What does a cat look like after castration? How to distinguish a cat from a cat: signs that help determine gender

Precautions when examining animals

When conducting an inspection, precautions must be taken, they include the following aspects:

  1. Make sure that the kitten's mother is not against such an event, because most of them are aggressively protective of their babies.
  2. You can't hold kittens in your arms for a long time. At a young age, the internal mechanism of thermoregulation is very poorly developed. That is, they can freeze even in the warmest room.
  3. Never pick up an animal by the tail, this will cause them pain.
  4. Do not pick up your pet until it is at least a month old. If you hold the baby in your arms for a long time, the cat may abandon him.
  5. When examining, place the kitten on its tummy and slowly lift its tail. If he does not like this procedure, let him go, there is no need to torture him.

Timely determination of the gender of a pet facilitates the raising process.

Of course, if the cat is not neutered, then distinguishing the animals is easier than ever. The external genitalia will give away the male and female. The task becomes more complicated if the cat is castrated and his testicles have been removed. Therefore, to determine the floor, you need to estimate the distance between the holes. In males, even castrated ones, it is large (considerably more than a centimeter), while in cats the anus and genital opening are located very close to each other.

There are still ways to determine the sex of a cat, but they are rather “folk” because they do not provide a 100% guarantee.

There are situations when it is necessary to determine the sex of an animal in adulthood. However, it is not always possible to catch the cat for a thorough examination. Difficulties in determining may also arise if the cat has been neutered.

In this case, signs that will help determine the sex of the animal will come to the rescue:

  • The method of determining the distance between natural holes is also suitable for adults. Even in castrated cats, you can determine the place allocated for the testicles.
  • The muzzle will tell you who is in front of you. In cats it is rounder and wider, while in females there is an elongated face. The male's nose has a wider wall. This method of determination is suitable in the case of comparison. In another situation, an inexperienced person is unlikely to notice the difference if there is only one “sample”.
  • Watch your gait. Cats are elegant and graceful, they walk quietly and smoothly, as if they are “swimming.” Cats have a more “predatory” gait. A cat walking on a walk resembles a small copy of a tiger - its “shoulders” lower its paw to the ground with importance and taste.
  • Cleanliness. This is not to say that cats are sloppy, but in comparison with females they still lose. The cat spends a lot of time grooming itself; it licks itself with or without reason. You can also find a cat in a disheveled state: with a rumpled ear after sleep and traces of cobwebs on its face after a walk.
  • Schedule. Cats are businesslike, they constantly look around and “make inquiries” about the affairs of their household. Cats, on the contrary, explore the territory and prefer to sleep at home.

The methods presented are not extremely useful in determining the sex of an animal, but will be interesting for cat lovers and novice cat lovers.

Cat and cat

Description of the procedure and indications for it

Most owners do not have an accurate definition of castration because they do not have a medical education. Many people think that castration is an operation for cats, and sterilization is for cats. However, both procedures can be applied to an animal regardless of gender.

When castrating, the glands and organs of the reproductive system that facilitate reproduction are completely or partially removed from an animal. In cats, these are the testes of the ovaries; in cats, in addition to the testes, the uterus can be cut out in the egg. At the same time, sexual desire is suppressed and the behavior of the animal changes.

During sterilization, the cat's fallopian tubes are ligated, and the cat's spermatic duct is ligated. The sexual function itself does not lose its strength, which causes new urges in animals to mate.

Both procedures - serious surgery and a cat after castration

requires special care, the use of a number of medications and, in principle, requires full post-operative recovery.

Few of the “cat people,” both supporters of this procedure and its irreconcilable opponents, remember that this operation, in addition to the behavior of the animal and the exhaustion of the owners, also has absolutely medical indications.

An animal needs castration in the following cases:

  • prostate cancer or other tumors in the genital organs;
  • testicular injuries;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of a genetic nature.

If there are no medical indications for surgery, but there is a desire to castrate the cat to “prevent” the same urolithiasis, which is, in principle, very controversial, but nevertheless accepted, this must be done before 8 months, that is, before the onset of puberty. In this case, the animal will not initially demand the cat and mark its territory.

