How to get another cat without getting one yourself? Five tips from the owner of five cats

Cats are extremely useful animals. Cat owners live longer, get sick less often, and tolerate stress better. Pets save them from natural disasters, help them maintain a daily routine and keep order in the house. How do cats manage to do this?

Fans of mysticism believe that cats, by the very fact of their presence, “ennoble” the atmosphere of the house. In folk beliefs, it is believed that cats have a special relationship with the spirits of the house - brownies. They patronize tailed purrs, and therefore protect the house from troubles and unwanted guests. This is one of the reasons why the cat should be the first to enter a new home.

Parapsychologists adhere to a similar point of view, only the mechanism of a cat’s influence on the space of an apartment, from their point of view, is structured differently: it is assumed that cats sense the energy of surrounding objects and “clean” it, and can also neutralize the consequences of interaction with negative biofields. It is also believed that if the owner is sick, the cat can absorb the energy of the disease, thereby alleviating the person’s condition.

Cats have always been shrouded in mystery. It may seem that they like to stay away from everything and that the best thing they can do is sleep all day. Despite this, they are always aware of what is happening around them (and much more when it comes to their owner and their emotional state). The company of these animals, adored by most of society, has some interesting benefits, such as their contribution to peace and harmony in our lives.

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We've compiled some of the benefits a cat can bring to your life, backed by science.

Possible harm

When thinking about whether it is worth having a cat in an apartment, you need to remember some of the disadvantages of having an animal in the house. Raising a cat is more difficult than raising a dog. This is an animal that walks on its own.

A freedom-loving character can manifest itself in the fact that the pet will sleep where it likes best, and not in a specially equipped place. A cat may willingly sharpen its claws on new furniture or carpet, ignoring the scratching post purchased for this purpose. So, for those who are planning to get a pet, it is better not to buy expensive interior items. You should give up the leather sofa. Many people refuse to get a pet because they don’t want to clean it often. When keeping a cat in an apartment, fur will be everywhere:

  • on furniture;
  • on the floor;
  • on clothes.

You will need to spend money:

  • for food;
  • tray filler;
  • toys;
  • carrying;
  • vaccinations;
  • anti-worm medications;
  • treatment if your pet gets sick.

If once upon a time cats were bred solely for the purpose of catching mice, now the reasons can be very different.

Some people want to brighten up loneliness and take care of someone, some want to instill in children a sense of responsibility, and for others it is especially important to find at least the slightest meaning in life, to feel needed, to find an opportunity to show care and warmth

Cat: pros and cons

A kitten is a living creature that becomes a member of your family for 10-15 years. It is unacceptable to treat him like a toy. With the advent of a small pet, your life will change, new responsibilities will appear in relation to it: the animal requires time and attention, care, cleaning, additional costs for food, fillers, toys, veterinarians, etc.

Care and attention

Many people mistakenly believe that a cat requires little or no care and attention. However, this is not so: you need to regularly communicate and play with your pet. An animal that has nothing to do with itself can become mischievous: mark its territory, damage furniture, or meow loudly, reminding itself of itself and trying to attract the attention of its owners.

Maintenance will also take time. Every day you need to feed your pet, give him fresh water, and clean his litter box. Periodically you will need to comb the fur, trim the nails, and clean the ears.

If the kitten is bored, he will find something to do on his own, but you may not like it

If you spend a lot of time at work or are away often, your cat will become bored and constantly stressed, which will be bad for her health. In this case, it is better to have two pets at once - they will have more fun together.


A cat needs to be educated. From the first days, forbid the kitten to do anything that you consider unacceptable. He will be sincerely perplexed why he is punished, for example, for walking on the table, if this was previously allowed. You need to engage in upbringing from the very beginning of the animal’s stay in the house and constantly.

Adult, uncastrated cats often mark their territory. The reasons may be different: instinct, stress, illness or harmful character. Try to understand the origins of incorrect behavior and do not punish the animal unnecessarily. If you plan to breed cats, you will have to come to terms with the marks and stock up on special odor removal products. Otherwise, it is recommended to castrate the animal.

Be prepared for the fact that cats of all breeds, except completely hairless ones, shed. In apartments with a constant temperature, shedding can occur almost continuously. In order not to spend additional time cleaning and cleaning clothes, you need to periodically comb your pet with special combs and slickers, which are easy to find in any pet store today.

Cat and children

The most common reason for giving up an animal is the birth of a child. In fact, a baby is not a hindrance if you really love your cat. You need to try so that the appearance of a new family member does not cause jealousy.

a pet, which previously had the undivided attention of its owners. A cat surrounded by care will not become mischievous out of jealousy and will sincerely become friends with the child.

A child playing with a kitten brings joy and benefits to both

If you already have children, take care that they do not accidentally harm the animal. The baby does not know that a cat cannot be dragged by the tail or pulled by the whiskers. The pet's reaction is unpredictable: it can run and hide, but it can also scratch or bite its offender.

From the first day a kitten is in the house, it is important to explain to the child the rules of behavior when communicating with an animal. Show your baby how to pet a pet, explain that you should not interfere when the kitten is eating or sleeping. Caring for a living creature is a great opportunity to develop the best qualities in a child, and the cat will definitely repay him with fun games and the joy of spending time together.

