why do they do this

Despite all the mysticism of cats, quite material explanations can always be found for their behavior - perhaps they will somewhat disappoint those who want miracles and fairy tales.

Looking for warmth

All cats are very thermophilic. Their normal body temperature is one and a half to two degrees higher than ours, and for the animal to feel comfortable, the room must be at least 23–25 degrees Celsius. So they find a warm place for themselves: if not on a hot radiator or a windowsill warmed by the sun, then on a working computer.

And since cats are also great lovers of sleep - some of them are ready to sleep up to 20 hours a day - then the choice of the owner’s bed becomes obvious: warm, cozy and not drafty.

They say that cats often lie down on sore spots. Yes this is true. And it is also simply explained: the cat does not so much warm your sore joints, for example, as it warms itself about them. She chooses for herself the warmest areas of the human body - and where the inflammatory process occurs, the temperature naturally rises.

Lying with your hostess is so warm and cozy

The same thing happens with pregnancy. From the moment of conception, turbulent events unfold in a woman’s uterus: rapid cell division occurs, the entire reproductive system is rebuilt. Of course, at the same time the stomach becomes warmer than usual - and that’s all the cat needed.

Showing sympathy for the owner

No, of course, they are not so pragmatic as to simply use us shamelessly without giving anything in return. They love us very much and try to express their emotional affection through the means available to them.

A cat always seeks protection and tenderness from its beloved owner, and when it intuitively senses a woman’s special state, it begins to show increased attention to her. It is no coincidence that this behavior manifests itself much more often not in cats, but in cats.

They love us, want to take care of us and help us - as best they can.

Folk wisdom related to pregnant women and cats

There are many other signs associated with contact between pregnant women and felines:

  • Do not touch the animal with your feet, otherwise the baby will have problems with the nervous system;
  • It is also prohibited to harm animals, such an act will harm the health of the mother and baby;
  • a tricolor cat serves as a talisman for your pregnancy, so it should not be kicked out of the house;
  • if a calico cat leaves a pregnant woman’s house, it means the baby will not survive;
  • when a calico cat asks to come into the house, and a woman in this position cannot be turned away;
  • a cat can strangle a child out of jealousy.

These signs can also be easily substantiated or refuted from a scientific point of view. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to make too sudden movements. This has a bad effect on both the woman herself and the fetus. The emotional state of a woman is transmitted to the fetus and threatens nervous diseases. As for domestic cats, scientists have proven that while living in a house, people develop a strong immunity to toxoplasmosis. If a cat has lived in your house for many years, then the future baby is in no danger at all.

If we consider the belief that says that you cannot drive away animals that have strayed, there are also many nuances. Today, most people suffer from allergies, and their manifestations can be very different. Pregnant women especially often experience such problems, even if this has not been observed before, therefore, no matter what color the animal passes the threshold, a person simply will not be able to take it home and nothing will happen.

Cases of infants being strangled by cats happen quite often. However, this is most likely not out of jealousy, but because the animal is trying to warm the baby and lies on top of him. It is advisable to isolate your pet for the first time and not allow it into a crib. There is another sign that says that if a cat begins to climb into a pre-prepared crib at the end of pregnancy, it means that in a couple of days the baby will be born. It is believed that the animal subconsciously feels its owner and her condition.

Educational measures

If your tabby still needs training, then follow a few tips from experienced cat lovers:

  • Use indirect deterrence: line the windowsill or kitchen table with light tin cans. Make sure that the pet does not find a place for itself or is sure to knock something over. Loud sounds that do not come from a person frighten her.
  • Place upside-down mousetraps in areas where your cat's paw is not wanted and cover them with a piece of paper. The cotton will scare her away, and she is unlikely to want to return to this place again.
  • The classic method is a spray bottle. Just pour water on your kitty two or three times when she tries to climb back onto the table or climb up the curtain to the ceiling.
  • Spray the cables with a vinegar solution, and your Internet will remain safe and sound.
  • Getting a new cat? Purchase a scratching post, toys and a convenient tray in advance. This way you will prevent most tricks.

A cat is also a man’s friend, you shouldn’t offend it, right?

Beliefs for those who dream of becoming a mother

If a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time, and a pregnant cat comes into her house and she needs to be sheltered, then a woman’s desire to become a mother will soon become a reality. The same applies to a kitten picked up on the street. You should not buy a cat or kitten; you must pick it up from the street.

Higher powers should notice your sincere desire to help the disadvantaged. Then you will be given the opportunity to become a mother. In addition, cats get along very well with children, so the baby will not be bored when he grows up.

Beliefs associated with pets

If a cat lived in your house long before pregnancy, you should not immediately fall into hysterics and think about where to give it. The animal has been your friend for years, loved you, and with the onset of pregnancy, nothing will change in the pet’s behavior. Folk signs regarding domestic cats say the following:

  • if a cat lies on its stomach or sits next to it, it means something will happen to the fetus;
  • You shouldn’t let a cat on your breast, because the milk will spoil.

