Black cat, white cat - my mystical story about a cemetery :)

Ancient Egypt

Egypt is the ancestral home of cats, so it is not surprising that the most ancient myths about cats came to us from there. The oldest burial of a cat with a person, discovered in the south of Egypt, dates back to the 6th millennium BC. The Egyptians worshiped the largest number of feline gods and created the largest number of cat images in ancient mythology in pictures, amulets, bas-reliefs and statues.

The earliest image of a cat that has come down to us dates back to the second dynasty of the ancient kingdoms, and the appearance of hieroglyphs denoting cats dates back to the fifth and sixth dynasties, that is, the third millennium BC.

The cat itself in Ancient Egypt was revered as a sacred animal from very ancient times. References to its sacred status can be found in ancient Egyptian texts such as the Book of Gates and the Book of Caves. One of the mythological stories fundamental to ancient Egypt tells how the sun god Ra turned into a cat in order to enter into battle with the evil serpent Apep, symbolizing darkness (chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead).

Perhaps this is why inscriptions on obelisks often call Ra “the Great Cat.” This plot appears in Egyptian texts many times and in various versions. In later versions, for example, Apep is fought by Ra's daughter, the cat goddess Bastet. This battle takes place every night: light defeats darkness and dawn comes.

Energy and magical abilities of cats

Observations of the cat have led many breeders to the conclusion: she is smarter than she is thought to be. According to one legend, the dog was trained by people, the cat was given as a gift by representatives of an alien civilization. Christian legends say that cats appeared among people after the Great Flood. There were none on Noah's ship.

Cats have become habitual inhabitants of houses and apartments, and no one thinks about the magical abilities of cats. According to ancient superstitions, a cat is a real psychic. He sees the aura of people and objects, feels the energy of space.

They sense geopathogenic zones in the house and prefer them as a place to relax. They are fueled by negative energy, and it does not harm them.

They know how to cleanse the biofield of accumulated negativity. When a cat cannot cope with neutralizing the negative or feels damage to its biofield, it leaves the house. Therefore, his disappearance is a bad omen.

Everyone knows the ancient custom - the cat is the first to be let into a new house. You cannot place a bed in the place where he will lie down. The fact is that the animal will accurately determine the “negative” zone in the house. And he won’t sleep there - constant negativity doesn’t suit him. They spend time in geopathogenic zones, but like to sleep in “positive” ones. Where the purr sleeps is positive energy. But the place where he lies and observes the surrounding reality, tidies up his fur, carries negativity.

In the old days there was a terrible omen - the first person to enter a new house would die. It was as if the building was charging for its service, taking the life of one member of the household. This is another reason to let the cat into the house first. He is not afraid of evil spirits. They are able to communicate with her and come to an agreement, make friends with the brownie and help conduct business, drive away devils and demons, show by their attitude towards the guests that they have come to do evil.

The psychic abilities of domestic cats do not end there. There are many mystical stories about cats that tell about the healing of their owners. As mentioned above, these animals take away negativity and then get rid of it. This is not only damage or the evil eye, pathogenic radiation of the earth or a flow of negative energy. Cats also cope with the owner’s illness - they lie down on the sore spots, and it recedes. Anyone who has a cat does not suffer from arthritis, arthrosis, headaches and blood pressure.

Science also speaks about the healing abilities of these pets. There is a separate medical technique - feline therapy, treatment by communicating with cats. It’s not about energy, although it won’t be possible to eliminate that either. A cat’s purring, the animal’s body temperature, as well as the electrostatic field that is formed from friction with the fur also have a healing effect.

These animals are able to read the thoughts of their owners. Cat lovers notice that cats come to calm loved ones when grief has happened. Fully participate in the emotional side of people's lives. They know the future by reading it from space. They are not able to tell about him, but they sense the danger that threatens the owners and save him.

There are stories about how a cat woke up people the night before a cataclysm and thereby saved them. She senses the onset of an earthquake before a person does. It is a common occurrence when a cat wakes up its owners when there is a fire, gas leak or other serious trouble in the house.