Communication with animals develops kindness and a sense of responsibility in children. Entrust your child with custody of the kitten, ask how his pet is doing, whether he fed him, how he is feeling, what they were doing. The habit of caring for someone is an excellent quality for future life. Caring for our smaller brothers is a sign of a noble person.

Kittens and children often become inseparable friends

Under no circumstances should you purchase a pet based solely on the child’s desire to “play with the cat.” As a result of thoughtless, irresponsible actions, animals end up on the street after they grow up and no longer look as funny and cute as before. A kitten is not a toy - it is a living creature with its own feelings and experiences. The decision to adopt a pet should be thoughtful and balanced.

How do cats get along with other pets?

Birds, hamsters, mice, rats

To make friends or to hunt - that is the question
Remember that a cat, no matter how domestic and affectionate it may be, is a predator. The animal does not know how to make friends with potential food. At home, when there is enough food and there is no need to get it, the hunting instinct weakens, but never disappears completely. Therefore, rodents and birds located in the accessibility zone will always be in danger. It often happens that a cat ignores a bird or a tame rat for a long time, but at some point instinct takes over, to the great amazement of the owners and the victim itself. You cannot scold or punish a pet for the result of a hunt - this is a genetically developed behavior.


Fish are a great temptation for a cat at any age.
An aquarium for a cat is like a TV for people. This animal loves to watch the movement of fish and sometimes, carried away, tries to jump into it. The aquarium must not be left open. It is likely that one day your pet will feel like a hunter and will try to fish its prey out of the water. Even if the fish are not harmed, the kitten may trip and take a swim.

Other cats

Friendship is possible between cats, but it does not arise in all cases, just as in relationships between people. These animals are loners by nature.

However, when kept together, they often get along well and play with each other. Seeing such an idyll in others, many owners make the mistake of believing that they will make their cat happy if they bring her a friend. And then they wonder why the animals hiss, fight and don’t want to be friends. Even if your pet is very kind and affectionate towards people, this does not mean that he will be the same with other cats. The struggle for territory and the love of the owner can be serious and is often accompanied by serious hostilities.

Fighting for food can worsen relationships between cats

Following certain rules will help avoid problems.

  • A new pet must have its own bowls, tray, bed and toys. Firstly, then the resident cat will not feel robbed and discriminated against, and secondly, there is no foreign smell on the new things, which makes adaptation much easier.
  • Don't allow jealousy to arise. Usually, a new kitten is given more attention, which causes resentment in the old-timer. Distribute your care and love equally.
  • The more cats there are in the house, the more difficult it is for them to make friends. Crowding, lack of toys, bowls, beds - all this gives rise to competition and provokes aggression, stress, and territorial markings. If you want to have many cats, provide them all with proper conditions and care.

A sudden introduction to a new family member (brought in and immediately released) causes shock and aggression in most cats. As a rule, a newcomer has a hard time for some time: they hiss at him, are not allowed near the bowls or tray, and even fights and injuries are possible.

An excellent solution is to take a couple of kittens from the same litter

Animal psychologists recommend a smooth introduction to resident cats: isolating them in different rooms, putting some thing with the smell of the new pet so that the old-timers get used to it.

You should not pair a small kitten with an older cat. Active and noisy, he will try to play with her, which can tire and irritate her. It is unlikely that they will become full-fledged friends. If you want the kitten not to be bored, it is better to take two kittens at once.


The saying “They live like a cat and a dog” has now almost lost its relevance, since examples of the friendship of these animals are very common. They have a great time entertaining themselves by playing together in the absence of their owners.

If you have a friend, you will never be bored and lonely

However, there are dogs that absolutely do not accept cats. More often these are representatives of fighting breeds, but there are exceptions. If a dog has been the only pet of the family for a long time, it will be difficult for it to come to terms with the need to share the attention of its adored owner with someone else. Be patient, distribute affection evenly and do not try to force them to become friends. In difficult cases, you should contact a zoopsychologist.

There is an opinion that cats of some breeds do not cause allergies, for example, all types of hairless cats and curly-haired cats (Don and Canadian Sphynxes, Rexes). However, as studies have shown, wool is not the only source of allergies. Serious allergens include saliva, glandular secretions, urine, feces and animal skin particles. People with long-term hypertension also have an increased risk of developing allergies. It is better to undergo an additional examination in advance and consult a doctor so that the kitten does not subsequently cause an allergic reaction and is not thrown out into the street by frightened relatives.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms

It would seem that it could be simpler - take the cat and hold it, pet it, enjoy it. But no! Not all cats like people to limit their freedom. Some are not easy to handle at all. This is their nature - “I’m a cat, and I walk on my own.” Remember?

And sometimes it happens that a cat screams and meows when you pick it up. You're probably making it awkward and causing her pain or discomfort. Although it seems that it is very easy to pick up an animal and hold it, in fact, it requires skill. Especially if the animal has some kind of disease and you can hurt it.

How to pick up a cat?