The procedure itself is not as complicated and bloody as opponents of castration describe; it is no different from what, for example, the Turks and Arabs did when they “produced” eunuchs for harems, or the Chinese emperors and clergy of the Vatican, trying to provide the choir with unusual male timbres , inherent in children.

Both the operation in the clinic and the procedure at home have their advantages; if the animal is castrated at the age of, for example, three years, then you need to go to the hospital. The same applies to cats undergoing the procedure out of necessity.


In addition to obvious signs and observation of habits, the color of the animal will also tell about the gender. Here are some nuances of the cat's palette:

  • The tortoiseshell or tri-color color can only appear in girls. This is caused by genetics: to combine all three classic colors, a pair of X chromosomes is required, which is typical for girls. In cats, the black-white-red color can only appear in the event of a genetic failure or disease.
  • A color called Calico (a type of tortoiseshell) also belongs to girlish “outfits”.
  • Only a cat can have a completely red color, as well as a hint of cinnamon.

Regarding spotted cats, there is no exact definition based on color. Red and black pets may have white spots, regardless of gender. However, it has been noticed that the combination “red and white” is more common in boys, and “black and white” cats are more often found.

Care after castration

When the worst moment passes, the pet will need care and attention. Upon awakening from anesthesia, the cat will experience muscle weakness, thirst, nausea and dizziness. This will last about three hours, so be prepared to provide support. After the operation, the following unpleasant surprises may lie in wait:

  1. Dryness of the conjunctiva. During anesthesia, the animal's eyes remain open, so the mucous membranes dry out. To prevent negative consequences, you will have to periodically close your eyelids to keep the conjunctiva moisturized.
  2. Decreased body temperature. The normal value for cats is 37.5-39°C. after anesthesia, the temperature will drop by 1.5-2 degrees. Trembling will appear, but there is nothing to worry about. Transfer your pet to a soft cloth and cover with a towel.
  3. Unsteady gait. Anesthesia causes muscle relaxation, so the cat will look like a drunk for some time. Let him roam around the apartment, but don't let him jump on tall objects. Such attempts will end in a painful fall.

Distinguish by external characteristics

Many lovers of these animals claim that you can always identify the cat in front of you by some external characteristics. This especially applies to the body and face of your little friend. Naturally, in order to distinguish the sexes, you need to know and love these animals well; for a person who has a very vague idea about these babies, such a method, whether harmful, can provide significant help. But still:

  • usually has a fairly wide muzzle and nose;
  • his physique is large and powerful;
  • If an adult, neutered cat comes into your house, then its head will be large, and its skin and paws will be thick.
  • often has an elegant, incredibly graceful and beautiful body;
  • The muzzle is most often elongated.

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Although, of course, you don’t need to rely entirely on such characteristics to recognize the cat in front of you. Because there are breeds that have their own unique characteristics, which can confuse you when it comes to differentiating the genders. For example, all Scots and Britons usually have a large muzzle, but sphinxes are distinguished by angular and small heads.

Why are cats castrated?

Before deciding to undergo surgery, every reasonable person will think about why it is necessary. Domestic cats rarely have the opportunity to mate, so their natural attraction to females causes many problems for owners. You must clearly understand that the discomfort arising from forced abstinence ruins the animal’s life.

The next question that arises in the mind of a caring owner is how castration affects a pet. Intensive care will be required for several days after surgery. After anesthesia, a cat will not be able to move independently, so you will have to feed it and even carry it to the toilet. For pet lovers, the pros and cons of this procedure are often the subject of debate. After removal of the gonads, cats forget about their natural attraction to females, and therefore concentrate on communicating with humans.

Depending on the breed

Determining the gender of a kitten of a certain breed is not difficult if you know the common features of boys and girls. All breeds with short hair have the same characteristics, so to identify boys and girls in British or Siamese pets, it is enough to resort to the methods described above.

On the left is a cat, on the right is a cat

There is probably no more mysterious breed than the Peterbald or the Don Sphynx.

Males meekly accept dominance and are very lazy. Females prove their superiority and obey only one of the family members. That is, the person she chose for herself, and treats others with indifference.

