How to wean a cat from marking territory, corners in a house, apartment, without castration



Many pet owners have encountered a situation where cats begin to mark. There is no need to scream, thinking that aggressive psychological influence will help resolve the situation. First, you need to find out why this started, that is, what factors prompted the animal to leave odorous marks in the wrong places. Only after this will it be possible to choose the right tactics to save your nerves and personal property.

Why does a cat mark houses?

Unlike the process of urination, territory marking is a special act during which the male releases a small portion of urine for the purpose of identification. This ritual is performed by animals, as a rule, on vertical surfaces: walls, furniture, household items, entrance doors. Pets with access to the street mark trees, plants, fences, etc.

Often, owners mistakenly believe that this behavior of the animal is due to the fact that the cat deliberately behaves badly due to its harmful nature or resentment for some action on the part of the household. This opinion has nothing to do with the true nature of this phenomenon.

Before starting to decide the question of how to wean a cat from marking territory in the house, the owner should understand the reason for this behavior. During evolutionary development, the wild ancestors of domestic cats developed their own self-preservation mechanism.

Possessing an excellent sense of smell, animals can sense the odors of strangers far away. It is thanks to their individual smell that animals identify themselves in a certain territory.

Protecting their territory is necessary for felines from a survival point of view. An animal must protect its space from encroachment by other relatives in order to provide itself with food. Being territorial predators by nature, domestic cats have not lost their natural instincts even in comfortable living conditions.

Despite the fact that furry couch potatoes have free access to food and clean water, many pets intensively mark their territory. Knowing the peculiarities of animal behavior, the owner, when asked how to wean a cat from marking, must understand that this phenomenon is associated with very ancient and persistent natural instincts.

Not only males have the ability to leave territorial marks. Cats, although rare, can also exhibit ancient instincts of self-preservation. This phenomenon is often observed if another animal appears in the house. The old-timer thus demarcates the territory, showing the newcomer who is boss in the house.

Many zoologists and experts on the cat family argue that the reason for marks in the apartment is the animal’s attempt to take a dominant position in the inhabited territory. In this way, the male tries to assert himself, perceiving his household members as his relatives.

Often the reason that an animal leaves its “calling card” on household items, walls and furniture of the home is stress and fear. Being in a state of psycho-emotional stress, the pet tries to “stake out” the territory familiar to it and protect itself from both real and imaginary enemies.

We recommend reading about what to do if a neutered cat marks. From the article you will learn about the nature of cat marks, their causes and what owners can do to eliminate this problem.

And here is more information about when to castrate a cat.

Why do cats mark objects in the house?

Cats begin to mark their territory due to the influence of various irritating factors. Unlike cats, they do this much less often, so the owner may confuse the marking process with urination. The list of main reasons is as follows:

  1. During illness, the pet can relieve itself outside the tray. The problem arises mainly due to the formation of kidney stones and the development of cystitis. The animal, on a subconscious level, gets the impression that the pain is manifested precisely because of the tray, so it looks for other places of fusion of need. The situation can be corrected, but to do this, the pet must be shown to a veterinarian. Otherwise, the disease will progress.
  2. Representatives of the cat family may mark their territory due to the arrival of a new person or another animal in the house. The pet will perceive such an update as a threat to its territory. The main instinct will advise him to mark objects, showing who is in charge in the house. If the problem is the arrival of a new family member, then only time will help. The cat must get used to the person in order to “accept” him. When getting another pet, you need to be prepared to share the house between them. Otherwise, there will be little chance of avoiding conflict.
  3. Sometimes a pet begins to mark objects as a result of another animal marking the front door. The owner will have to get rid of the foreign smell and try to prevent the situation from recurring.
  4. There have been cases when a cat began to mark corners in the house after moving . For her, the new environment has not yet been explored, so instincts are triggered. Over time, everything returns to normal.
  5. After sterilization, the cat marks in the apartment due to the stress it has experienced. There is no need to scold her, since time must pass for the animal’s psyche to recover. In severe cases, you may want to consult with your veterinarian about giving a sedative medication to calm your pet's nervous system.
  6. A cat may mark its territory due to raging hormones. After reaching 7-8 months, it becomes a sexually mature individual. If a cat lives in the neighborhood, the female begins to mark the corners of the house, showing the boundaries of her possessions. The whole problem here is the activation of instincts, since against the backdrop of hormonal surges there is a fear of losing territory. Sterilization does not actually help in this situation. The animal returns to normal and continues to mark. The only salvation will be to get rid of the potential sexual partner, at least for the duration of the heat.
  7. There are situations when a cat has to be left with strangers. She begins to mark her territory as a sign of protest or simply due to stress. The animal’s behavior returns to normal only after returning to its familiar environment.