First of all, you need to take the animal correctly. But before that, make sure that it is not aggressive towards you, is not afraid of you, and in general, it is comfortable and calm. Without sudden movements, approach the cat, speak to it kindly, and say hello. It will probably take time for your cat or cat to get used to you. Stroke your cat's forehead, behind the ears and chin if he allows you to do so.

All these actions are necessary, especially if the animal is unfamiliar to you. This way, both you and the cat will have time to assess the situation and get to know each other a little. Once the cat feels that she is safe with you, she will relax, and you will see and feel it.

The cat gives a signal that it is ready to go into your arms - it begins to rub against your leg or arm, purrs, and looks into your eyes. If you see exactly this, and not her irritation and attempts to bite and scratch, then you have become friends with her, and you can proceed to the next stage.

Now place one of your hands under the cat's body just behind its front legs, and with your other hand, grab it under its hind legs and lift it up. Create contact between your body and the cat as soon as possible - this will make her feel completely safe.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms?

The hardest part is over, you are in close contact with the animal, it trusts you and expects affection and warmth from you. Hold it at the level of your chest, pressing lightly, but not pressing. The cat's position should be almost straight - not sagging or upside down. The cat will immediately try to stop any uncomfortable position, struggling and scratching you at the same time.

The cat's head, when you hold it, should be higher than the level of its body. Remember - you should never turn a cat upside down!

It is equally important to feel when the cat wants to leave your hands. She will begin to twitch, move, try to free herself

Don't hold her against her will, otherwise she will feel discomfort, her anxiety and fear will increase, so that next time you will have to do everything from the very beginning to pick her up again.

Do not throw the cat, lower it onto its 4 paws and only then remove your hands. Of course, sometimes your cat may jump off of you on its own, so be prepared for this.

Some inflammatory processes in cats cannot be avoided without medical intervention. We will talk about the properties of the drug Amoxicillin for cats in this article.

How to make a house for a cat? Not only we, but also our pets need a cozy corner for a comfortable rest.

We will show you how to build a house for a cat with your own hands in the master class.

Nail pads for cats What to do if a cat spoils furniture with its claws and at the same time categorically does not recognize scratching posts? In this case, claw pads for cats, which we will talk about in the article, will help you out.

Choosing a pet's name is an important and responsible matter, because it accompanies the animal throughout its life. We will tell you some ideas for beautiful names for cats in the article.

Signs associated with cats and illness

People believe that cats heal, and black cats are especially good at this. Even medicine agrees with the positive effect of these animals on patients. It’s difficult to argue, because many have noticed an improvement in their well-being after interacting with a pet. They are especially necessary for older people.

If a cat often lies down next to a sick person, it means that he will soon recover. This is a very good omen, because cats know how to absorb the negative energy of illness. They can stand near your face and draw in the air that you exhale - exactly for this purpose.

Sometimes animals cure fatal diseases. But if the cat understands that he is unable to help, he leaves the house and never returns. If the cat does not have this opportunity, he will avoid communication. To find out whether the patient will survive, put a cat in bed. If he runs away, it means he is destined to die from an illness, and if he lies down, he is destined to recover.

To make the stye go away faster, you can stroke it with the tail of a black cat. It is advisable that he does not mind. A spotted pet will help with warts in the same way.

They can help people with autism communicate

People with autism have difficulty communicating. Animal therapy has been shown to be one tool that can be helpful because patients feel a stronger connection with animals. One study found that children who have a pet feel calmer and more sociable than those who don't. When petting a cat, oxytocin levels can increase and trust and love can increase. Iris Grace, a girl with autism, gets help from her cat Tula to talk to other people because her pet gives her security.

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What does the cat say

  • You should not put the bed in a place where your cat likes to lie. Most likely, this is an unfavorable geomagnetic zone. There may be several such zones in a house. Watch your cat carefully, she will “indicate” them to you.
  • They say that a cat is a good barometer. If she covers her nose with her paw, then you can expect cold weather. If the cat sleeps with its belly up, then this portends warmth.
  • If you believe the signs, then the cat is also a wonderful psychologist. The manifestation of sudden aggression towards a guest who has entered the house means that the person is holding a stone in his bosom. And on the contrary, when a cat greets a guest with affection, it means that he has good feelings for the owner of the house.

  • If your cat lies down on your side or stomach and begins to diligently trample you with its paws, this may mean that you have some kind of disease in that area.
  • In Rus', it was customary to put a cat in a cradle before placing a child for the first time. It was believed that after this the baby’s sleep would be calm and sound.

And there will be no allergies

If you are not allergic to cats, having a pet will help you cope with other irritants more successfully. This connection has been proven by Effects of early-life exposure to allergens and bacteria on recurrent wheeze and atopy in urban children. At least in the example of children. The more actively and often a child comes into contact with a purr, the less likely he is to have allergies or asthma.

Why do we need cat houses?

The cat is an extraordinary animal, striking in its activity, playfulness and spontaneity. Those who have these furry pets at home do not need to be told that at times cats can bring not only joy and wonderful emotions, but also quite a lot of trouble. These include torn corners of furniture, ever-breaking dishes that once stood on a high shelf in the kitchen or room and then caught the eye of a cat, peeled wallpaper and curtain rods lying under the window sills that could not withstand the weight of the cat that jumped onto the curtains. It is useless to scold your pet for such pranks. The cat will not understand why you are scolding it.