Ancient superstitions say that it is impossible to drive away a cat that has “strayed” to the house. She appears to ward off trouble. They don’t come to people to find a warm home and a plate of food. They pursue other goals. Superstitions say that it appears from another dimension to protect. Many people think that they personally decide to pick up a kitten from the street or get a purebred representative of the cat family. But it was not you who chose, but they chose you.

Age of New Kingdoms

The cult of Bastet, the most famous cat of ancient mythology, reached its peak at the beginning of the second millennium BC, during the reign of the 12th and 13th dynasties of the pharaohs. Her image in mythology was extremely positive.

“I am the cat, the mother of life,” the Egyptians wrote under the statues of Bastet, whom they depicted as a girl with a cat’s head. In her hand, the cat certainly held a sistrum, an ancient musical instrument, which can be considered a hint of nightly cat concerts. She was considered the patroness of motherhood, children and fertility, and was credited with the best traits, both feline and human.

Cats in the temple and at home

The center of Bastet became the city of Bubastis in the lower reaches of the Nile, where a huge temple was built in honor of the goddess. In 450 BC, this city was visited by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who described in detail what he saw. He calls the Bastet Temple the most pleasing to the eye in Egypt and talks about the festivals in honor of the cat goddess, which attracted people from all over the kingdom.

Up to one hundred thousand priests and even the pharaoh himself took part in these celebrations, which took place seven times a year. At the temple there lived cats, which were looked after by priests and priestesses; they also interpreted the behavior of temple cats, trying to find signs of divine powers in it.

The Greeks were also surprised by the general attitude of the Egyptians towards cats: they lived in every house and were considered members of the family. In the event of a house fire, it was cats, not children, that the Egyptians were the first to rescue. For killing a cat, voluntary or involuntary, the culprit was punished by death.

When a cat died, its family would go into mourning, and the cats would be embalmed and buried with honor, with their toys and food, such as mummified mice, placed in the sarcophagus. The cat necropolises discovered at Bubastis, Beni Hasan and Siut contained hundreds of thousands of cat tombs.

Militant Sekhmet

But even such an incredible love for cats did not prevent the Egyptians from seeing the other side of the cat. Her incarnation was the lioness goddess Sekhmet, a fearless and cruel warrior.

One of the Egyptian myths says that Sekhmet, sent to earth to protect people, fell into a rage and began to exterminate the human race. Not knowing how to stop her, the gods decided to spill wine on the ground. The lioness mistook it for blood, got drunk and, drunk, fell asleep.

The secret power of cats

Many ancient cultures revered the cat for various reasons. Most of them saw the furry purrs as energy that could protect them from negativity. And now we are not talking about physical abilities at all.

Cats carry a uniquely powerful aura, also known as astral force, which acts as a shield against negative energy. This power extends not only to the animal itself, but to the entire family. The house and surrounding area are also protected.

Cats use their aura to protect people from intruders, ill-wishers and even spirits.

Ancient Greece

Cats came to Greece from Egypt no later than the 5th century BC. Coins with images of cats found during archaeological excavations belong to this era. Due to the fact that the Egyptians prohibited the export of cats outside their country and suppressed illegal smuggling in every possible way, it was very difficult to get a cat, and for a long time cats remained an invaluable rarity.

Like the Egyptians, the Greeks immediately made the cat a companion of their gods, but for them the lunar side of the cat’s nature turned out to be more interesting. In ancient Greek myths, the cat is a symbol of Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunting, who was distinguished by her jealous disposition and vindictiveness. Hecate, the patroness of witchcraft, also used to turn into a cat.

Cat in the myth of Hercules

The story of Hecate's acquaintance with a cat is described in the myth of the birth of Hercules. This legendary hero was the illegitimate son of Zeus from his beloved Alcmene. Jealous Hera did not want Hercules to be born first in the family, and ordered Lucina, the midwife of the gods, to delay Alcmene’s birth for a week with spells. But Alcmene had a devoted servant Galanfida, a girl with bright red hair.