Some signs are almost ridiculous. These two are just in that category. For example, if an animal has always laid down on your stomach or chest before, it will not stop doing this, even when you are in a position, it is clear that this should not be allowed. Another cat feature is that when it’s cold, they will try in any way to get under the owner’s blanket and settle down where it’s warmer. When an animal just lies down near the stomach or in the chest area, it simply wants to show its owner its attitude, demanding affection and attention.

There are a lot of good signs associated with cats and pregnancy. So, for example, if we take a tricolor cat into the house, we attract luck; a tabby or spotted kitten can bring money into your home; a black cat can be an excellent protector from negativity; take a cat home - attract prosperity; cat - find a protector. A cat poses absolutely no danger if a person takes it to the veterinarian on time and carries out worm prevention, and also gets all the necessary vaccinations. This applies to any animal that lives at home.

Features of the disease

  1. The above risk for the baby is possible if the expectant mother became infected for the first time during pregnancy or immediately before conception. In cases where a woman is aware that she has had toxoplasmosis long before the baby is born in the womb, there is no need to worry. You won't get sick again.
  2. If in any doubt, take your cat to the vet to make sure she is not sick. Naturally, also get tested. A test is taken for TORCH infection to detect toxoplasmosis. Also take your pet's feces to the laboratory. After these manipulations, the situation will become clear, you will make a decision.
  3. If you have immunity to this disease, then there is no danger. If the animal becomes infected and you avoid it, the situation is more complicated. Look for a home for your pet. If you decide to leave the animal, then protect yourself.

Conclusions, generalizations

Many people believe omens to this day, because they were compiled over the years, through observation and collection of information. Some of the popular beliefs are current, while others are on the verge of insanity. Quite a large number of signs are associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The basis of any popular belief was fear of the unknown, and the process of pregnancy and childbirth has not been fully studied to this day.

Scientists and doctors support many signs associated with contacts between cats and pregnant women. There is no clear certainty about what our ancestors were thinking when they said that a pregnant woman should not play with cats, have less contact with them and not clean up their waste products. But it is better to observe all these provisions, because cats are carriers of such a serious disease as toxoplasmosis. This disease in an adult is asymptomatic and does not threaten him in any way, but it poses a very strong threat to the body of a pregnant woman. Its ability to penetrate the placenta can provoke the appearance of various pathologies in the development of organ systems in the unborn child.

Other signs that say that you should not stroke cats with your feet, because this is fraught with nervous disorders, frankly, look like nonsense. In defense of cats, I would still like to note that a woman develops immunity to toxoplasmosis if she has an animal living in her house for several years. And then, not every individual survives the disease. If this is a domestic cat that has been provided with the necessary care, does not walk outside, has received all the necessary vaccinations and is regularly prevented from helminthic infestations, then there is nothing to worry about, such an animal does not pose any danger at all and there is no need to throw it out into the street.

Allergies are a completely different matter. For example, if you consider the sign that you cannot kick a calico cat out of the house if the woman is pregnant, otherwise the baby will not survive. Very often, pregnant women become allergic to the fur and epidermis of their own pet, who has lived with her in the apartment for a long time. This is due to hormonal changes, many years of sensitization of the body to allergens and a decrease in the body’s protective functions. In this case, no matter what the cat is, it must be given away as soon as possible, otherwise the risk that the child will be born with an allergy increases.

There is only one conclusion: if you want to be able to believe in omens, no one forbids you from doing so. But first of all, you need to think about whether this really shouldn’t be done or whether someone came up with such a belief so that a person would not try to find out what he is not supposed to. For example, in order to intimidate expectant mothers, they said that they should not determine the gender of children in advance and buy things for children. But, if you think about it, what will a woman dress her baby in after giving birth if she doesn’t buy him clothes? Every person believes in what it is convenient for him to believe.

Princess's Revenge

If you look at the calendar of popular superstitions, you can find an explanation why pregnant women should not hit cats. It turns out that our ancestors believed that if you kicked cats, you could bring trouble to your child. The newborn will have a hairy back or spots on certain parts of the body (near the head, on the neck).

Here is the story of Svetlana, who once offended her pet:

“Nuri appeared in my house about eight years ago and immediately claimed her rights to the entire space. After she started living with us, there were no more mice (which is good), no fish, or dogs in the house. The cat is the owner, she defends her territory as if she were going to the last battle. When my husband and I found out that we were expecting our first child, we started renovations. Nuri was always fiddling around underfoot, and once she got caught. I didn’t even kick her - so, I accelerated her leisurely departure. She asked to go outside and didn’t show up until late in the evening—she was offended.

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