There is no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. If you are not one of the people who views these furry creatures favorably, then this will be hard for you to believe. And all because kittens show their affection in ways other than people. And in fact, even a pet's hurtful antics can express undying love. So, your cat loves you if he does the following things.
Your pet is purring
All cats purr - this is their natural “voice”, with the help of which they can demonstrate their love and tenderness to their owner. To be sure, listen to the sounds your furry friend makes. They differ in volume, timbre, softness and sonority. From a soft and subtle “whisper” sounds can turn into a loud roar, similar to a car engine.
Depending on this, you can understand what feeling the cat expresses. If she purrs subtly and almost silently, then she expresses comfortable tenderness and love, complete trust in the person. A loud rumbling sound demonstrates delight and pleasure from the procedures of scratching the abdomen or feeding. A low purr can indicate anxiety and tension in your cat. If the cat saw the owner and began to “sing songs,” this definitely demonstrates her love for him.
How to understand that a cat loves you?
Cats are reserved animals; they are in no hurry to openly show feelings. But at the same time, they cannot be called cold and soulless; a domestic cat is capable of deep affection. In order to understand whether cats love their owners, you need to take a closer look at the pet’s behavior.
Representatives of the cat tribe express love in different ways depending on age, character, even breed. Some signs are visible immediately; others require careful attention. Cats demonstrate warm feelings towards humans through sound signals (meowing, purring), long eye contact, and special behavior.
Showing love
The surest sign is the pet’s desire to spend a lot of time with the person, trust, and admission into the inner circle. The cat willingly goes into his arms, sleeps on his lap or allows his belly to be stroked only by someone to whom he is truly attached. But even in the behavior of unsociable animals one can notice signals of a more than warm attitude.
Rolls from side to side and calls to play
Cats are often in a playful mood - they roll from one side to the other, look expressively at a person, and sometimes rub against their legs, inviting the person to play. This is another way to show your love, greet your owner, or even ask for their attention. If he squints his eyes slyly while rolling, it means the cat is in a cheerful mood.
You can give your pet an artificial mouse, ribbon or other object of interest so that the cat chases and chews it. There is an option to simply stroke the cat’s soft belly to show your tenderness in exchange. Know that if a cat shows its belly, this indicates complete trust in a person, because the tummy is the most vulnerable place in an animal, and it protects this area and can become angry if handled incorrectly.
Ways to Express Love and Gratitude
Cats are loved and adored by all family members, they are cared for and cherished, and the consumer market is overflowing with a variety of products for pets. People boast about their pets, post photos, share funny videos, and even maintain accounts on social networks in the name of the animal. The cats themselves do not lag behind their owners; they have their own ways of expressing love and gratitude to humans.
To express tender feelings, cats use body language: rubbing their heads against their legs and arms, as if offering to stroke themselves; lie on their back and arch, showing their belly; trample their paws in one place; lick and carefully bite hands.
Sharpens claws on upholstered furniture
If a cat sharpens its claws on upholstered furniture in the apartment, do not rush to punish it. This action speaks of the same love for the owner. Sharpening its claws, the cat prepares its “weapon” to protect the person. Leaving scratches on furniture, wallpaper, puffs on curtains, biting leaves of plants, the cat demonstrates how well it lives in the house. If the cat is not neutered, he can still mark his favorite claw points with odorous urine - this is how he marks his territory and shows that he is completely attached to the person and will not do this in any other conditions or specially designated places.
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Fluffy healer
What cats think about: thoughts about their owners
Scientists have found that a cat's purring occurs at certain frequencies, and its sound has a calming effect on the human nervous system, normalizes blood pressure and helps accelerate tissue regeneration. It is not without reason that they say that cats feel where it hurts and deliberately lie down in that place. This is how they express their concern.
Trampling on owner's body parts
Adult cats can often come to the owner’s lap and trample a whole path on him. Many people think that this is a manifestation of a request for feeding. This is partly true - the trampling reflex develops in a kitten during breastfeeding, when it kneads its mother’s belly, “milking” the milk. In adulthood, this habit indicates that the cat is relaxed in the presence of its owner.
They identify a person with his mother, who is a symbol of security, calm and serenity. Stomping on a person's stomach or chest indicates that the cat loves you just as he loved his mother as a child. If during this the animal releases its claws, do not rush to scold your pet - this is done unconsciously and with pleasure.
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Dogs are very affectionate creatures and will do everything possible to please their owner.
1. Tail wagging
The position of a dog's tail can tell a lot about his mood. A raised tail indicates alertness; squeezed between the legs - about fear. If the tail moves vigorously from side to side, this shows that the dog is very happy. This usually happens when the owner comes home and the dog meets and greets him.