She deceived Lucina, saying that the birth had already taken place, and she removed her spell, allowing Hercules to be born after all. Hera decided to take revenge on Galanfida by turning her into a cat and imprisoning her in the underworld. But Hecate, the ruler of the witches, had access there, she succumbed to the charm of the red cat and let her go.

From life to books

From folk legends and traditions, cats, over time, naturally migrated to the pages of literary works. For example, in the 9th century, a monk of one of the Irish monasteries left in the margins of a Latin manuscript a poem dedicated to a white cat named Pangur, who probably lived with his owner in the monastic cell. The monk (whose name has not been preserved by history) praises the cat for exterminating mice gnawing on books, and actually calls him his colleague: The cat is used to, and I am used to, Enmity with the enemies of books. Each of us in our own way: He by hunting, I by writing. These poems are more than a thousand years old, but they have survived to this day as evidence that in the Middle Ages they composed not only sublime ballads or scientific treatises. And in Hoffmann’s novel “The Everyday Views of Murr the Cat,” the cat appears as a creature that sincerely considers itself much smarter than any of the people. To tell the truth, he has some reasons for this: Murr can read and write, traces his ancestry back to Puss-in-Boots himself, and his biography was written from the cat’s own face. The cat's owner, however, forbade him from self-education and literary works, since Murr neglected his direct responsibilities - catching mice. Hoffman's biographers established that Murr had a real prototype: a cat who lived in the writer's house and died shortly before the end of his work on the novel. It also happened that cats acted as demonic characters. The most famous of them is Behemoth, portrayed by Mikhail Bulgakov in the novel “The Master and Margarita”. This active and charming member of Woland's retinue received the name of a real demon. Hippopotamus in Christianity is a demon of unbridled carnal desires, primarily gluttony. It is not for nothing that he brings Margarita “pure alcohol”, and he himself is not averse to a drink and a snack (which is worth the scene of his large-scale gluttony in Torgsin alone). And only at the end of the book does the reader see Behemoth in his real appearance - a young page, “the best jester that has ever existed in the world.”

Ancient Rome

The Romans borrowed most of their mythological themes from the ancient Greek civilization, so their symbolism is largely similar. Thus, the Roman cat is depicted sitting at the feet of Diana. The myth of Typhon is noteworthy. It tells that the gods were afraid of Typhon, a terrible giant who broke free and attacked Zeus. In fear, they ran away and turned into animals so that he could not recognize them. Diana in this legend turns into a cat and hides on the moon.

Symbol of freedom

Another important character trait of cats that the Romans noticed was their love of freedom and independence. These qualities made the cat a symbol of the Roman goddess of freedom - Libertas. It is known that during the uprising of Spartacus, rebellious slaves painted cats on their banners.

Black cats in the house. Signs about black cats

Among the Slavic peoples, the black cat is considered an assistant to witches and dark forces. However, according to the Chinese, a black cat protects its owners and the house in which it lives from evil spirits and brings prosperity. And according to Egyptian beliefs, a cat of any color is always a messenger of the gods and divine power.

The most popular signs associated with black cats:

  1. A black purr looking into the house is a sign of quick success. This is exactly what the people of Ireland believe. But in Slavic mythology everything is somewhat different. It is believed that a strange black cat that gets lost and enters a house is a sign of impending trouble.
  2. A black murka crossing the road is a bad sign. This sign is still relevant today. Therefore, in order to neutralize and protect against possible troubles, a person who encounters a black purr on the way is recommended to spit over his left shoulder 3 times or wait until someone else passes along this path. By the way, few people know this sign completely. It turns out that it is only half correct. So, if a black cat crosses the path of a representative of the fair sex from left to right, this promises her to receive money or a valuable gift. For men, the lucky direction is from the right side to the left.
  3. A black cat on a ship is a sign of a successful journey and an easy road. It is for this reason that black cats have always been revered among sailors.
  4. The presence of a mustachioed tabby with a black fur coat in the house promises fame and financial prosperity for the owners, a rich husband for young women, and a huge number of fans. This is what the people of Scotland believe and strive to keep black pets at home.
  5. A black cat sneezing near the bride promises the couple a long and happy life together.