What time do cats start marking their territory?

Cats usually begin to mark their territory when they reach puberty. For pets of different breeds, this stage begins in accordance with their individual characteristics. For example, large cats of the Maine Coon, Kurilian Bobtail, Ragdoll, and Savannah breeds mature later than ordinary breeds - by 11-12 months. Individuals of the popular British breed begin to mark territory at 7-8 months.

If the animal belongs to breeds of eastern origin (Siamese, Thai), then the owner can meet the marks of territory and objects when the cat is 5-6 months old.

What to do if your cat is marking her territory during heat

A very difficult period for the owner is the moment when a cat begins to mark its territory during estrus. In this situation, you should not shout or intimidate, because such methods will not help.

It's worth using a few tips:

  • Talk to the animal in a quiet and calm voice, without showing aggression.
  • Pet him on the head or tummy, but under no circumstances should you touch the tail.
  • To drive excess energy out of your pet, you should periodically give him different tasks, for example, catch a mouse and bring a toy.
  • Give food in very small portions, but access to water should be constant.
  • You can bathe your cat in warm water, but make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

All these methods calm the animal and relieve stress, as a result of which there is every chance that it will stop crap in the room.

Do cats always mark in the apartment?

According to the observations of experienced breeders, cats do not always mark territory and objects in the apartment. In rare cases, there are individuals that tolerate puberty quite calmly and do not cause concern to the owner in adulthood.

However, most males, obeying a strong natural instinct, leave odorous marks on furniture, things, and walls of the apartment. This behavior is natural for the animal, because with the help of urine the animal informs other individuals that the territory belongs to it.

The cat marks the territory: the main reasons for unwanted behavior

How to stop a dog from marking in the apartment: what to do

The smell left by a cat is a unique way of communication between animals. By leaving marks around the house or yard, they seem to show strangers that this territory has an owner and it is better not to set foot here. With the help of such marks, living in the wild, the animal provides itself with protection and the opportunity to get some food.

As for domestic animals, they also leave marks, but this already happens at the level of instinct. There are several main reasons for leaving such traces:

  • puberty;
  • the appearance of a new pet in the house or a change of environment;
  • there is not one cat living in the house, but several;
  • the owner smells of another cat;
  • stressful situations, such as renovations or moving.

How often do cats mark?

According to experienced breeders, cats that have a highly developed sexual instinct often mark their territory - some individuals can leave marks 10-12 times per day, which is a serious problem for the owner.

At the same time, unlike females, males do not have a periodicity of the sexual cycle; they can “walk” almost all year round.


In part, the marks are a way to indicate to the female cats that the male is ready to mate. Many people make attempts to match their cat with a female. However, this is not the best option, since subsequently the cat may only begin to mark the territory more often if he understands that he is given a cat every time.

If your cat pees anywhere, you shouldn't bring him a cat.

Why does a cat mark things and shoes?

The cat marks things and shoes, following natural instinct, because the main purpose of the tracks is to convey information about itself to other individuals, to let them know that the territory is occupied. The animal doesn’t care what object it urinates on – a tree or the owner’s expensive leather bag.

As for shoes, shoes, boots, sneakers are saturated with the smell of the environment, the street. According to animal psychologists, a cat marks shoes to drown out someone else's smell with its own and spread its scent over a large area.

Why does a cat mark its owner?

According to experienced breeders, the reason why a cat marks its owner is natural behavioral instincts - in this way the cat lays claim to the owner, showing other relatives (even hypothetical ones) that the owner is a member of his clan.

Some scientists believe that this behavior of the animal is due to the fact that the cat perceives the owner as a competitor. Adult males picked up from the street are most often predisposed to this style of communication. Animals are accustomed to fighting for survival and perceive any living object as hostile.

What do cat marks look like?

Cat marks usually look like puddles, drips or splashes. If the animal has marked walls or vertical objects, the owner will find marks in the form of splashes and drips. Cats leave puddles if they mark carpets, rugs, or urinate on the floor. On a light wall or soft upholstery, the mark will have a yellowish tint. It is more difficult to detect urine on a dark surface, such as carpet.

