If the owner is not satisfied with the usual cat litter box for aesthetic reasons and the cost of permanent
The most effective antibacterial drug "Azithromycin" for cats is used to cure various infectious diseases in the animal.
Most pet owners don't think about the fact that their pet may be infected with parasites.
General information about the onset of pregnancy in Bengals After the mating season, which lasts for this breed
The danger of cat bites and scratches for humans Cats - both street and domestic
4467Pavel The reason that a cat chases its tail lies in its biology. Felines
It’s rare that an animal pleases its owners with absolute health and never gets sick. And how would
Storage conditions In order for the antibiotic to retain its medicinal properties until the end of its shelf life, it is important to ensure
Acne in cats is a skin condition that appears as rashes. The most interesting,
The main diseases affecting the ears of cats are hematoma; shell necrosis; lymphatic extravasate; internal and median otitis; outer