CESTAL KET anthelmintic for adult cats with liver flavor

Release form and differences

Cestal is produced in tablet form. Round and flat tablets of gray-yellow color. There is a dividing groove in the middle, which allows you to accurately measure the required amount of antiparasitic agent for small pets.

A cardboard package usually contains 5 blisters of 2 tablets each. In many pharmacies, tablets are sold individually, so you can easily purchase the required amount depending on the weight of the animal.

An important advantage of the medicine is that there is no need to observe special storage conditions. It is enough that the air temperature does not exceed 25˚C, and the storage location is dry and away from direct sunlight.

Note! Children and pets (not only cats, but also dogs) should not have access to the medicine.


1. General description 2. Characteristics, composition and properties 3. How does it work? 4. When is it used? 5. How to use? 6. Contraindications and possible side effects 7. Advantages and disadvantages 8. Analogues 9. Reviews

Parasites are very annoying to pets. A worm can not only ruin your pet’s life, undermine its health, it can simply kill your pet. Do not forget about the danger of such worms for the human body. A cat, like other living beings, is susceptible to pests. You should always check with a veterinarian and take care of the health of your tailed dog.

There are many medications available to combat helminths. One of the effective drugs is Cestal Cat (for cats). The product has long won its place of honor among similar medications and is considered one of the safest.

Composition and principle of action

The complex antiparasitic effect is due to the active components included in the composition:

  • Praziquantel.
    The substance is active against tapeworms. The principle of action is that praziquantel increases the permeability of cell membranes. As a result, the muscles of the parasites contract and complete paralysis occurs, which inevitably leads to their death. In addition, the active component helps destroy helminths, which simplifies their removal from the body.
  • Pyrantela embonata.
    The component has a negative effect on roundworms. It increases the permeability of cell membranes and also disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result of such exposure, the parasites die in a short period of time.

Both components are quickly absorbed into the blood. For example, the concentration of pyrantel in the blood reaches its maximum value in 2-4 hours. Basically, the active substances are excreted from the animal’s body through urine, and partially through feces.

The drug contains auxiliary components: palm oil, maltodextrin, starch and others, which give the medicine the taste of liver. Thanks to this, many cats eat the medicine on their own without coercion.

How cats become infected with helminths

Cats that do not go outside usually become infected with worms by eating raw fish (especially river fish) or meat. Flies, which are often hunted by domestic “predators” in an apartment, can become a rather serious source of infection. The risk of infection through dirty shoes or outer clothing of the owners is no less high.

Due to the fact that worm larvae are found almost everywhere on the street, they can easily end up in your apartment and cause both you and your furry miracle a lot of trouble.

Features of use and dosage

They give the medicine once. According to the instructions, the dosage of Cestal for cats is calculated taking into account the weight of the animal:

  1. For kittens weighing up to 1 kg, a single dose is a quarter of a tablet.
  2. If the animal's weight is between 1 and 2 kg, half a tablet will be required.
  3. For pets weighing 2-4 kg you need to take 1 tablet.
  4. If the animal's weight is 4-8 kg, 2 tablets should be given.
  5. Cats and female cats weighing more than 8 kg should be fed 3 tablets at a time.

Since the drug tastes like liver, you can simply offer the animal to eat it. If the pet refuses, you can give the medicine in the following ways:

  1. Forcefully place it on the root of the tongue, lift the pet's head and stroke the neck to evoke a swallowing reflex.
  2. Crush the tablets into powder, and then add to dry food or canned food.
  3. Dilute the crushed preparation in a small amount of water. Give the prepared solution to drink to the animal. It is better to do this forcibly using a syringe without a needle.

Before deworming, there is no need to specifically adhere to a starvation diet or give the animal laxatives the day before.

Note! Cestal is available in two versions - for cats and for dogs. Buy only medicine intended for cats, since the concentration of active substances in it is lower.

Compatibility with other drugs

Cestal can be used with other medications. However, parallel use with Piperazine and Fenbendazole should not be allowed. The combined use of two strong antiparasitic agents increases their toxic effect on the body, and severe intoxication may occur, leading to a sad outcome.

Attention. Cestal is available in pet pharmacies for dogs; it should not be given to cats. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully study the instructions on the package.