2. Squealing and whining
Sometimes dogs make such special sounds, similar to gurgling or grunting. These sounds are usually soft and non-aggressive. At the same time, the animal wags its tail. This behavior indicates that the dog craves the attention of its owner.
3. Licking the owner's hands and face
All owners know that if dogs lick their face or hands, they are showing their love. This is instinctive behavior. Dogs usually groom their puppies to keep them clean and nice. This shows the puppies that they are safe. The dog does the same with the owner and his family members.
4. Following on the heels
If you let your dog, he will go with you to the ends of the earth. Wherever the owner goes, the dog that adores him will follow him everywhere. And if a dog is raised and specially trained, it will also always be ready to protect its owner from enemies.
5. Stand on your hind legs
Dogs often stand on their hind legs, turning so that their front legs point directly at their owner. You can often see this when a dog is on a leash and cannot run up to its owner. This shows that the animal wants the owner to come up to him, untie him and let him run around. When dogs want to play, they also run up to their owner when he is sitting or standing and touch his knees with both front paws.
6. Wallowing on the ground
Many dogs, when they see their owner, begin to roll around on the ground excitedly. This happens because all dogs love to have their belly rubbed, so they ask their owner to do it. There is nothing better for them to be alone with their owner and feel loved.
7. Nose touching
When dogs are sad and want to be pitied, they come to the owner and touch his hand with their nose, sometimes pushing his hand in such a way that they will certainly be petted. This is usually quite rare. When an owner pets a dog, it feels safe.
8. Scratching the ground with claws
When a dog is on a leash and is not allowed near its owner, it begins to scratch the ground underneath it. By this she shows impatience and a desire to quickly reach the owner and play.
9. Position of the head on the owner’s lap
Large dogs that can reach their owner's lap love to rest their head on it. By this behavior they show that they want to be alone with their owner and feel protected. At the same time, “drooling” dogs will gladly smear all your clothes with drool. Sometimes they may try to get on your lap and climb. After all, they remember that when they were puppies, you took them in your arms.
10. Body touching the owner’s legs
Cats aren't the only ones who like to rub against their owner's legs. Dogs do this too, but very rarely. Usually this gesture shows that the dog is very bored or not feeling well.
11. Bringing various items
When dogs want to be played with, they will bring you a ball, your slippers or a newspaper with the guarantee that you will throw it all away again, and they will bring it all to you again.
12. Arching your back
When a dog really wants to play, it jumps towards its owner, arching its back and raising its butt.
Dogs play in the same way with children or other dogs. They can take the same pose when they are very hungry and see that lunch is being brought to them. In addition to the above signs of joy, each dog has its own individual traits, by which you can tell that it is in a good mood.
The "Breadwinner" brings you a gift
Cats are natural hunters, catching mice, birds, small insects, chasing a ribbon, a dot from a laser pointer, and rolling toys. If a cat brings another prey from the street, do not doubt her love and generosity. This is how she shares her spoils and thanks for the love. The pet should be praised for this behavior, because he tried to surprise and “feed” the owner.
If a person scolds an animal, it may be offended and leave the owner without gifts. Likewise, you should not yell at your cat if he is playing too much. This is how cats show their love. This is especially true for small kittens, who scratch, bite, and spin endlessly right in the hands of a person. The human family member who receives the most attention is the animal's favorite.
Top 18 manifestations of love
There are signs of a cat's love for its owner, which can be seen in the animal's behavior. The pet treats the person well, even if it seems that he is constantly doing dirty tricks: he tears up the wallpaper, marks your shoes and the bed. This behavior may indicate resentment or lack of attention on the part of the owner. For some pets, a full plate and a clean tray are not enough; they also need companionship and your love.
However, the character of the animal must be taken into account. Some cats do not like affection and communication, do not go to hands, do not sleep with people. The person they adopt may occasionally pet and hold the pet . In this case, the main sign of love will be eye contact. Therefore, do not require all of the items listed below from the animal. The top 18 manifestations of cat love are collectively created based on the observations of scientists and pet owners.
Memories of childhood
- " Milk move ". Pay attention to small kittens that knead their mother while feeding. Such movements improve milk production. If the pet gently tramples them like dough before lying on his lap, he loves and trusts the owner as his own mother cat.
- Sucking clothes, licking hair . Some cats like to bury themselves in hair or lie on their chest, sucking on their owner's jacket. Perhaps he was separated from his mother early or she abandoned the kitten. Therefore, the pet asks from you for love and attention.
- Shows and allows you to stroke your belly . If the pet trusts its owner, it can sleep on its back, roll from side to side during play, and expose its tummy. Do not ignore such impulses and stroke them, at this moment cats express love.
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Looks attentively at you eye to eye
The small kitten has slightly off proportions of the eyes relative to the body - they are large, so they seem bottomless. Due to their visual system, cats receive a lot of information from the outside world, so they protect their eyes and are not used to establishing long-term visual contact with someone. If the owner notices the cat's gaze on himself, he knows about the pet's love.