Signs about cats

Many people know that if a cat starts to wash itself, guests will soon come. But a little-known fact is that omens advise placing a little tail hair on the departing person’s shoulder. Then he will come back to you, and more than once. If it means failure. There are several ways to avoid trouble. Wait until someone else passes through the ill-fated place. Spit over your left shoulder and move on. A good option is to grab a button on your clothing and hold it until you pass.

Since ancient times, cats have been the first to be released into new homes, especially black ones. According to some versions of old superstitions, on the first night a black rooster or hen was left in the house, and only then the mustachioed one was allowed in.

If your or someone else's cat is affectionate and craves communication, this will bring you great benefits. The favorites of these animals are always successful. This also applies to those to whom the cat will stretch its paws during its “warm-up”.

In the old days, the weather was predicted by the behavior of the cat in the house. If he sits near the stove (battery, heater), sleeps in a ball or hides his nose, this is a sign of cold weather. Thorough licking of the tail in combination with the “hiding your head” pose also leads to cold. And when a cat washes its paw and head at the same time or sleeps with its belly up, it means warming.

It was precisely because of the ability of minke whales to sense the approach of a storm that sailors in the old days always took them on board. Cats not only predicted the weather, but also brought good luck to the team. And the sailors' wives kept black cats, which guaranteed their husbands' return home.

Fishermen also take cats with them. They portend a good catch and protect against underwater evil spirits. They especially prefer tri-colored ones.

If your pet gave birth to black and red offspring, only saffron milk caps are given away. A black kitten is left in the house, it brings good luck and happiness.

Don't give animals away for free, at least take a coin or a treat, otherwise they won't take root.

Do not throw water on cats for fun, especially for children. It is believed that this way you can shorten your life by more than half.

If a black cat sneezes near the bride, she will be happy in marriage. In this case, the unmarried couple will have a good life together. Say "Hello!" to a cat who sneezed - and no problems with teeth. If an animal meows during a wedding, the young people will have a bad life. A cat seen at the altar before the wedding also promises an unhappy marriage.

Pets are not allowed to lie on kitchen counters not only for reasons of hygiene. This foretells death in the family.

It is a very good sign to adopt a street cat instead of buying a purebred cat. Anyone who adopts a stray animal with pure thoughts will always be accompanied by happiness and good luck in money. In the old days, stray cats were taken into the family to improve their affairs. But the cat must be happy with his life with you.

Many people feed stray cats, not even knowing that they are making the fate of their deceased relatives easier. Animals are kind to those who treat them well. If you help abandoned cats, they will thank you with luck.

In the old days, it was believed that black pets attracted lightning and could cause a fire. During a thunderstorm they were driven out the door of the house. Do not carry cats of any color on the horse, otherwise it will begin to dry out. This is not accepted now.

In order for a small child to sleep better, a cat is allowed into the cradle for a while, and after that the child is put to bed. This is done only before putting your son or daughter to bed for the first time. Does the cat want to stay in the cradle? Move it, it means it is in a “bad” place. And if you want a child, feed and pet someone else’s pregnant cat, then there will be many children and the birth will go well.

How to adopt a cat

Before studying the question of how to properly lift and hold a cat, you need to remember a few simple rules for handling an animal:

  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your pet's body. He will remember your actions and next time he will try to avoid these unpleasant sensations. The cat will begin to associate pain with the person who caused it.
  • Don't keep your pet against its will. The first time you try to leave, let him go. Holding back a struggling animal with all your might will not lead to anything good.
  • The loud meowing that a pet makes when you try to pick it up is a signal that you have previously caused inconvenience or pain to it.

The following sequence of actions will tell you how to properly pick up a cat:

Make sure your pet is friendly, not active, and not afraid of you. Slowly and without making sudden movements, approach him. Treat your cat kindly or say something nice to her. Pet the cat and scratch behind its ears. A relaxed animal is a signal that it doesn’t mind being in your hands. You can also understand this by gentle meowing, purring and looking into the eyes. Place one hand under the cat's body just behind the front legs.

With the other, grab it by the hindquarters and carefully lift it up. Hold the cat close to you so that it feels comfortable and safe.

Cats and money

Of course, our pets do not understand anything about finance, but they very well feel the strong energy that envelops all financial processes.

If the owner has financial difficulties and constantly thinks about how to live next, the cat will definitely feel this negativity. She can help you relax, her purring perfectly relieves nervous tension - new thoughts come to mind, and with them sometimes a solution to the problem.

Cats improve your energy levels, and at the same time attract good luck and prosperity. However, if a person does not like cats and gets a pet only for selfish reasons, then nothing will work out. It’s even worse if he then throws the fluffy out onto the street as unnecessary, the troubles will return to him at least threefold.

If a stray kitten has become attached to you on the street, do not drive the animal away, feed it; if it is not possible to take it home, try to find owners for it. The Universe will understand that you are capable of spending resources for a good cause, which means that larger sums can be entrusted to you.