Cats in ancient mythology of other countries

In Scandinavian mythology, Freya, the patroness of love and leader of the Valkyries, travels in a chariot drawn by two cats. In one of the episodes of the Scandinavian epic “Younger Edda,” the god Loki tests Thor by asking him to pick up a cat from the ground. But the cat bends into an arc, and Thor doesn’t succeed.

The fertility of cats is noted in Hindu mythology, where the goddess Sashti is often depicted as a black cat or holding a cat in her arms.

One of the brightest heroes of Slavic mythology is Kot-Bayun. The mustachioed storyteller lulled lost travelers to sleep with his tales and ate them. But the one who managed to catch the cat received health and prosperity, because the cat began to serve him, and his fairy tales had healing powers.

In addition, the Slavs had mythical antagonist cats Lyub and Nelyub. And if red Lyub brought love and harmony to the house where he was welcomed, then black Nelyub, on the contrary, quarreled everyone and destroyed the family, that is, he became that very black cat that runs between people. Only Lyub could drive Nelyub away, and this is a very wise message from our ancestors!

Cat symbol - meanings

Cat symbolism is most suitable in the following situations:

  • if you are sure that the cat is your animal of power , totem (“How to determine your totem”);
  • if you were born in the year of the Cat according to the Eastern calendar: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011;
  • if your horoscope shows degrees associated with cat totems : 7 degrees of Aries (reed cat); 6 degrees Gemini (forest); 20 degrees Virgo (steppe); 2 degrees Sagittarius (Nubian); 11 degrees Sagittarius (tailless).

The symbol of a cat or cat as a talisman, amulet, talisman will be good in matters related to the realization of feminine energy - home improvement, keeping the family hearth, showing tenderness.

For a woman who needs to learn to set her own boundaries and love herself first, a cat is suitable as a symbol of compensation and reminder. She knows how to do well for herself and at the same time be useful and loved by others.

A wild cat or cat is a talisman, meaning life outside the rules, free, a person is able to move according to the call of his nature. It is also a symbol that can impart the power of self-healing and use internal reserves.

Cats are an excellent logo for various security and safety services; their motto is: “Rats will not pass!”

The home mascot Cat in the interior as an object, an image - will help improve the home stay, add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere of the room. You can use a talisman or still prefer a real animal.

If you are engaged in practices of the astral level, then depending on your inclinations, either the symbol of a white or the symbol of a black cat . The white cat symbol will activate your connection with beneficial spirits. Conversely, a black cat is a symbol of the fact that you have chosen the lower world for your practices, be careful.

Ginger cat - can act as a sign in the field of love and sexual relationships. More details about this in the article “Is it true that a red cat is for love?”

Cat's eye is an amulet stone that protects its owner from negative energy and harmful influences from the outside. If, due to your activities, you are often in situations of danger or in an unfavorable external environment, learn to interact with this symbol or stone.

Bracelet with cat's eye

If you dream of a cat or several, it most often means the presence of someone else’s energy in your space, maybe it’s time for you to brighten your home and carry out cleansing procedures.

If a cat is your totem, then its image in a dream means the activity of your subconscious programs associated with the need to demonstrate its qualities. Analyze - perhaps you are holding yourself back and denying yourself some manifestations. Or perhaps this is a sign of anxiety and danger and you need to be more careful in situations and relationships.

On the topic – section “Totems”

Tags: Talismans and amulets, Totems of birds and animals

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Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Taisiya:
    10.20.2019 at 19:34

    Very interesting! I intuitively knew that the cat was my totem animal. They named it after Thais of Athens, and she was the queen of Egypt, and freedom for me is the main value, coincident with the degrees in the horoscope - a steppe cat. I open an article on Wiki - please! 1 more hint: in Latin Felis silvestris is a European forest cat (subspecies), and my great-grandfather's name was Sylvester... coincidence? Don't think.



    10/25/2019 at 10:29 pm

    Taisiya, cool. I love it when coincidences like this happen!


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