It is very important to know about the differences in gender between felines. But no less important is the fact that the kitten must choose an owner, then everyone will find a true friend. Remember, a person is responsible for the one he shelters, so never leave them to their fate.

How to prepare a cat

The process of preparing an animal for surgery includes the elimination of medical contraindications. That is, in a good clinic they will definitely check the cardiac system, kidneys, and lymphatic system. The veterinarian will recommend this to be done in advance by a veterinarian called to the house.

The cat does not need any special preparation. There is no need to wash the animal or carry out any other procedures. No special diet is required before castration either.

Additional signs

Also, an external sign by which one can distinguish between boy and girl kittens is their color:

  • There are practically no tricolor males in nature;
  • the happy owner of the red color is exclusively the male gender of these animals;
  • Only girls are born with tortoiseshell coloration.

This feature is directly related to their genes. So, there is a specific gene that is responsible for rich black and red color. It is found only on the X chromosome. And, as everyone knows well from biology, the gender of a kitten, a girl or a boy, directly depends on the combination of these same chromosomes. For cats it is XY, for cats it is XX.

Determining gender from a photograph

If you buy a kitten from breeders, they provide you with photographs of the litter and use them to choose your pet. Some people immediately wonder how to distinguish a cat from a cat from a photo. Turn your gaze to the tail. There is a popular belief that for boys it sticks up, and for girls it is slightly lowered to the ground. This method is not precise, but has been used with others.

You will also learn how to distinguish a cat from a cat by its face. Male kittens have a round, massive muzzle, while female kittens have graceful features and a small muzzle.

When buying a kitten from a breeder whose cattery is a member of the club, do not worry about being scammed. Such people value their reputation; they will not pass off a cat as a cat just to sell the entire litter, because you will file a claim with the club. In order not to be tormented by doubts about how to distinguish a cat or a cat from a kitten, trust experienced experts.

Checking the floor carefully

When examining a kitten immediately after birth, precautions must be taken. To avoid harming your baby, follow these tips:

  • Follow the rules of hygiene: cats should not be handled with dirty hands, or immediately after contact with other animals. Always wash your hands before visiting children;
  • It is impossible to tear the kitten away from feeding. Wait until the baby eats, and then take him away;
  • You need to act carefully so as not to agitate the cat. Some females experience real stress after giving birth, so it is undesirable to disturb them. Even if the cat is in high spirits, do not make noise or make sudden movements near the babies;
  • Despite frequent advice on “probing” the sex of kittens, this is strictly forbidden. Palpation can damage the genitals of newborn kittens, which will lead to irreparable consequences;
  • You can only examine the kitten for a minute. The cubs freeze quickly, so they need to be returned to their mother as quickly as possible.

That's all you need to know to determine the sex of a kitten. Now you know how to distinguish a cat from a cat. If you have questions, you can ask us.

When determining the sex of a pet, the following precautions should be taken:

  1. Under no circumstances should you separate your pet from eating.
  2. You must not grab the animal roughly by the scruff of the neck and paws, or lift it by the tail.
  3. You should not irritate the kitten and the mother cat.
  4. Do not touch the kitten or put pressure on the genitals.
  5. Carrying kittens in your arms - babies freeze quickly and should not be separated from their mother for more than a minute.
  6. This issue must be approached in detail; you cannot act hastily so that the pet does not receive physical or psychological trauma. If the animal is frightened, it is better to postpone clarifying this issue until a more appropriate moment.

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How to DETERMINE THE SEX of a newborn kitten

How to find out the gender of British kittens?

Determining the sex of small British kittens is quite difficult.

Primary sexual characteristics are just being formed, and the thick fur hides subtle differences.

But you can still find out the gender by the following signs:

  1. In this breed, a clear sexual difference is the shape of the anus and genitals. The presence of two dots indicates that the baby is male, and a “question mark” indicates that the baby is female.

Feeling the testicles does not always help accurately determine gender.

This is due to the fact that at birth both the British cat and the female cat may have swelling in this place.