Signs associated with the arrival of a cat

It is believed that if a cat comes to you, then you cannot kick it out, it was sent by higher powers. If you find a kitten at the door, you should take it, because otherwise you will face a series of troubles for a period of seven years. Animals free you from witchcraft, and if you drive them away, it means you are refusing help from good forces.

A stray cat promises pleasant stories and a wedding. The arrival of a white cat before your wedding means that you are a happy person. The arrival of a cat in your home indicates that something is wrong with you. They don't just appear. If you reject the animal, you will not receive help. Often when the cat has done its job - taken on the negative energy - it leaves.

A person who shelters a cat who asked to be taken into the house becomes happy, he is lucky in all his affairs and endeavors. Whatever he undertakes, everything turns out easily and quickly.

The arrival of a strange cat into your home also promises happiness. Many pets go to visit someone. They say that in this way ancestors who left this world visit their relatives.

You will improve your communication skills

Researchers from the University of Missouri Children with Autism Who Live With Pets Are More Assertive found that children with autism acquired better social interaction skills if they had a pet, including a cat.

Essentially, cats awaken interest in the people around them and improve communication abilities. A good plan not only for autistic children, but also for anyone who suffers from their own isolation and shyness.

How to hold a cat correctly

Adopting a cat into your family is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Immediately after a pet appears in the house, you should begin to accustom it to such simple things as combing its fur, trimming its nails, and washing it. To carry out any of the procedures, the animal must be picked up.

Each pet has its own character, some easily approach anyone, while others are cautious and distrustful. But regardless of the cat’s mood, you need to pick it up correctly so that it is convenient and comfortable for the animal and the owner.

How to properly pick up a cat

In order not to frighten or alarm the animal, you should approach her from the front, you can quietly call her name. Next, you should carefully insert one hand under the cat’s belly, and the other under the hind legs, and slowly lift the animal to chest level.

You need to hold the cat so that it sits on one hand, while with the other hand you need to support the animal under the chest. If the cat is accustomed to being handled, then it will take a position that is comfortable for it. Some pets like to sit with their front paws folded on their owner's shoulders.

If a cat is picked up for some unpleasant procedure, then the front paws can be grabbed with your hand.

How to properly pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck

The mother takes her kittens by the scruff of the neck to move them to another place. You shouldn’t lift an adult by the scruff of the neck, because it weighs much more than a kitten. When lifted by the scruff of the neck, the weight of the animal is unevenly distributed across the spine, and this can lead to serious injury.

You can take a cat by the scruff if you need to hold it in place and provided that the animal has reliable support under its paws. This grip can be used when visiting the veterinarian, or if you need to give your pet medicine, but he resists.

How to pick up and hold a kitten

It is generally not recommended to pick up small newborn kittens, since their muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are not yet fully formed. In addition, some cats may refuse a kitten if they smell someone else's scent.

It is not only possible to pick up an older, more independent kitten, but even necessary. Kittens that have been in close contact with people since childhood are more trusting, tame and calm. To pick up a kitten, you need to support it under its tummy with one hand and under its butt with the other, pressing its tail between its hind legs.

How and in what cases should you not pick up a cat?

In order for the cat to sit calmly in your arms and not try to run away at the first opportunity, you need to choose the right moment for contact. Firstly, you should not pick up your cat while playing. Excited and playful, she may inadvertently scratch, and calm communication at this moment is unlikely to be achieved.

You should not distract your pet from his nap or wake him up if he is sleeping - a disrupted rest will not add to his complacency.

There is no point in trying to pick up a hunting pet, even if it is hunting a fly.

Hunting is an important activity for a pet.

The biggest mistake an owner makes is trying to grab their cat out of a fight with their hands. Instead of your beloved pet, you will find an angry fury in your arms, which can not only scratch, but also bite the owner.

You cannot lift an adult by the scruff, tail, paws or turn the animal upside down.

In order not to lose the trust of your pet, you should not hold him in your arms by force. If your pet begins to struggle, becomes nervous, or meows, you should immediately release it. You cannot throw a cat from a height or let it go abruptly and unexpectedly - the surprise can damage its paws. The best option would be to carefully place the animal on its paws, holding it under its belly. If the animal does not show aggression and does not run away immediately, then it is recommended to pat it on the back several times. Let the pet remember the positive experience of being in the arms of its owner.

Believe it or not

A cat cannot even imagine that every gesture, every movement, every pose has a certain meaning for a person, is either a warning, or, on the contrary, a good omen.

Here are just a few of the many superstitions that have arisen over the long history of cats living next to humans:

  • The new residents are the first to let the cat into the house. If the cat clearly doesn’t like it here, then the person can’t count on a happy life in this home;
  • Do not drive away the cat that came to you on its own, otherwise you will not have luck for 7 long years;
  • Drowning or strangling kittens means that there may be drowned people in the family or people who died a violent death;
  • Feeding a stray cat means calming the souls of deceased relatives;
  • If your luck has turned away from you, you have stopped making money, then pick up and shelter an abandoned kitten;
  • You should not kill adult cats - this threatens you with major and lasting troubles;
  • Only a black cat crosses the road into trouble. White, on the contrary, foreshadows an easy path, and spotted - the fulfillment of desires. So superstitious people should not shy away from every cat!

