Nicknames for British cats: examples of interesting names

Purebred cats born in nurseries are immediately rewarded with respectable nicknames, and outbred babies also respond to simple names. However, there are many criteria by which it is recommended to come up with nicknames for ginger kittens.

Let's find out how to choose a name for an animal with a fiery color, what rules should be followed, and which ones are better to forget about.

Basic criteria for choosing a nickname

When choosing the most suitable nickname for your black pet, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • The name should be easy to pronounce and consist of 2-3 syllables. There is no need to give cats names that are difficult for the owner to pronounce or difficult for the animal to remember.
  • It is necessary to choose a euphonious nickname so that the kitten’s owners do not have to blush while loudly calling the animal by name.
  • In order for the baby to perceive his name well, it must contain hissing and whistling sounds.
  • Take into account the color of the coat, eyes, character traits (playfulness, equanimity, laziness) and the gender of the kitten.
  • The name must correspond to the baby’s breed, so as not to give him a nickname that is characteristic only of a certain breed of cat, for example, Scottish.
  • Choose a universal nickname that suits your pet at any age.

The ideal names chosen for four-legged babies should please both them and their owners.

The chosen name should please the kitten


Fire names are often taken as a basis when choosing a name for red-haired children. According to statistics, only 2% of people have naturally fiery hair color. But today sunny names are especially popular, because it is believed that they can endow the baby with new character traits that will help him be more persistent in life and purposeful, but at the same time give the child an additional range of emotions.

Should hair color be highlighted in the name?

During the times of Ancient Greece, it was believed that names for red-haired people should be chosen very carefully and in no case should the child highlight this hair color, because after death he will be doomed to become a vampire.

But modern research has shown that red-haired people are naturally more energetic and passionate people, so you can additionally strengthen these character traits by giving your baby a fiery name. It is also interesting that Napoleon was also red-haired, but in addition, the parents chose a fiery name for the red-haired boy, because literally translated it means “red” or “fire.”

In addition, often hearing a name, people associate it with a certain appearance of a person. For example, the names Gina or Sophie are most often associated with brunettes, Elizabeth and Jessica with brown-haired women. Of course, you don’t have to highlight the hair color in the name, but you can additionally emphasize the person’s appearance and reveal his spiritual qualities, ardor and emotionality, which is what names for redheads will help with.

Current fire names for red-haired girls

It is worth turning to mythology, because often it is from it that you can glean the most ancient names for red-haired girls that suit them perfectly. Interestingly, the name Tabiti, which means “goddess of love and fire,” is gaining popularity among Tatar and some Muslim peoples today. Another name already associated with Slavic mythology, Dodola is the name of the goddess of lightning. It is believed that it represents the fire element.

You can also mention the ancient Roman name Vesta, which in the past was borne by the goddess of home fire, or Agni, the goddess of fire in India; they also most successfully emphasize fire names, female in origin.

Recently, experts recommend paying attention to such fiery names that are ideal for red-haired children:

  • Elizabeth
    , a Hebrew name that reflects a person’s bright character, as well as the ability to achieve a goal. She may seem emotionless on the surface, but she harbors a storm of emotions inside her.
  • Alena
    , a Greek name that literally translates as “sunny”, “shining”. This name characterizes a strong and strong-willed woman, but at the same time cheerful and firmly standing on the ground.
  • Daria
    , Greek name. This is a variant of the male name Darius, which literally means “lord of fire.” On the other hand, the name Daria also has Persian roots and means “great fire.”
  • Alina, French or German name. It is interesting that among these peoples the names Adeline and Alina are considered related. This name was also popular in Greece and meant “sun ray”
  • Seraphim
    , Hebrew name, fiery six-winged angel. This name also has a male counterpart - Seraphim. Such girls have an easy-going character, are quite active in life and work hard.
  • Ariadne
    , has both Jewish and Muslim roots, symbolizes the sun goddess. However, in some peoples it is interpreted as sacred and immaculate. If we translate the name from Hebrew, it means a lioness or a warlike woman. Such people are very sociable, but sometimes too shy
  • Ioannina
    , a Slavic name that symbolizes the sun goddess. Such women are very sensitive and try to be in the company of people all the time. Reserved and easy to talk to, but sometimes strive to control everything around them
  • Jaromira
    , Slavic name which means solar world. It has a male counterpart - Jaromir. Such women are very talented and always know how to choose the right words to others, they can be principled
  • Gella
    , a Greek name, means a sunny woman or a shining one. Such women are quite soft and can make concessions, have good physical shape, and often gravitate toward male society.