British kittens are affectionate and peaceful

  1. The presence of nipples also cannot be considered a clear difference. Kittens of both sexes can have them. In females they are more pronounced, but this can only be understood by comparison.
  2. Another sign of how to distinguish a cat from a cat of a given breed is its habits.

Important! The British cat has a purposeful character, he is more active than the female, and constantly competes with his brothers.

  1. The sex of adults can be determined by external characteristics. Males are much larger than females. The latter are more elegant. You can also distinguish the sex by the face: in cats it is narrower and more elongated.

How to distinguish a pet by its habits and character

There is no way to immediately distinguish, based on habits and character, whether a kitten is a boy or a girl who has come into your home. To do this, you will need to wait until their puberty, which occurs at seven to a maximum of nine months. Before this, all the actions and actions of the animal, regardless of its gender, will be based on instincts, and, in addition, it is important to understand that the baby needs some time to get used to it, feel cozy and comfortable.

Please note that distinguishing a cat from a cat at a young age by behavior is very difficult. All babies love to play, sleep, they like to be affectionately scratched behind the ears, stroked, and when they misbehave, they immediately try to hide somewhere far away.

Therefore, you should not rush to make hasty conclusions and call the animal on the second day, without figuring out what its gender is, “Vaska” or “Murka”.

Differences in character

Just like in humans, there is a “war of the sexes” in the cat world. Cats are as different from cats as day is from night. Experienced cat owners know this, so they advise taking home a kitten of the gender whose character traits are more suitable for the owner.

It is important to understand that character “manifests itself” only at the age of puberty. Therefore, until seven or eight months you will be able to evaluate the kitten’s sociability and mobility, but you will not see the characteristics characteristic of each sex.

Habits characteristic of different sexes:

  • Cats are lazier. They love to cuddle on the sofa and on their owner's lap. The cat is more likely to be cuddled and hugged. Cats tolerate such caresses less often.
  • Cats love solitude. By taking a murka into your home, you sign a cohabitation agreement. It will be difficult to teach a female to sit on your lap, because girls have no time for wasting time when the house is full of things to do.
  • Cats are affectionate only when they need it: during the heat period or in anticipation of dinner. Cats love scratches behind the ears, regardless of time or season.

Behavior during estrus differs between sexes. The cat begins to “mark” the territory, rubbing the sides of the furniture and also scratching the sofa. Cats mark their territory using more severe methods: the urine of a mature cat has a pungent odor and also tends to appear in all corners of the house.

Neutered cats behave differently. It is believed that they are more aggressive, however, this is not entirely true. On the contrary, a cat, deprived of the need to fight for a female, stops trying to prove itself to neighboring rivals, and therefore becomes more affectionate.

Gender differences can also be observed in culinary preferences. The cat won't eat from a dirty bowl, but the cat won't care. Girls also have more requirements regarding drinking water: the bowl must be clean and the drink must be fresh.

Cats love clean water

There is a sign by which, supposedly, you can determine the gender of a kitten. When the babies begin to feed on their own, you need to put a bowl of milk on the floor and move the kittens to it. Watch the babies' tails. Those who hold their ponytail up during meals are boys, and those who have it down are girls.

Differences by gender

The most accurate way to determine the sex of an animal is through sexual characteristics. Before performing the inspection, you must wash your hands using an unscented product. Hands should be warm. Next, you should pet the pet to establish contact with the kitten and make sure that the mother cat does not mind her child being examined.

You should also pay attention to the distance between the genital organ and the anus: in cats it is about 1 cm, in males it is much longer. In addition, cats there have quite thick hair, while cats do not have it.

You can also gently feel the location of the testicles with your index and middle fingers. Peas can be felt on the cat, measuring a maximum of 5 mm. The main thing is to act very carefully and not injure the kitten.