Previously, a daughter who spent too much time as a wench was a disgrace for the family. In order to finally marry off this old maid, her mother had to distribute seven stray kittens (females) to good neighbors. And if we were talking about an old bachelor, then distribute male kittens.

The cat came on its own, what is it for?

Cats enter an apartment without an invitation; they bring happiness with them, so they don’t ask permission.

There is no need to drive them away; good luck, prosperity, and mutual understanding will leave home with them.

A pregnant cat got lost. On the one hand, the animal seeks protection and care. But is it?

In each entrance of a city high-rise building there are at least fifteen apartments, why does the animal choose an apartment with not the most presentable door, nor one with a delicious smell of meat or fish?

Animals of different colors come to the house with different omens:

Whatever the color of the pet, the person whom he recognized as the owner deserves it. This means that he will give this person the protection that he needs more than anything else. You shouldn’t blame your furry pet for lack of money if its purpose is to save your life.

The magical nature of cats

A cat's aura is so vast and dense that it covers the entire territory that the cat considers to be its own. She takes her under her protection, as well as all the inhabitants of this territory. Having appeared in the family, the cat will observe and, having found out who is in charge in the house, will try to establish contact with him. If she is friends with you, rest assured that not only has she recognized you as a leader, but everyone else in the family feels the same way.

There are folk beliefs about cats. For example, when a cat pets you, it gives you its energy. By not responding to affection or by pushing the cat away, a person makes it clear that he does not accept her gift, and therefore will not receive it another time. Moreover, she can take away his own power. That’s why real magicians and cats have such a special relationship.

Ancient magic and the black cat - a mysterious companion of magicians and sorcerers

In almost all cultures of the world, beliefs about cats are associated with witchcraft, healing arts, wealth, unexpected good fortune or devastating disasters. In old legends, a cat always accompanies a sorcerer or fortune teller. In Ancient Egypt, it was elevated to the rank of sacred animals, and was associated with the Moon and the goddess Bastet, the patroness of female beauty, fertility, home, love and joy. The goddess Bast was depicted as a cat or a girl with the head of a cat.

black cat in magic

“When you think, she hears you, even if you don’t say a word. With the gaze of God, she reads your thoughts in you.”

Why do cats come to our house?

It has long been known that cats are special creatures. They can be in all parallel worlds at the same time and are able to see and feel what is inaccessible to others. Cats protect our home not only from mice, but also from evil spirits. Esotericists and psychics have been observing these magical animals for a long time. It’s not for nothing that in all ancient legends the witch’s assistant was a black cat! In fact, the color of the cat does not matter at all. All furry creatures have paranormal abilities.

The biggest misconception is to think that a person chooses a cat for himself. It's the other way around. Cats come to our house of their own free will and with a specific mission. To understand why the cat appeared in your house, you need to remember when it happened.

During this period, the cat appears in the house in order to strengthen the owner’s energy field or help him open up. In the first case, everything is clear: you are weakened, feeling unwell and emotionally burnt out. A cat will share its strength with you if you often pick it up, stroke it, and allow it to sleep next to you. In the second case, the problem is of a different nature: you are very closed, you are afraid to be sincere, build relationships, and simply communicate with people. The cat’s task is to get you out of your hole, to show you that the world is not so bad. How can this happen? Perhaps you will start participating in exhibitions and meet new friends there. Perhaps the cat will get sick often, and you will have to go to the veterinarian. Your pet may even run away from home so you have to look for it. So it’s better to immediately understand the little animal’s hints, so as not to take it to the extreme.

If a cat appeared in your month of Taurus, then it came to protect your material wealth. Her first mission is to protect the house from robbers, and the second is to increase her wealth. In addition, this cat will protect your home from negative emotions, quarrels and scandals.

The mission of the cat, which came in the month of Gemini, is to save you from bad connections. In addition, it can relieve headaches, improve memory and help with studies. Allow your cat to lie next to you, even if she decides to climb on your pillow.

If a cat got into your house during the month of Cancer, then it’s time for you to get rid of junk and negative energy, to clear space in your life for something new and better. Moreover, on all levels: from material to spiritual. Hurry up, sort out your closets, take unnecessary things out of the house, and do some general cleaning. Then analyze how you spend your time. Perhaps you should get rid of some useless activities? This will give you the opportunity to do new, more useful or interesting things.

A cat coming into your home will save your family from unnecessary expenses and unhealthy addictions. Perhaps someone in your family is addicted to gambling or is wasting money left and right. Maybe there are old debts. The cat's job is to help you solve this problem.

During this period, cats go to those houses where there are seriously ill people who need energy replenishment. The cat, thanks to its paranormal abilities, will help overcome illnesses. But there is one problem: after completing the mission, the cat will leave. She won't be able to live with you forever. Having taken upon itself all the negativity, the animal takes it with it from the house.

If you got a cat at this particular time, then the reason is quarrels and scandals in the family. The cat came to help save the family and improve relationships between spouses or parents and children. Such a cat can protect you from damage and the evil eye.