Interestingly, the female name “sunny” is very popular in other countries. For example, we can highlight a group of Baltic names. One of the most famous is Gabia, meaning the goddess of fire and sun. But another sunny name Gintare symbolizes amber or a red-haired woman. The Baltic name Saule is the only one that literally translates as “sun”.

Greek history is also rich in solar names. Among them we can highlight such as Khalianta, which means “beautiful sunny flower” or the familiar name Nellie, which symbolizes a sunny woman. But the name Fotina symbolizes a radiant person; it has a male version. The Greek name Evlampia, which is quite common in Russia, means “pleasant light”, and such girls are also very kind, sometimes they can yield leadership even to their competitor.

Sunny girl names can be multifaceted. For example, among the names of Jewish origin, you can choose the most suitable names for red-haired girls. Among them are Eliana, which means “sun,” Ramina, which translates as “child of the sun,” or another name that has a similar meaning – Anariel.

But among the English names one can highlight the name Adena, which means “sun”. Interestingly, the Latvian name Lesma, which translates as “flame,” began to be used quite recently and has already gained popularity among Slavic countries. But the original Bulgarian name Iskra, which means a small light, is not popular among residents of Russia and is popular only in its homeland.

There are also Arabic names that are suitable for fiery girls: Shamsi and Juna. These names symbolize a bright and sunny person. But the Armenian name Zara is immortalized in the history of this people, because in the past it was borne by the priestess of the fire temple.

One of the most popular Hungarian names, Ilona, ​​is also a fiery name and is translated as a “bright” woman. Living in the 18th century, she became famous for organizing and leading the heroic defense of Mukachevo Castle (today in Ukraine), which lasted more than a year. It was then that she showed her ardent and persistent character in front of the enemy. That’s why they tend to give truly strong women this name.

We can also highlight the most unusual fire names in the world. Among these are Yoko, which means "child of the sun" in Japanese, Keche, a Mari name that has a similar meaning. It is also interesting that during the Soviet era, red-haired girls were often given the name Anfisa, which at that time gained extraordinary popularity, but today it no longer occupies a leading position.

Current fire names for red-haired boys

Very often, if you want to highlight the special appearance of a child, then you remember the names of the ancient gods - the sun or the lords of one of the elements - fire. Among these we can note the ancient Slavic gods – Khorsa and Yaril, who bore the male name “solar”.

Perhaps the most popular name for red-haired boys in Europe is Phoenix. This is the name given to the mythical bird that is reborn and dies in fire. Moreover, it is worth considering that many peoples have their own analogues: Rarog among the Slavs, especially Czechs and Slovaks, Finist among the Greeks.

Experts advise paying attention to such fiery names. The male names below are the most current in recent years in Russia:

  • Walery
    , a Slavic name, means “fiery energy” or one who is protected by the sun. Such men are not afraid of obstacles in life; despite their emotionality and ardor, they will never get involved in fights, but will resolve issues peacefully. This name should not be confused with the name Valery, it has a different meaning
  • Photin
    , a Greek name that symbolizes a bright person. Such a man is creative and cheerful, but can sometimes be too reckless. Very vulnerable at heart, but tries to show altruism in life
  • Agniy
    , both a Greek and Slavic name, means a fiery man. The word "agni" from Greek means "fire". The name also denotes a bright, pure and enlightened person. In life he knows how to adapt to a certain situation, he is cheerful and good-natured.
  • Fire expert
    , a Slavic name, means a person who knows the essence of fire. Another name related to this is Ognedar, which means one who makes sacrifices to fire. These men are very friendly. Sometimes they may seem too simple to others, but at the same time they are not without a special spark.

It is interesting that among the Slavic or Greek names one can often note others that are suitable for red-haired boys. Among them: Augustine, Artemon, Agapit, George, Darius, Eudokim, Plato, Severin. It is interesting that Plato is often described as a fiery boy who has been efficient and assertive since childhood, although the name itself in translation means a broad-shouldered man.

It is worth highlighting a group of Baltic names that are suitable for fiery people: Gintaras, which translated means a person with amber hair, or Zhintaras, which has a similar meaning. The name Linas literally means a lion ready to jump, which symbolizes a strong-willed person, a leader in life, and often indicates his specific appearance.