How to find cat marks

You can find cat marks in your favorite places: animals most often leave marks on walls, wallpaper, furniture, shoes, and clothes. A specific smell will lead to a “crime scene.”

However, some individuals manage to mark territory in hard-to-reach places, complicating timely detection. In this case, an ultraviolet lamp will come to the rescue. A light source with a wavelength of 365-385 nm or a flashlight with an LED lamp will help identify traces of cat urine. It is best to search for tags in the dark. When illuminated with a lamp or flashlight, cat urine appears as a glowing yellow, greenish neon stain.

This is what cat marks look like under a lamp

The neighbor's cat is free-ranging

If your neighbors decide to fight their pet's marks by free-ranging, the neighbor's cat may well begin to mark territory in your yard. If you find unpleasant stains with a pungent odor on the front door, this is a cat's trick.

Stopping other people's cats from marking your territory is not an easy task. It is necessary to show acting skills and learn to talk to animals in their own language.

Action algorithm:

  1. Catch the cat red-handed (as he begins to mark your territory).
  2. Raise him by the withers at arm's length.
  3. Focus your gaze on the pet's eyes (this is necessary so that he understands that you are aggressive).
  4. Start making hissing and growling sounds with an extremely serious face. The cat should be scared.
  5. When your neighbor's pet looks away and tries to run away, you need to scare him away by stomping your foot while still hissing after him. This will mean that you have reclaimed your yard.
  6. The mark area must be immediately washed and treated with alcohol. You can put an item of your clothing nearby (preferably not fresh). It will be saturated with your scent and the cat will not dare to come closer. Girls can use their own perfume.

Weaning off marking of a young pet

If a young animal lives in the house, it will be useful for the owner to know in advance what to do to prevent the cat from marking the territory. First of all, the animal begins to perform such actions that irritate household members at the age of 6 - 10 months. Small kittens do not mark their territory until puberty. Therefore, the owner should carefully monitor the appearance of signs of puberty in a young male.

It is almost impossible to prevent the manifestation of natural instincts, but proper training of a pet from the first days of its stay in the house will help to avoid negative behavior in the future.

First of all, the little kitten needs to make it clear who is in charge in the house. An animal should not be raised in permissiveness; this will confirm the young male that he is the leader.

Having discovered that a cat is marking its territory, every owner is concerned about how to deal with it. If the animal is young, it is often prompted to leave marks by lack of attention from members of the household. Being constantly alone, a pet can attract attention to itself using a natural mechanism known to it - putting marks on furniture, household items, and the owner’s belongings. This is how the animal tries to attract attention to itself using the means available to it.

If the cause of cat marks is boredom and loneliness, the owner should make an effort and pay enough attention. In the absence of the owner of the house, it is advisable to purchase a gaming complex and leave toys for the cat.

The owner should understand that neither shouting, nor assault, nor throwing slippers and other objects at the cat will have any positive effect. On the contrary, the animal will become convinced that its self-preservation is threatened, and the actions of leaving marks will become more active. Therefore, in the matter of weaning a male from behavior that is unseemly from the point of view of household members, there should be no forceful influence.

To learn what to do to prevent your cat from marking his territory, watch this video:


The cat marks as if to spite its owner. They did everything to her: they scolded her, spanked her, and poked her nose. No, he doesn't understand. Runs away from the crime scene on half-bent legs, with blocked ears. But he continues to do his job.

Do not rush to scold your favorite. Perhaps the whole point is that the animal simply does not always have time to reach the tray. If a cat has cystitis or urolithiasis, punishment will not help. The animal must be treated; this is impossible to do at home. Therefore, you will have to take your pet, put it in a carrier and rush to the veterinarian. The faster, the better for everyone. Because only a specialist can determine the presence of diseases associated with the bladder.

Raising an adult cat

If we are talking about an adult, sexually mature male, the question of how to wean a cat from marking territory in an apartment becomes relevant. Most often, a pet leaves marks during the period of sexual activity - in spring and summer. This is due to an increase in the concentration of sex hormones in the spring-summer period, with increasing daylight hours.

In autumn and winter, a sexually mature male marks his territory less often, which is due to the peculiarity of his biological clock. One of the methods of influencing a pet is to keep it in a dark room.

Hygiene measures when marks are detected will help reduce unwanted manifestations of the natural instinct of self-preservation. Objects and furniture marked by animals should first be thoroughly washed and disinfected.

You should not use bleach-based solutions to treat your apartment.