As for character, this also has its own characteristics. Small kittens behave the same, but when pets reach puberty, differences in behavior begin to appear due to hormonal changes:

  1. Cats are much cleaner than cats. They lick their fur for a long time, will not eat from a dirty bowl, and will choose a clean and cozy place to sleep.
  2. Female cats are more active, female cats are calm and lazy, and while the cat is hunting, the male prefers to take a nap and soak up the sun.
  3. Cats are more capricious. Many consider them affectionate, however, they prefer to be petted during the period of heat; in other cases, they sometimes allow themselves to be petted out of politeness. Cats are lazier and allow themselves to be picked up. This does not mean that they are more affectionate, they just have a calmer temperament.
  4. During estrus, the behavior of animals also differs: the cat meows loudly and for a long time, trying to attract cats, rubs against furniture and actively sharpens its claws, so a scratching post should be a mandatory attribute in the house where the pet lives. Cats have special glands on their pads, so by sharpening their claws, the cat marks its territory. Males mark their territory with a sharp and unpleasant odor. Cats constantly get into fights over cats, but cats never fight over cats. A castrated cat can be identified by its larger head and thicker skin. Uncastrated males are more aggressive than castrated males. To castrate or not to castrate a pet is up to the owner to decide.
  5. The gender difference in the cat family can also be seen in their gaze: cats have a bold and confident look, while cats have a wary look.
  6. In kittens, you can also tell the difference when eating: a male kitten laps milk with its tail up, a female kitten with its tail down.

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When recognizing the gender of a pet by its character, one should not forget about the characteristics of the breed. Many pets are aggressive or obstinate, regardless of their gender. For example, a British cat, on the contrary, is more active than a female. He has a purposeful character and is in a state of constant competition with his brothers.

Sphinxes also have their own behavioral characteristics:

  • Cats are more independent than cats. Often cats choose one person to whom they obey and express their affection, remaining indifferent to the rest of the family.
  • Sphynx cats strive to show their superiority and establish dominance in the house. Males are lazier and give way to females.


It is best to determine the sex of kittens immediately after birth. This is especially true for purebred babies, for whom, as a rule, people line up even before they are born. The owner watches the new addition to the cat family and wonders how many are girls and how many are boys?

The sex of a kitten can most accurately be determined by its sexual characteristics. This is done like this:

  • Before the inspection, you need to prepare: wash your hands with soap and wipe dry. Palms should be warm;
  • Also make sure that the mother cat is not against your interference in her family life;
  • If both the cat and kittens are calm, you can proceed;
  • The kitten is carefully lifted and placed with its tummy on the palm;
  • When examining the area “under the tail,” you need to pay attention to the location of the external genitalia;
  • In a cat, the distance between the anus and genitals will be slightly larger, in a cat it will be smaller (about 1 cm);
  • Figuratively, this arrangement can be divided into two types: “exclamation mark” in the female, “colon” ​​in the male;
  • In addition to this method, the gender of kittens is determined by examining the fur in the specified area. A cat will have a tuft of hair between the anus and genitals; cats do not have such hair.

Do not try to “test” the sex of newborn kittens!
Only experienced veterinarians can resort to such manipulations. With age, determining the sex of a kitten becomes even easier. The indicated distance between the natural holes in cats becomes larger and becomes overgrown with thick hair. In cats, the distance does not change, and hair does not appear in this area.

Closeness with a person as a distinctive feature

It is also possible to distinguish a cat by its external characteristics. You should pay attention to the color of the animal. It is so inherent in nature that the gene associated with the tricolor or tortoiseshell color is associated with female chromosomes. Therefore, if a kitten has white, black and red colors in its color, then it is more likely to say that it is a cat.

As they get older, kittens begin to differ in body type: males, as a rule, have wider bones and a larger head, while females are more graceful, with a neat muzzle. Of course, there are exceptions depending on the cat breed.

You can also distinguish male and female kittens by the way they receive affection, love and attention from their owners. Thus, the male sex goes into arms with great pleasure, allows itself to be stroked, scratched on the neck, ears, and purrs with happiness. He always meets the owners at the door from work and sees them off if they are going somewhere.

This is how they show their strong and independent character. This is not at all surprising, since the female sex is initially, by nature itself, determined to give absolute dedication exclusively to their children. And ladies become affectionate only when they have offspring.

Character of the cat (female)

The first thing to say is that cats are more affectionate than cats. In addition, cats do not so brazenly establish their own rules in the master's house. But the cat will be able to gain the trust of its owner more secretly, seeking fulfillment of its whims. Cats show their emotions more openly than cats, although cats have no less strong love.