English names also have in their arsenal those that are suitable for sunny children. The name Aden is considered one of the most ancient here and means “fire”. Another name that also symbolizes fire is Edan. But quite rarely, Conley translated means “purification by fire.”

Interestingly, Scandinavian names have been gaining popularity lately. Which among them are suitable for red-haired boys? Experts identify the following: Vulcan, which symbolizes the god of fire and crafts, or the ancient name Solgerd, which means “protection of the sun.” Recently, the following fire names have gained the most popularity: Brand, which means “fire” and Kenneth, born in fire.

Among the most unusual names, it is worth paying attention to Kagutsuchi, which has Japanese roots and means the god of fire and volcanoes. This also includes the Muslim name Yadar, symbolizing a fiery man.

These are the names numerologists recommend for red-haired children, since they will be able to reveal all facets of a person - from emotional to creative. It is also interesting that such names add charm to anyone who bears them, and some of them are even among the most sweet-sounding names in the world. What name to choose for your baby is up to the parents to decide, but those who are trying to find a sunny and fiery name for their child should take a closer look at the proposed options.

Popular and beautiful nicknames for kittens with black fur

Beautiful and common nicknames intended for cats will help you find a suitable name for your pet. Kittens with black coat color can be given the following names:

  • Simple ones - Murzik, Murka, Vaska, Barsik, Mashka.
  • Russians - Kuzma, Tikhon, Epifan, Yakov, Maria, Daria.
  • By coat color - Blackie, Schwartzik, Noir, Ugolyok, Gypsy, Sazhka, Smolka, Spanka, Find, Naitik, Africa, Afri, Negra.
  • From countries where dark-skinned and black-eyed people live - Carmen, Consuelo, Conchitta, Juan, Alejandro, Pancho, Dolores, Lorenzo, Mucho.
  • Mysterious, mysterious - Magic, Bagheera, Priest, Mystic, Darling, Kolyadka, Vorozhka, Misty.
  • Depending on character and temperament - Jazzy, Jazzman (for bright, sparkling natures). A real sleepyhead can be called by the name of the god of sleep - Morpheus, Morphy; temperamental, vengeful pussies - Fury, Fury, Furor; cats and cats with a balanced character - Ebony. An important, proud cat would be given the name Hussar, Marquis, Sultan; the thief and mischief maker's nicknames are Hooligan, Zhigan; energetic animals - Spark, Rocket, Shustrik, Energetik. For those who love good food, you can choose the names Hamster, Obzhorka, Dumpling.
  • Starting with the letter “Ch” - Chernysh, Chernyshka, Chernyavka, Chernushka, Chui, Chichi. Chucho, Sorcerer, Miracle, Miracle Man, Enchantress.

The black cat can be called Blackie

Names for black cats girls with meaning

The black cat is often considered a creature endowed with mystical powers. To enhance them, the names of objects used as amulets and amulets are used in the nickname of this animal. The names of precious (semi-precious) stones are associated with the color black, so nicknames with meaning for cats can be:

  • Agate, in accordance with the agate stone, relieves insomnia, nightmares, and stress.
  • Jet. This is the name of a coal-black stone that protects against damage, the evil eye, and evil spirits.
  • Augita (by the name of the mineral) - to attract good luck and money to the house.

Since black cats are considered mystical symbols, they are often given beautiful Japanese names with a specific meaning:

  • Aiko (Aika), the meaning of the name is beloved.
  • Miyako (Miya) – means child of the night.
  • Akiko (Akita) – autumn.
  • Amayo (Amaya), its meaning is rainy night.
  • Hoshi (Hoshina) – asterisk.

A suitable name for a black cat is Mia - child of the night

Russian names can also be cat names:

  • Asya, it means a city dweller.
  • Angela is interpreted as angelic.
  • Violetta, its meaning is violet.
  • Vasilisa is regal.
  • Darina, she is a winner.
  • Elizabeth is God's oath.
  • Kira is a mistress.
  • Kaleria is hot.

Famous redheads

External originality always carries within itself extraordinary qualities, talents, and abilities. From ancient times to the present, history includes many famous people with a “sunny appearance”. These include people of art (Leonardo da Vinci, Vivaldi, Van Gogh), scientists (Galileo Galilei), rulers (Emperor Nero, William the Conqueror, George Washington), etc. All of them left a bright mark and confirmed their supernatural originality.