Some animals literally follow a person with their eyes, relentlessly following and seeking attention. This demonstrates the cat’s complete trust in the owner, gratitude for the feeling of security and tenderness. Zoologists often call a cat's gaze a "cat's kiss." If the animal blinks during eye contact, do the same - show reciprocal love.
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People that cats love
Sometimes cats express love for only one person. The choice is made regardless of who feeds, walks and spends more time with the pet. For people who have many cats, it happens that one of them does not recognize the owner at all.
Most often, cats choose a person who is phlegmatic or even melancholic. Animals feel protection, calm and positive energy. They will be attracted to a calm, balanced family member with a quiet, monotonous voice. Perhaps your pet will like your habits with minimal physical activity. People who like to read, knit, embroider, watch TV for a long time or sit at the computer will be able to enjoy cat company to a greater extent.
Also, the pet will like a person who does not bore you with his attention and does not require constant affection from the cat. Therefore, many avoid communicating with hyperactive children. If you want to make friends with your pet, blink slowly a couple of times while making eye contact. Such a gesture is a small declaration of love.
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He meows
Some people don’t like long and persistent meowing, but this does not mean that the cat wants to drive you crazy or cause hostility. Veterinarians say that such cat sounds are intended exclusively for communication with humans, because even among themselves animals communicate non-verbally or through howls and sniffs. If the pet starts talking to the owner, he likes you.
There is an analogy here as with people - they only talk to those they like, ignoring unpleasant individuals. It’s the same with cats - they consider a person pleasant to communicate with, so they express their feelings by speaking their language. The exception is situations when the cat complains or begs for food - he meows persistently, loudly, looks expressively at the bowl of food, the door, or wags his tail in dissatisfaction.
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Every cat that lives in a private home clearly understands its responsibilities. She makes a full contribution to the household and protects the house from rats and mice. Domestic cats are no exception. You can often hear the frightened screams of people who took their pet with them to the dacha, and he, in turn, brought a freshly killed mouse or bird to the feet of his human mother. It's not a pleasant sight. But this is the highest degree of respect in the cat world. This gift is comparable to expensive jewelry. A tribute of respect and recognition.
The pet “takes care” of you
It is important for cats to keep their fur in perfect condition so that their scent is not picked up by enemies or prey. Some animals demonstrate love for their owner by licking their cheeks, hair, and hygiene of their feet and fingers. This does not mean that the person smells bad or does not wash enough, according to cats.
Licking and grooming a person speaks of exceptional love. By washing some part of the owner’s body with its rough tongue, the cat leaves its scent on it. In the wild, cats lick every member of their large family, so when caring for a person, this indicates that the animal considers the owner a relative.
Innate reflexes
- Cat purring . A loud purr in your lap means your cat is comfortable with you. If he makes such sounds while playing, the animal loves you and expresses a feeling of devotion. Do not forget about the painful or death purring, which is accompanied by anxiety and general malaise of the cat.
- Licking . A peculiar kiss indicates that the pet wants to care for you as one of the members of its family. Therefore, do not throw away or ignore the cat if he decides to lick an open part of the body, ear or neck.
- Meowing . These sounds are intended only for communication with people; cats howl or purr among themselves. If you hear meowing, but the cat is not hungry, he needs communication and love. Pay attention to the animal, it is lonely at the moment.
- Marks territory . Some cats may sometimes deliberately not go to the litter box in order to make it clear to other animals that this is his apartment and owner.
- Removes upholstered furniture . The cat leaves its scent on the furniture, which comes out from under its nails. Most often, the owner's favorite sofa or chair is scratched.
- Pipe tail . If an animal runs towards you with its tail in the air, it is happy to see its owner. Also pay attention to the tip of the tail. If he twitches nervously, the cat loves his owner.
- Shares prey or toys . If a cat likes to catch mice or birds, she can share the catch with her beloved owner. A pet that shows such generosity is grateful for your care and concern. Say thank you and throw away the surprise later. Some pets may share their favorite toys, bringing them to the bed or place in the apartment where you are often.
- Showcasing the tail and hindquarters . The most beloved and protected part of a cat’s body from strangers is the tail. Therefore, the moment he turns his back to you should not embarrass you. A cat loves and accepts whoever it allows to stroke and touch its tail.
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The cat puts marks
Almost all people who find a “surprise” in a shoe or on a bed in the form of cat urine scold the animal very much. This should not be done, because there are several reasons for such a demonstration. The first of them is related to the manifestation of love. Unneutered cats tend to mark all their favorite things, including their owner. Only some do this with fur or tongue, while others do it with urine.