Cats are very clean and can lick their fur for hours. And if a minute later the cat notices that several of her hairs have stood up, then this will be a reason for her to start licking from the very beginning.

Cats can be somewhat intrusive and can pester their owner for affection with such persistence that he will sometimes even have to fight off her intrusiveness. We can say that the owner runs after the cat to pet it and runs away from the cat if it wants petting.

Cats behave differently with men and women, pursuing the same goal - to win their love. Moreover, in relationships with women, the cat will demonstrate tenderness and affection, and will look affectionately into the eyes of men and, raising its tail, rub against their legs.

It must be said that cats also have a number of unpleasant moments, and the biggest problem is estrus. Although during heat cats become even more affectionate than before, at the same time they can scream wildly at any time of the day. If a cat is released outside during this period, she will certainly become pregnant and give birth to kittens. And the most obvious solution here is sterilization. Although, of course, you can simply be patient and let the animal, as they say, “cry out,” waiting for the heat to end. The option with anti-sex pills is extremely undesirable, since it causes extraordinary harm to the pet’s health and is fraught with the development of chronic diseases, which any veterinarian can confirm.

If you dream of a four-legged furry pet, prepare for the appearance of a kitten in the house. Some of us are principled when it comes to the gender of a pet. Five methods are used to distinguish a cat from a cat. Let's look at them in detail.

Noticeable only to pros

Some avid cat lovers can even distinguish the sex of animals just by looking at them. Thus, experts say that a cat is always confident and, to some extent, arrogant. But the cat is very serious and wary.

If you look closely at your pet's habits while eating, you can also tell what gender it is. To do this, just pour milk into a saucer. The boy will drink it with his tail raised up, and the girl will lower hers down. This is the so-called grandmother's method of determining the sex of kittens.

Character of the cat (male)

The cat is the living embodiment of feline independence, which itself will determine when its owner can pet it, feed it or play with it.

For a cat, the owner’s apartment is a real training ground where he will play, hide, and throw himself at the owner’s feet from behind cover. Finding a cat in an apartment, in view of this, will not always be easy, since every now and then he will strive to crawl somewhere into a pile of laundry prepared for washing or in a closet.

For a cat who considers the apartment his property, it is extremely important to be aware of everything that happens there. Because cats are characterized by simply overwhelming curiosity, and any new object that comes into the house, as well as an old object that is moved from one place to another, is perceived by them as something that should be carefully sniffed and, perhaps, even touched with its paw.

If there is some kind of box or package, then not a single cat can resist the temptation to explore it from the inside and climb inside.

The next thing to note about a cat's character is that they tend to monitor and control the actions of their owner. This is expressed in the fact that when the owner is busy with something, his pet will definitely follow him and check what’s going on. It doesn’t matter whether it’s laundry, welcoming guests, repairs or cleaning - all this must be taken under control.

The third thing that should be said is the tendency of cats to dominate and the desire to take the place of leader everywhere. This usually applies only to cats and dogs, but often also to two-legged inhabitants. Therefore, when getting a cat, just in case, you can imagine what it will be like for you to feel like an ordinary member of a pack, led by your pet. However, it is not at all difficult to fight such dominance, since it does not require much effort to explain to the cat who is the boss of the house.

It is also worth saying that people who get a cat should not count on the fact that they will get an affectionate, soft and weak-willed creature who will only sleep in a ball on the lap of its owner. No, the cat, of course, will purr, and he will also be allowed to stroke it. He will even rub against his owner’s legs, but as soon as he has his own business to do, he will instantly run away, ignoring his master’s caresses, and in the same way, having begged for a treat, he will instantly stop caressing.

I must say that cats are very good manipulators.

In addition, a cat can sometimes show aggression, especially if its owner does something that, to put it mildly, the cat will not be delighted with. In addition, for physiological reasons, males have a much stronger odor than females, and they are not as tidy as females. Although, of course, if you provide your pet with decent care, then there will be no noticeable difference in this regard.