Famous red-haired people of our time are also seen in Hollywood cinema (Mila Jovovich, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore). On the Russian stage this is Nikita Dzhigurda, the group “Brothers Grim”, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. All these red-haired celebrities are united by creativity, independent spirit and great charisma.

Names for black cats boys with meaning

Cats can also be called by names that reflect the names of precious stones and carry a certain meaning:

  • Onyx. The black mineral of the same name removes spells and helps to acquire and increase wealth.
  • Morion. Black quartz with this name absorbs negative energy, transforming it into positive.
  • Carbonado, named after the black diamond.

Japanese names with meanings are also suitable for cats:

  • Honte is a leader.
  • Hotaru (Hotar), otherwise - firefly.
  • Atsuko (Atsuk), meaning - warm.
  • Daiti means smart, intelligent.
  • Naoki (Nao) – correct.
  • Kyoko, its meaning is a happy baby.
  • Nari, equivalent to thunder.
  • Sin, interpreted as real.
  • Tsukiko (Tsuko) – lunar.

The cat can be called by Russian names with the meaning:

  • Bogdan means given by God.
  • Grigory, otherwise - not sleeping.
  • Stepan, this name means wreath.
  • Trofim is the breadwinner.
  • Timothy is a person who worships God.

A black cat can be given the name Stepan, Stepashka

Such names with a certain meaning given to black kittens will emphasize not only their color, but will also make their owners real magical protectors.

Interesting Facts

  • Red-haired people make up only 2% of the entire planet. This is approximately 20 thousand people. Of course, this number includes people who were born with red hair, and who did not have their hair chemically dyed.
  • A larger percentage of red-haired people live in Scotland and Ireland. In Russia, the largest number of them is concentrated in the Udmurt Republic.
  • Red-haired girls are often called vampires because of their complex and unbridled nature. Perhaps these are echoes of medieval prejudices.
  • In the same connection, two phenomena arose in psychology: gingerism and gingerophobia. The first includes a prejudiced attitude towards “sunny” people, their intimidation and discrimination. The second phenomenon is the other side of the moment, the fear of redheads.
  • Scientists suggest that in a century and a half the gene for red-haired people will disappear. Although this idea is quite controversial, and only time can confirm it.

Names of black cats and cats depending on breed

For black pets, nicknames can be chosen in accordance with the breed of these animals:

  • Persians can be called Persis, Persian, Pierce, Peach.
  • Scottish Fold - Shotty, Scotty, Sheba, Folly. Cattle
  • Devon Rex kittens - Hamlet, Rex, Batman, Elf, Schnapps, Fly, Chip, Dixie.
  • American Curls - Oscar, Zidane, Jimmy, Floris, Tessa, Condor.
  • Siberian cats and cats - Aramis, Mars, Boys, Perseya, Nevka, Sima.
  • Kurilian Bobtails - Raven, Voodoo, Corby, Mocha, Ombre, Chai.

Photo gallery: cat names according to breed

The Persian black cat can be given the nickname Persian

A suitable name for a Scottish Fold kitten is Scotty.

The Devon Rex cat can be called Chip, and the cat can be called Rex

A suitable name for a black American Curl is Jimmy.

Siberian cat will love the name Aramis

The Kurilian Bobtail can be called Mocha

In honor of your favorite heroes

You can also name your pet after a character from your favorite movie, cartoon or book.

Boy Girl
Salem (cat from the TV series "Sabrina")

Barrymore (from Sherlock)

Artemis (from Sailor Moon)

Hippopotamus (from The Master and Margarita)

Simba, Mufasa, Sarabi (from The Lion King)

Orion (from "Love in Black")

Nala, Zira (from The Lion King)

Bagheera (from The Jungle Book)

Mitten (from "Volt")

Demeter (from "Cat")

Jonesy (from Alien)

Luna (from Sailor Moon)

Foreign nicknames

Foreign nicknames are suitable for cats and black cats.

Male kittens can be called:

  • Black (black, in English).
  • Negro (black, English).
  • Dark (dark, English).
  • Schwartz (black, German).
  • Noir (black, French).
  • Nero (black, Italian).
  • Musta (black, in Finnish).
  • Corby (dark-haired, English).

A black kitten can be given a foreign name: Dark, dark

Nicknames for girls:

  • Schwartz (black, German).
  • Nori (black, French).
  • Tumma (dark, in Finnish).
  • Darky (dark, English).
  • Mavra (black, Greek).
  • Melanie (dark, Greek).
  • Leila (born at night, Arabic).