Oh, this is a difficult period! If the cat comes to you right now, then its goal is to fight black magic. Perhaps someone in your family is already damaged, or someone is just planning to harm you.

A warning that danger is looming over you. Most likely, problems with the authorities or law enforcement agencies are coming. Well, it’s not in vain that the cat came to you right now; she will help resolve all the issues in your favor. But be careful and vigilant!

Usually during this period, cats appear in lonely people. Do you know why? Right! To help them meet their soulmate. If you have a cat during the month of Capricorn, then get ready for an interesting acquaintance.

Changes await you. The fresh energy of a cat will fill your home with comfort and harmony, and will inspire you to do new things. You may also start a new relationship.

If a cat has settled in your home, think about it: do you have psychic abilities? In the month of Pisces, cats go to magicians and sorcerers to help them establish connections with the subtle world.

Remember one thing: no matter when you get a cat, it can only help you if you take care of it, express your love and pay attention in every possible way.

Signs associated with the color of a cat

The color of a cat's coat is so diverse that one can talk about it endlessly. The fur coat of this charming animal has become the basis for many beliefs, which quite often come true.

Black cat

This color is traditionally associated with something mystical and otherworldly. In particular, a black cat can promise trouble and attract misfortune. This is not entirely true; in many cases, cats of this color are said to be able to bring good luck and prosperity to the house. There is a belief that a black cat can scare away thieves who want to profit from the owner's property.

Ginger cat

Signs that apply to red cats are associated with material stability and well-being. Cats of this color are considered excellent healers and can spend a huge amount of time with a sick person. Ginger cats are a symbol of family comfort and happiness, so they are worth getting for those who lack love and harmony. A red cat can be especially beneficial for an unmarried girl. Popular beliefs say that the animal is capable of attracting a lover to the house of a lonely woman.

There is another interesting sign about ginger cats and female cats. If you notice a homeless animal on the street and decide to bring it home, know that with it you brought prosperity into your home that will stay with you for a long time.

Ginger cat:

  • able to drive away a person with an evil eye and bad intentions;
  • cleanse the energy of its owner;
  • fill a person with positive energy.

White cat

A white animal is a carrier of healing energy that can have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. According to signs, having a snow-white cat means bringing good luck to your home in all matters. He is able to cleanse the home of negativity. A pet with this color can safely be called a living amulet.

Signs of white cats in the house are also associated with reducing risk and stress for a person whose work involves dangers, so it is best for police officers, military personnel, truck drivers and representatives of similar professions to have a white cat.

The snow-white pet is also associated with a belief about human illness. If a purr falls on some part of a person’s body, there is a chance that this is a sore spot that the pet has somehow mystically felt.

Gray cat

A tailed animal of smoky or blue colors provides excellent protection against magical influences. If a person with magical abilities comes to your house, a gray cat will be able to reduce the destructive effects of negativity.

Smoky-colored cats are considered a money talisman, so if you are experiencing financial difficulties, it makes sense to get a pet with a gray color. Fluffy friends with this coat color are capable of...


  • bring good luck in business transactions;
  • attract good friends to the owner;
  • attract love into the life of a married couple;
  • give emotional stability and relieve depression.

Calico cat

Often a pet does not have one predominant color, but combines several colors. Such a cat can bring good luck and harmony to the house. Many superstitions attribute to tricolor cats a spiritual connection with the brownie, so the presence of such a pet can establish contact with an otherworldly inhabitant.

A cat with a colored coat, according to legend, can attract a bride to a man, especially if he has not been able to find his soul mate for a long time. If a bachelor is drinking wine, and a multi-colored cat suddenly appears under the table, this man will find his betrothed.

There are signs regarding the tortoiseshell cat. Since this is an extremely rare color of an animal, seeing it is happiness in itself. To purchase such an animal means to invite good luck, financial well-being and harmony.

How to get another cat without getting one yourself? Five tips from the owner of five cats

Why you should get a second cat:

  • Firstly, two cats mean double joy, a double portion of purring and tenderness.
  • Secondly, contrary to popular belief, cats are very sociable and attached to people. They, like dogs, also have a great need for friendship and games. When left alone for a long time, the cat gets bored. To live a full life, he needs more than just good food, a box and a set of mice. He needs to hunt. And if after work you are not ready to play hunters, then simply invite another cat into your home.
  • And thirdly, animals simply need our help and protection. As soon as you feel that you can take care of one more animal, then don’t think twice, just do it. After all, their love is unconditional and limitless.

Adopt a cat from a shelter. Even if you are a lover of purebred animals, you will definitely meet your new furry love at the shelter. After all, unfortunately, not everyone can take care of those they have tamed.

But before you make a choice, remember that domestic cats, like people, may develop a banal intolerance to each other. Grouping them only according to species is as pointless as if alien invaders settled people according to the principle: female plus male. For cats, everything is much more complicated and delicate. I will describe some useful tips.

Choose your newbie wisely. Pay attention to temperament, gender and age.

Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive
The most beautiful pairs will be two kittens or a kitten and a cat. The two kittens will grow up together and there will be little or no competition. As a rule, an adult cat will not harm a kitten either. But remember that there are exceptions to any rule, including when it comes to keeping animals.