For this purpose, solutions based on vinegar and citric acid are suitable, which not only disinfect, but also neutralize the odor. If the surface is not glossy, regular baking soda will do a great job of eliminating the smell.

Since cat marks have a strong and unpleasant odor, it is necessary to eliminate the cat’s “aroma.” For this purpose, special products are used in the form of sprays, for example, “Zoosan”, “Dezosan”, “Mr. Fresh” and others. Aromatic oils of lavender, orange, and rosemary are suitable from available means.
As a last resort, you can use men's eau de toilette or women's perfume.

Reasons that make a cat want to mark its territory

  • Sexual hunting . In the summer-spring period, the reproductive instinct awakens in male cats. They are looking for a female to mate with. The smell of the tag serves as a so-called beacon. He must attract the cat.
  • Competition . In nature, cats are territorial predators. They mark their territory as a sign of dominance over it. When sensing a strange cat, the pet will certainly begin to mark in order to show that he is its owner.
  • Fear. When stressed and afraid, the pet protects itself with its scent. Trying to scare away danger.
  • Disease of the genitourinary system . If a cat cannot empty its bladder naturally, it will try to do it in any way, for example, through tags.
  • Insufficient attention. The pet can mark doors and corners, signaling the owner of its presence. Wants to attract attention.
  • The cat's toilet should be convenient for him and located in the right place. Keeping it dirty leads to a possible protest in the form of a marked area inside the apartment.

Tag prevention

Experienced breeders and veterinary specialists recommend to cat owners

the following measures to prevent cat marks:

  • Castration is the most effective method of prevention, provided that the operation to remove the gonads is done before the onset of puberty.
  • Education is a less effective method in the fight against marks. However, if the pet does not naturally have strong male leadership qualities, then proper education can play a key role in the prevention of cat marks.
  • Permanent residence in the house of a person of the opposite sex. Having an unsterilized cat does not guarantee that the cat will stop marking its territory, and there is a big problem associated with offspring.

Unfortunately, there is no 100% method of preventing a cat from leaving marks. You can combat the natural manifestations of instinct in an uncastrated animal by resorting to educational and hygienic measures.

What should the owner do?

If the owner notices that the cat has begun to mark, first he must find out the reason. If there is a medical error during sterilization or your pet has health problems, you should immediately visit a veterinarian.

If there are objective reasons related to a change of environment, the owner must be patient and do everything possible to get the pet accustomed to the new apartment or objects.

The cat should stop marking if the owner takes educational measures.

Some owners use physical punishment to train cats to use the toilet. If you scream, use a spray bottle, or deprive him of food or toys, the animal will become afraid and the actions will have the opposite effect.

Castration: will it help?

If a cat marks in the house, what should the owner do in this case? Veterinary specialists and experienced breeders rightly believe that castration is one of the most effective measures to prevent the phenomenon of cat markings. If the animal is not one of the sought-after breeders of a particular breed, the best option would be to control sexual behavior through surgery.

However, there are nuances to this issue. If the pet is neutered in adulthood, then for some time the male can still mark objects in the apartment.

This phenomenon is observed due to the fact that the level of sex hormones gradually declines after surgery. Therefore, even neutered cats after a few months can leave marks “for old times’ sake.”

The age at which the animal was operated on is important in the prevention of marking. If castration is carried out before the young male reaches puberty (up to 6 - 7 months), then we can say with confidence that the pet will not mark its territory. If a mature cat undergoes surgery, then much will depend on its hormonal status.

Third-party reasons for the appearance of marks

They can appear not only in spring, at the time of love and natural call. A pet will assert itself if:

  • experienced stress;
  • very scared;
  • suffered a serious illness;
  • changed his place of residence;
  • saw another animal in the house;
  • feels jealous of one of the family members.

In this case, you need to pay increased attention to him, stroke him more often, show your affection, talk calmly, in a low voice, with a friendly intonation. He will definitely respond to love and affection, replacing anger with mercy and confirming the opinion that he still remains the favorite of the household.

How long do cats mark after castration?

After castration, cats can mark their territory for some time, on average 2-3 months. This phenomenon is due to the fact that after removal of the gonads, hormones that regulate the behavior of the animal remain in the body for some time. As a rule, after 2-3 months their level drops, and the unwanted behavior no longer bothers the owner.

A pet leaves marks after castration even if the operation was performed as an adult and the individual has a certain stereotype of sexual behavior. In addition, male hormones in an adult animal are produced not only in the gonads, but also in the pituitary gland.