A suitable name for a black cat is Mavra - black in Greek

List of names

Names for ginger cats:

  • Altynai;
  • Amigo;
  • Azarchik;
  • Agnis;
  • Barsik;
  • Banana;
  • Barbossa;
  • Brigantine;
  • Bandit;
  • Whiskey;
  • Vinnie;
  • Hector;
  • Generalissimo;
  • Herald;
  • Geshka;
  • Grillage;
  • Golden;
  • Jory;
  • Dorado;
  • Diaz;
  • Elizarus;
  • Hedgehog;
  • Zhorzhik;
  • Jean Jacques;
  • Zeus;
  • Zart;
  • Zaur;
  • Egan;
  • Ildarchik;
  • Irius;
  • Kotofeich;
  • Cayenne;
  • Copper;
  • Kadir;
  • Christian;
  • Cake;
  • Lucky;
  • Lurie;
  • Ray;
  • Mandarin;
  • Mars (after the red planet);
  • Marrakesh;
  • Honey cake;
  • Muffin;
  • Mocha;
  • Nafanya;
  • Nusku;
  • Orange;
  • Dandelion;
  • Olsen;
  • Pampurik;
  • Flame;
  • Pepper;
  • Proxy;
  • Red;
  • Roy;
  • Ruth;
  • Rajah;
  • Romeo;
  • Roxy;
  • Seraphim;
  • Samuel;
  • Syoma;
  • Sebastian;
  • Tamarind;
  • Tabasco;
  • Tod;
  • Tiger;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Utan;
  • Fred;
  • Flynn;
  • Flambeau;
  • Hunter;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Citrus;
  • Chile;
  • Chipster;
  • Shimon;
  • Saffron;
  • Aidan;
  • Amber;
  • Julius;
  • Yusup;
  • Amber;
  • I grew up;
  • Yamal.

Names for cats

Nicknames for red-haired girls that sound original and are perfect for fluffy sunny pets:

  • Alice;
  • Aurora;
  • Ainur;
  • Orange;
  • Aine;
  • Burgundy;
  • Bali;
  • Bead;
  • Vanilla;
  • Freckle;
  • Vesta;
  • Mitten;
  • Gel;
  • Hexa;
  • Gloria;
  • Juice;
  • Gina;
  • Dina;
  • Eve;
  • Giselle;
  • Jeanette;
  • Josephine;
  • Zolotko;
  • Zarya;
  • Zlata;
  • Zira;
  • Toffee;
  • Indie;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Kelma;
  • Claire;
  • Kitsune;
  • Caulk;
  • Candy;
  • Lumina;
  • Lapulya;
  • Fox;
  • Laura;
  • Carrot;
  • Maniola;
  • Milena;
  • Mandy;
  • Narine;
  • Nancy;
  • Nyusha;
  • Orelia;
  • Oldie;
  • Paprika;
  • Papaya;
  • Parris;
  • Pitti;
  • Rufina;
  • Radisson;
  • Romana;
  • Rufina;
  • Simone;
  • Cecil;
  • Siren;
  • Solana;
  • Sima;
  • Surine;
  • Tigger;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Tami;
  • Tracy;
  • Tikki;
  • Uska;
  • Fiona;
  • Philomina;
  • Flaty;
  • Fly;
  • Fluorine;
  • Holly;
  • Chimera;
  • Tsilya;
  • Alice;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Andy;
  • Juliana;
  • Eugene;
  • Utah;
  • Ioannina;
  • Yara;
  • Yasina;
  • Jadwiga.

Cool nicknames for cats and black cats

You can give a black cat or kitty a cool nickname:

  • contrasting name - Lady, Madame, Snowflake, Fortune, Snow;
  • nicknames reflecting the names of cars, computers and other equipment - Audi, Mazda, Ford, Flash Drive, WiFi, Mouse, SMS;
  • other funny names - Chimney Sweep, Dirty, Monkey, Gorilla, Pepper, Brandy, Funnel, Chekushka, Mop, Piggy, Yozhka, Chuchundra, Zhmurka, Klusha, Hug, Furik, Ink, Shurshik.

The black cat can be funny called Shurshik

My family has a big, black, fluffy cat called Barsik, whose short name is Basya. It should be noted that he is happy with his nickname and responds well to it.

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