Contraindications and side effects

In general, the antiparasitic agent is considered safe and has virtually no contraindications. You should avoid using it if you have an intolerance to the components, including a history of it, as there is a high risk of allergies. Cestal should absolutely not be given to kittens under 3 weeks of age. The drug can be used for weakened and pregnant animals, but only after consultation with a veterinarian.

The medicine should not be given together with piperazine, as this can cause toxic poisoning of the body and serious consequences.

The instructions indicate that Cestal does not cause side effects and is always well tolerated by cats even when the dose is exceeded. In some cases, allergic reactions occur, which can manifest as rashes, redness and other dermatological pathologies. If an animal is allergic to the drug, it is necessary to discontinue its further use and select an antiparasitic agent with other active ingredients.

Please note that the medication contains components that can cause the following side effects:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • refusal to eat or poor appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • apathy, etc.

If you notice one or more of the listed symptoms, contact your veterinarian to prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Analogues of Cestal

The closest “synonyms” of the drug according to indications for use are the following anthelmintics:

  • Trontsil-K (Russia, Moscow);
  • Drontal (Germany);
  • Profender (Germany);
  • Helmintal (Russia, Moscow region);
  • Dironet (Russia, Moscow).

Comparative table: analogues of Cestal according to indications

NameDosage formActive IngredientsContraindicationsSide effectsBest before datePrice
  • praziquantel,
  • pyrantel embonate
5 yearsFrom 300 rubles (20 pcs)
  • intolerance to components,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • less than 21 days old,
  • weight less than 1 kg
  • salivation,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
From 315 rubles (2 pcs.)
ProfenderSpot-on drops (pipettes)
  • praziquantel,
  • emodepside
  • under 2 months of age,
  • weight less than 500 g,
  • allergy to components
Signs of irritation (itching, redness of the skin)3 yearsFrom 440 rubles (1 piece)
  • praziquantel,
  • moxidectin
  • allergy to components,
  • kidney and liver diseases,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • less than 7 weeks old
From 170 rubles (1 piece)
  • praziquantel,
  • ivermectin
  • intolerance to components,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • under 2 months of age,
  • infectious diseases
1.5 yearsFrom 260 rubles (3 pcs.)

Photo gallery: Trontsil-K, Drontal, Profender, Helmintal and Dironet

Trontsil-K is one of the most economical analogues of Cestal (1 package includes 20 tablets)

Drontal and Profender are produced in Germany, so they are more expensive than Russian anthelmintics

Helminthal has a low price, but the package includes only 1 pipette

Profender is one of the most expensive analogues of Cestal

Dironet is disadvantageous because it has a short shelf life and many contraindications, but there are few side effects

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of an antiparasitic agent include:

  • convenient release form;
  • good taste (as the manufacturer claims);
  • Possibility of use for adult pets and kittens (from 3 weeks);
  • ease of dosage and use;
  • high efficiency;
  • availability in pharmacies;
  • lack of compliance with special storage conditions;
  • broad spectrum action.

The drug also has disadvantages:

  • if used incorrectly, it can cause allergic reactions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the likelihood of overdose when used together with other antiparasitic drugs.

Owner reviews

Margarita, owner of a British cat:

“We bought Cestal at a pet store on the advice of the saleswomen. They claimed that they were buying the drug for their pets. At first I mixed the medicine with Lada’s favorite food, but she immediately refused it. Apparently she smelled liver. I had to forcefully apply it to the root of the tongue. This procedure is unpleasant for us, but once every 3-4 months we can tolerate it. The drug works and that’s the main thing!”

Anastasia, owner of a 4-year-old cat:

“I usually use Melbamax for deworming, but this time it was not in the pharmacy. As an alternative, we chose Cestal, which we greatly regretted later. The cat was hospitalized with poisoning. I was on IV drips and barely came out, although I was given the medicine according to the instructions. I cannot recommend this medicine to other cat owners.”

Maria, mistress of Cymric:

“When the cat was diagnosed with worms, the doctor prescribed Cestal. The cat refused to eat the tablets, even when mixed with food. We decided to crush it into powder and dilute it in water, but after doing this, I was left with a severe chemical burn on my hands. We got rid of parasites, but for prevention I don’t give this strong drug to the animal.”

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