If the cat goes outside, then from time to time he will disappear somewhere for days, and maybe even weeks, returning home in an absolutely indecent condition.

You should not count on the fact that the pet will be in a hurry to get himself in order: like men, who have always been inferior to women in cleanliness, it is much easier for a cat to wait until the owner washes his fur coat or until all the dirt is wiped off on the owner’s pillow or lap than to engage in lengthy washing .

The most annoying sign of a cat's presence indoors are the marks. True, not all cats mark, and some owners are able to psychologically “explain” to the cat what he can and cannot do. But if the cat does mark, then the simplest method of solving this problem would be castration, which, moreover, will improve the cat’s health and increase its life expectancy.

How to tell the difference during puberty

The situation changes when the time comes for love, then it is much easier to distinguish animals. Cats begin to mark their territory with particular zeal. Therefore, very soon your house or apartment will become saturated with a very specific smell. It is better not to prevent your pet from going outside to satisfy his sexual desires, otherwise you will experience his teeth or claws on yourself.

Sometimes the male sex even begins to take revenge for house arrest: they spoil expensive shoes or furniture.

Is it possible to successfully castrate a cat yourself?

Some pet lovers wonder whether it is possible to castrate a cat yourself. The answer from the experts: no, no, and no again! This is a surgical operation that requires sterility, special instruments and experience. All of the above is available only from qualified veterinary clinic specialists. Even if you know everything about the procedure, do not try to repeat it at home. By experimenting with your Scotsman or Briton's manhood, you might just kill him!

Changes in behavior

There are only two ways out of such situations. First, distinguish who is who and allow you to walk freely and satisfy your sexual desires. Second, pay a visit to the veterinarian to deprive your pets of the opportunity to continue their race. Which of these methods is more correct is up to you to decide.

You will see that being responsible for those we are lucky enough to tame can be not only very troublesome, but also pleasant. Such care for our little brothers can bring a sincere smile to your face and bring a lot of positive emotions.

Advantages, disadvantages, consequences

To reassure doubting owners (after all, castration is a responsible procedure!) Let’s consider the positive and negative aspects of outside intervention:

  1. Arguments for". The cat stops screaming and demanding to be let out into the street. Behavior becomes calmer and more balanced. Life expectancy increases by several years. The risk of serious diseases, including inflammation or testicular cancer, is reduced. Changes in the coat are possible. She becomes brighter and more tender.
  2. Arguments against". Careful monitoring of nutrition after castration. A special diet for several weeks is possible. Anesthesia affects the animal's body. After surgery, the cat may feel lethargic and apathetic. The effect wears off in the worst case after 24 hours. There are hormonal changes that can affect the correct excretion of urine. As a consequence, the development of urolithiasis.

It is important to understand that any decision must be made. You can consult with experienced breeders or a veterinarian. If the owner is ready to put up with night concerts and the smell of urine that will fill the entire apartment, then it’s not worth it. In any case, castration very rarely carries negative aspects and is painless for the pet.

Numerous reviews from owners of neutered cats are replete with stories that the cat begins to intensively care for itself, licks itself more often, and becomes kinder. Everything is again strictly individual. According to one foreign study, about 45% of cats behave exactly the same as before the operation.

ATTENTION! It is reliably known and proven by the experience of many owners that the odor of urine becomes noticeably less

If the cat walks alone

Owners of unneutered cats who let them outside feel like they are doing a good deed by letting their pet run around and socialize with other cats.

Such people forget about the many dangers that await a cat on the street:

  1. cars that can seriously injure or kill an unwary cat;
  2. flayers and simply cruel people who can kick a pet;
  3. scattered poisoned dog food that a cat might try;
  4. various infections, including those dangerous to people;
  5. hungry packs of dogs;
  6. fights with other cats, in which the animal may lose an ear or an eye.

In addition, most owners do not want to think about the fact that free-ranging pets reproduce uncontrollably.

Cat owners do not feel involved in the increase in stray animals, because all problems with kittens lie with cat owners, who either get rid of the kittens right away, or let them grow up and throw them away. This exacerbates the problem of homeless animals, and all animal owners who allow animals to roam are guilty of it.

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