Can a cat mark like a cat?

Many people choose to have cats because they believe that they are not capable of marking at home. Males of the feline regularly “mark furniture” after puberty and during the hunting season, but girls are also capable of doing this.

Often, inexperienced owners can confuse the marks and a normal trip to the toilet outside the tray.

Externally, cats mark objects like cats: they stand with their backs to the object, twitch their tails and secrete a small amount of a pungent-smelling liquid.

How to get rid of cat marks in an apartment

You can get rid of cat marks in an apartment only with the help of a set of measures:

  1. It is necessary to locate “crime scenes” and clean them thoroughly. You can cope with this task using a soap solution, a sponge and a rag. Walls, floors and waterproof surfaces can be successfully washed with laundry soap or ready-made floor cleaning products. To treat upholstered furniture and carpets, you should purchase special products that do not leave stains.
  2. After the surfaces have been washed of urine, it is necessary to neutralize the unpleasant odor. Vinegar, citric acid, and hydrogen peroxide are suitable for this purpose.

Why does a castrated cat mark its territory: what to do if the operation does not help?

This also happens: there are no testes, and the animal still only brings trouble to the owners, settling down to go to the toilet in places that are not intended for that. Sometimes there is more than one reason for this behavior. Let's look at the main ones to find a way out:

  • Will a cat mark after castration? Yes, if its physiology differs from the anatomical structure of other pets. We are talking about such a feature as cryptorchidism - in this case, the testicles (one or both) are not located in the scrotum, but are hidden under the skin - hidden in the groin area or in the abdominal cavity. Such an animal should be taken to an experienced veterinarian - a young specialist may not be able to find the gonads. Hence the consequences - the hormone testosterone is still released, which means the cat will continue to do its job - even after the removal of one testicle.

photo from the site:

  • Do neutered cats mark territory? Yes, if the operation was performed at an advanced age. In other words, the appointment was made by an old man who was accustomed to leaving his marks all over the apartment, and even surgery would not be able to wean him off. In the animal’s brain there is a memory center that is responsible for preserving those very dominant signs that prompt them to once again go around their possessions and leave odorous marks. The way out of such a situation is a timely visit to the veterinarian.
  • Having other pets is another reason that should not be forgotten. Especially if all four-legged residents of the house are males. In this case, multiple tracks are a natural struggle for a dominant position. Animals sense the smell of their rival neighbors and try not to yield to them in anything.

So, we answered the question of whether cats mark in an apartment after castration, but we still haven’t said what to do in such a situation. There are several options:

  • The first is to remove the remaining testicle if cryptorchidism is confirmed in the pet. To do this, take your pet to a trusted specialist - experience with such congenital anomalies plays a big role. The successful outcome of the operation depends on him.
  • The second is the use of special drugs that repel cats and discourage them from marking in the apartment. Antigadin spray is one of these products. For most owners, this is a real lifesaver, but each case is individual - a positive effect may not follow.
  • The third is contacting a zoopsychologist. It will help change behavioral reactions, suppress the desire to leave marks on furniture, floors and clothes, and free your pet from the habit of going to the toilet anywhere but in the litter box.
  • Fourth, sometimes changing apartments helps. These are extreme measures - it is unlikely that anyone will want to move because of the smell, which will disappear after cleaning. However, in some cases, a change in area actually leads to a complete abandonment of the desire to confirm its dominant position.

In this article, we talked about when (at what age) cats begin to mark their territory, what are the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon for their owners, and what to do for those who do not want to put up with the persistent smell of urine in the apartment. There is no universal advice - an individual approach is required. However, a better method of solving the problem than castration during puberty has not yet been invented.

A remedy to prevent a cat from marking in the apartment

To prevent the cat from marking in the apartment, special means will help:

  • to calm the cat (tablets Kot-bayun, Fitex, Stop-stress, folk remedies use citrus fruits - lemon, orange, as well as laundry soap, wormwood, ammonia and hot spicy seasonings - pepper, turmeric);
  • neutralizing the pungent odor of cat urine (the same citrus fruits and laundry soap, bleach solution).

Tablets, drops

Experienced breeders recommend giving your pet plant-based calming tablets, for example: Kot-bayun, Fitex, Stop-stress. These drugs have a sedative effect and help the cat behave more calmly. However, sedatives do not work on all animals.

Inexperienced owners often resort to hormonal contraceptives in the form of drops, for example, Sex Barrier. However, veterinary experts argue that such products are harmful to males and do not eliminate the problem of territory marking.