The second reason for marking territory is related to stress. If the cat has never left his marks on the owner’s bed or clothes or shoes before, then he is worried about his safety. The reasons include moving, a change of environment for the animal, a new family member in the house, or a long absence of the owner from the apartment. It’s worth scolding your pet, but there’s no need to punish it – for a cat this condition is already painful.
Don't be gorillas!
Mammals seem to be very close to humans, at the same stage of development, but they are still more inventive in courtship. The male kulan donkey goes out of his way to make the female laugh and charm him: he prances, beats with his hooves, tears up grass and brings it to “his princess” in his teeth, even kneels down! Hares box, antelopes and deer break their antlers for love, dolphins court the dolphin they like for several weeks or even months (!), orangutans sing, male chimpanzees dance for young ladies, and only gorillas - those closest to us - care for women sluggishly, and if Honestly, they don’t care at all. Men! Don't be gorillas!
By the way, in some species of flatworms, pre-nuptial games take place in the form of fencing... with dagger-shaped penises. Actually, they are hermaphrodites (both a boy and a girl at the same time), so both knights try to pierce the opponent’s skin with “this very thing” and inject a seminal charge there, thus becoming a father!
Fluffy tail display
Unlike the belly, which is a vulnerable place that requires protection, the tail is considered a favorite part of cats. Animals need it to coordinate movements, deft jumps, balance, and land on all 4 paws and not on the head. Just like their bellies, cats protect their tails and will not let a stranger or unpleasant person touch the area. Trying to touch the furry part of the tail will result in bites or scratches.
If a cat willingly lets his tail be touched, stands in the middle of the room, raises his pipe and looks invitingly at his owner, this demonstrates love for the person. With this appearance, the animal shows that it is ready for dialogue, demands attention and is not afraid to let its beloved owner touch its tail. You should show care and tenderness, pet the cat, scratch it behind the ear or give it food.
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During the period of love, animals, like us, show nervousness and anxiety. Teenage boys often fuss unnecessarily on dates - and baboons living in the savannas behave in the same way. This was discovered by Barb Smuts, a primate researcher. For several years, she relentlessly observed the daily movements of these monkeys across the Kenyan savannah and described the romance between Thalia and Alexander.
The story began when a teenage female, Thalia, was in heat. For a long time she avoided Alexander, a teenage male who had joined the pack a few months earlier. However, one evening Talia and Alexander found themselves a couple of meters from each other on the rocks, where the flock often roosted for the night. This is how the scientist describes the further development of events:
“Alexander looked to the west, stretching his sharp muzzle towards the setting sun and watching the rest of the monkeys climb the rocks. Thalia was carelessly doing her evening dressing, her thoughts clearly wandering somewhere far away. Every few seconds, without turning her head, she stole glances at Alexander. Her glances became longer and longer, she combed her hair less and less carefully and, finally, stared intently at Alexander, who was sitting in profile towards her. He stirred and turned his head in her direction; she lowered her eyes and began to closely examine her own legs. Alexander looked at her, then turned away. She again fixed her gaze on him, but as soon as he looked in her direction, she again became interested in studying her legs... This game continued... Then, without looking at Thalia, Alexander slowly moved towards her... Thalia froze, looking into his eyes for a second . He continued to move towards her; she stood motionless, turning her back to him, every now and then casting quick, restless glances at him over her shoulder.”
At dawn, Thalia and Alexander were still together.
Many creatures of nature become restless during the courtship period. Describing a pair of shore birds, European avocets, Niko Tinbergen wrote: “The male and female are hastily, restlessly preening their feathers with their beaks.” Giraffes, one of the most graceful creatures on the planet, "wander restlessly" during courtship. But as naturalist George Sculler describes the queen of the jungle: “The lioness in the midst of heat is nervous, she constantly moves from place to place and gracefully rubs against the male.”
The cat shows you its furry butt
A cat's sometimes seemingly incongruous habit of showing off its furry bottom goes back to ancient times. This is how the kittens greeted their mother, waiting for them to return from hunting for prey. This reflex remains in adult modern domestic cats, which, when meeting their owner or jumping onto their laps, turn with their tail and poke their butt in the face.
Not the most pleasant picture speaks of the true love of a pet for a person. This is how the cat shows affection and care and greets you. The procedure is very confidential and emotionally deep for the cat - she will not turn her back to the first person she meets. If she does this all the time, take care of the cat and pet her.
Soft objects crush you or crush you
When cats trample with their paws, they fall into memories of their mother, of how they drank milk, of course, without realizing it, but only imitating emotional moments. In this process, they are extremely defenseless, so they will only do this when they trust and love their person.
Cats are beautiful creatures and they want human love, and believe me, they also know how to demonstrate it, despite the myths about narcissism, aloofness and independence. No, they love their owners very much .
Photo: pixabay