The most difficult thing will be the proximity of two adult cats. Of course, both must be castrated, but even in this case, conflicts can arise between them.

Remember: no matter what the pair is, both animals in it must be castrated or sterilized (modified).

The neighborhood between a modified cat and a female cat is usually quite peaceful. But adult cats, like adult people, have their own habits and views on what is happening around them. A newcomer simply may not fit into their picture of the world.

Also, you should not mix old and young animals. A kitten will simply drive an adult lazy cat crazy.

Sharing meals and games is the key to mutual understanding.

If you brought a newcomer into the house and did not see open aggression, start taking action.

The first and most important thing is food. For cats, just like for people, eating together establishes a more trusting relationship. So be sure to feed them together. Place the bowls as close together as possible and pet both of them. Initially, this distance could be a couple of meters or even just having both of them in the same room. Be patient, the animals will gradually get used to each other.

Cats are hunters by nature, and when prey runs past them, they do not think about mutual hostility, they give chase. Therefore, in order for the animals to get used to and get used to each other, it will be useful to captivate them with a common game. This way they will quickly overcome the moment of rejection, because they will have a common enemy - the mouse.

Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive

Avoid jealousy and restrain aggression.

The cat who lived with you before should not feel jealous towards the newcomer. It is very important to pay even more attention to the first animal than was given before the appearance of the second.

When the old-timer does not feel that the changes somehow affect his life, he will calm down. And his calmness is already half the success.

If the situation in the house too often heats up to the limit, do not allow conflict. To defuse the atmosphere, you can use calming tablets and dispensers that operate from an outlet on the principle of mosquito repellent. These drugs have proven themselves to be effective in facilitating the peaceful coexistence of several animals. But first, consult your doctor.

Mixing scents will help establish a stronger connection.

Watch your new cat and you will immediately understand where he prefers to sleep. Lay out your old sweater there (just don't wash it). The cat must get used not only to its neighbor, but also to you. Do the same with the first cat (I hope you have plenty of old things). After a couple of weeks, swap the sweaters.

Mixing scents is a very important thing for cats. By mixing them, you will establish a stronger and more trusting connection between you. In this case, your scent will be the basis.

Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive

Protect the cat's right to a sovereign litter box.

Cats are incredibly, simply extremely clean (if this is not the case, then it is worth checking whether the cat is healthy). Therefore, the issue of the toilet is especially important for them. A separate tray for each cat would be ideal. After all, some people simply refuse to go where it smells like someone else.

Cats feel especially unprotected in the toilet, so place the tray so that the animal has a good view and is not afraid of an attack from behind. When there are several cats in the house, this point becomes especially important. If you use house trays, you can remove the lid from them for the first time. This will give a better overview.

Have you ever noticed how much dogs look like their owners? So, cats copy us in the same way. They feel the attitude towards themselves and act in response in an absolutely mirror way. To paraphrase a well-known saying, I can say that cats are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, be kind and patient, and then a contented, purring peace will come to your home.

Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive Photo: Vera Sorokina, personal archive

Tags: keeping an animal, cats, useful tips, pet cat

Cats pros and cons

Cats are gentle and modest creatures, they will not rush into your arms when you are busy, but this does not make their love for their owner any less.

Cats will not yell when they are hungry, they will gently remind you of themselves. The cat tries to be invisible when you don't need her, and is always there when you want to cuddle her.

Cats are unusually clean - when they are not sleeping, they “wash themselves.”

The main disadvantage of keeping cats is, of course, kittens. Not everyone is ready to make sacrifices - to raise and then find homes for little naughty girls before they destroy the apartment. And a cat often goes into heat once every 3-4 months. The animal’s behavior changes immediately, and not everyone can withstand the screams of a “preoccupied” cat. There are three ways out of this situation - bring the cat, give the cat a special drug, or sterilize it. It should be taken into account that sterilization of a cat is an abdominal operation and will require caring for the animal for some time.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms

When holding your cat close to your chest, be guided by its habits and reactions. Every pet and owner is unique, and so will your relationship. However, there are a number of universal recommendations that will help you and your cat understand each other and enjoy communication.

It is better not to handle newborn kittens at all - there is a risk of skeletal deformation. In addition, some cats are capable of abandoning their cubs due to the foreign smell.

When not to pick up a cat:

with an unstable emotional state;

In all these cases, the animal can react unpredictably aggressively. You should also not hold the cat with its paws up - in this position it feels trapped and in danger, and is able to wriggle out, scratching your face. Wash the affected area with soap and water, then treat with a topical antibiotic. For bites or deep scratches, consult a doctor.

How to let go of a cat? Do not throw it on the floor - an unsuccessful landing may cause injury. Gently place him on his paws as soon as he begins to show signs of displeasure.

They make you sleep better

We may believe that our cat sleeps in our bed to get some warmth and comfort, but there are other reasons as well. They also seek affection and protection. Being with us makes them feel safe and takes a little break from the vigilance they are in all day long. If you are suffering from lack of sleep due to your usual hustle and bustle, try placing your cat on its forehead for five minutes.

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