Folk remedies

Among folk remedies, citrus fruits are most often used to combat unwanted animal behavior. The aroma of lemon and orange not only neutralizes the unpleasant odor, but also discourages the animal from marking its territory. The herb wormwood and coleus can help cope with the problem. Laundry soap has a good neutralizing effect.

Furry fidgets do not like strong-smelling substances, and they avoid the treated areas. Ammonia, which has a pungent odor, will help stop you from marking your territory. Spices have a similar effect - red and black pepper, turmeric, cayenne pepper, mustard powder.

Watch this video on how to stop a cat from marking in the apartment:


Another factor that causes a cat to mark its territory. When an animal goes into heat, it does not behave quite adequately. More precisely, not at all adequate. Previously “on her own,” not liking to be petted just like that, without the desire of the cat herself, she suddenly begins to behave completely differently. An affectionate and gentle purr, lying near the owner’s feet and marking corners in the apartment. And what to do with such a special one? There is nothing you can do except spay her after the heat. And at this stage, give drops that suppress the pet’s sexual desire.

How to stop a cat from marking territory outside in a private house

You can wean a cat from marking territory on the street in a private house in two ways - by distraction and scaring away. You can distract from an unwanted habit by setting up a special corner for your naughty pet. For this purpose, you need to choose a suitable place in your garden and cover it with sand, in which cats love to dig. To make the corner attractive to the animal, you can plant catnip around its perimeter.

You can stop your cat from marking his territory by using repellents. You can purchase special liquidators and tag destroyers at the pet store. The products have a repellent effect and can be used to treat different surfaces.

How to stop a cat from marking in the entrance

There are different ways to stop a cat from marking at the entrance:

  • Neuter all animals living in the area. This, of course, is a difficult but radical measure to combat cat marks.
  • Place a door in the entrance, thereby preventing access of unauthorized animals to the premises.
  • Regularly treat surfaces (walls, floors, handrails, etc.) with products with a repellent effect.

We recommend reading about how to punish a cat depending on its age. From the article you will learn when to punish a pet, methods of punishment, and options for correcting the causes of bad behavior.

And here is more information about why a cat shits on the bed.

Cat marks are a manifestation of the self-preservation instincts of animals inherent in nature. It is quite difficult to prevent a negative phenomenon. The only way to combat territorial marks in cats is early castration before signs of puberty. In adults, it is impossible to completely eliminate unwanted behavior. Proper upbringing and compliance with hygiene measures comes to the aid of the owner.

Weaning rules

How long it takes to wean an animal from this bad habit depends on the following factors:

  • owner's resilience;
  • approach to weaning;
  • on how correctly the owner will do the necessary actions;
  • depending on the age of the cat.

Let us consider in detail how to wean a young and adult pet.

Young pet

A young cat begins to mark its territory at 7–8 months, when it enters puberty. Therefore, the pet owner should carefully monitor the animal in order to identify signs of impending puberty in time.

It is important to start raising a kitten from childhood. He must know who is in charge in the house. Permissiveness is the wrong method. The kitten begins to mark when there is insufficient attention. Therefore, you need to play with it regularly.

Adult cat

Weaning an adult cat is a complex and long process that requires restraint from the owner. Typically, the peak appearance of marks occurs during the period of sexual activity - spring and summer. One method of solving problems is to keep your pet in a dark room. As a result, the instinct will become dull. At the same time, all surfaces marked by the animal must be disinfected to remove the smell. To do this, you need to use special means (for example, “Zoosan”).

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea): description, reproduction, species, photo, voice

Useful video

Watch this video on how to get rid of the smell of cat urine:

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Do cats mark territory?

Most often, cat owners have problems with marks that emit a characteristic odor. But sometimes cats give their family an unpleasant surprise. Most often, a cat marks her territory during heat.

Leaving her scent on vertical surfaces at the level of the noses of other cats, she publicly declares her desire and tries to attract a male.

Another reason is having several cats living together in a house. From time to time one of them wants to declare its leadership. Then tags come into play.

Several cats in the house

Stress, fear and uncertainty can also cause unpleasant consequences. A change of scenery, the appearance of strangers in the house, the birth of a child - these factors make the cat nervous. Under the influence of instinct, she begins to mark her territory.

The process looks the same for males and females. The cat marks in the same way as a cat, raising its tail high and releasing a short horizontal stream.

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